medicinally是什么意思   medicinally怎么读

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adv. 用药物, 当做药

r. in a medicinal manner





Acting medicinally by absorption through the skin.


Used medicinally to treat bladder infections and stomach aches.


Used medicinally for tonsillitis, sore throat, and dysentery.


a tasteless colorless powder used medicinally as a cathartic.

一种无味无色的粉末, 医学上用作泻药。

The dried rhizomes of this plant,used medicinally as a sedative.


This species is used medicinally and is a widely distributed, noxious weed.


The dried rhizomes of this plant, used medicinally as a sedative.


Yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives.

产生的物质用在医药上, 特别是催吐剂和泻剂。

The roots are used medicinally for epilepsy, hydrophobia, and detoxifying viper bites.


Rhizomes edible. Entire plant used medicinally to treat traumatic injury and scabies.


I started out in medicine, in general medicine.

我一开始学的是药学 综合诊疗

The pharmacist gave him gout medicine instead of cough medicine.


And we found out that some people in neibourhood were choosing food over medicine or medicine over food.

我们还发现附近有些人 吃饭便吃不起药 吃药便吃不起饭

To me at least, a student of medicine for three decades, this is the biggest shakeup in the history of medicine by far.

至少对我 一个从医三十年的学生而言 这是我目前见证的医学史上最大的变革

Sometimes they take too much medicine or they take the wrong kind of medicine, a kind that they shouldn't ever have taken at all.

有时候他们吃了太多药 或是吃了错误的药 一种他们根本就不该吃的药

And that right there is an example of how we're leaving behind what he would call the old medicine, how we're finally dragging the field of medicine into the digital age.

而这就是一个范例 告诉我们 他口中的旧医学如何一步步被淘汰 我们最终如何 引领医学领域进入数字化时代

So medicines that target that damage are much, much less likely to have unacceptable side effects than medicines that try to manipulate the body so as to stop the damage from being created in the first place.

因此 针对损伤的药物 相对来说极少极少可能 有不可接受的副作用 比针对全身的药物 所以 要减少损伤的产生 在最开始的时候

He has performed that which medicine could not.


Here are some spirits I have for medicine.

喝点酒吧 就当是吃药了

No, it's medicinal. It's for your nerves.

不 这是药用酒 能够舒缓神经