n.<美口>专家,内行n.<口语> 专家, 行家 =mavin
Noun1. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
名词 maven:
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
同义词:ace, adept, champion, sensation, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz
maven[ 'meivin ]n.someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
maven 内行,专家 来自希伯来语mabhin,智者,贤人,能理解的人。后词义通用化指内行,专家。maven用法和例句:
Multiple web modules based on maven, single module can be run and deploy.
基于maven的多模块Web应用, 独立模块可以单独运行及发布.
You'll be a negotiating maven if you do this.
Multiple web modules based on maven, single module can be run and deploy.
- 基于maven的多模块Web应用,独立模块可以单独运行及发布。
Tags: Backup , Maven , Server , Tutorial , Webserver .。
0 评论 标签: 备份,Maven 的, 服务器, 教程, 网页服务器。
Tags: Apache , Gentoo , Java , Maven , Tutorial , Webserver .。
0 评论 标签: 阿帕奇,Gentoo 的, 爪哇 ,Maven的, 教程, 网页服务器。
Where Ant is only an XML scripting tool, Maven is a general build tool, focused on the notion of a
Apache Maven offers a promising solution for these issues.
Apache Maven承诺解决这些问题。
Apache Maven is used to build and deploy all the code for the example in this article.
Apache Maven用来构建和部署这篇文章中的全部示例代码。
The data from the maven of bond research, W.Braddock Hickman, shows that junk debt outperforms high quality only in rare situations, because of the default risk.
FIT also works with Maven quite nicely with the addition of a plug-in, as shown in Listing 3.
Maven: Let's go grab a hot chocolate. I'll run down a few more Scrum antipatterns and patterns to help you out in the next sprint.
Maven: 我们先吃点巧克力,我会说说scrum中反模式和运行模式,帮你在下一个sprint中走的更好。
Maven allows you to begin by using any Ant build scripts your projects might already use.
Maven simply downloads all the dependent artifacts the first time the application is compiled.
Maven is gaining recognition as a general build system and is beginning to outrun Java technology.
Maven combines a project object model with a powerful XML scripting language to provide such a tool.
Maven is an alternative to Ant that works especially well for project management tasks.
Maven is a set of standards, a repository format, and a piece of software used to manage and describe projects.
One of most useful features of Maven is its ability to automatically run tests on the projects and to aggregate the test results into overview pages.
Maven automatically compiles classes that have changed before packaging the artifacts, so you do not have to worry about this.
Maven: Errrr, yeah, I guess. Let's look at some of your troubles. What kind of items did you have on your product backlog?
Motley: 你的意思是有可能让scrum不那么烂? Maven:嗯,差不多吧,让我们聊聊你们的麻烦吧!你们在产品backlog里面放了什么东西?
Maven: How much time do you spend talking to people, responding to e-mail, surfing the web, taking bathroom breaks, attending meetings, etc.?
motley: 好吧,我觉得t50%有点低,97%怎么样,我们人干事都特有效率。 Maven:那你每天花多少时间谈话,回邮件,上网,还有上厕所,还有参加会议,等等。
[Context: Motley's team has just completed it's first two week sprint and had some issues. Motley wants some help from Maven to get some best practices]
A maven is the go-to person when people have questions regarding the field.To be a maven, you should have deep curiosity and deep desire to learn.
One planned product, Nexus, will be a repository manager for Maven.
Richard Wolfenden, an enzyme maven at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and his colleagues published that finding in a recent Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Readers not familiar with Maven may wonder what all this talk of
To add dynamism to the Ant tasks, Maven also uses the Jelly scripting language.
To avoid downloading files on every build, Maven automatically caches the necessary dependencies in a local repository when they first download.
For a link to the Maven Web site.
以链接到Maven Web站点。
The data from the maven of bond research, W.
Maven is still far away from 1-click use software.
One drawback when using Maven is the fact that Maven is not yet extensively documented; therefore, the usage of Maven in critical projects still needs some evaluation.
Using this sample application, you should now be able to take advantage of Maven and XDoclet to simplify your enterprise application development process.
Fashion maven and socialite Nicky Hilton employs the services of the Project Runway designers to make her a party dress.
His mother's brother did, too.Looking back on it, you might say the genes preordained that he would be a basketball maven.
Unpack the files and run the maven command in the PhoneBook directory.
Before I answer that question, let me emphasize that Maven and Ant target two different aspects of the build problem.
After you have all these XML files in place, you can run the Maven build script provided with the example to quickly build all the source code.
In the past the company has hosted celebrities including President Carter, home and garden maven Martha Stewart and U2 rocker Bono.
In these examples, I ve used the default layout for a Maven Web application.
在这些例子中,我使用了Maven Web应用程序的默认布局。
The strategy of enhancing our talents means that we should foster the strength we have as a Connector, a Maven, or a Salesman.
增加我们才智的方法意味着我们要促进成为一名联络者,一名行家, 或是一名销售者的优势方面。
How can knowing whether you are a Connector, a Maven, or a Salesman improve your life?
如何知道你是个联络者,一名行家, 或是一名销售者来提高生活?
If a dependency to an open source library exists, Maven can download this library automatically.
Completely scrapping Ant or Maven and using Groovy for the entire build process would be a bit extreme in this case.
Through its rich set of plugins that are already available, Maven is an amazing tool for all build-related activities that need automated tasks.
nbsp; use or not use maven in team:
I hope you will download Maven to give it a spin.
The deployment of the application is performed by the Geronimo Deployment Maven plug-in mentioned earlier.
应用程序的部署是通过上述的Geronimo Deployment Maven插件执行的。
A maven is the go-to person when people have questions regarding the field.
When you reach that expertise level, and you believe Maven is the way to go, please help Maven grow by submitting patches to the community.
Of course, you can attempt the build before doing the above work and see which files Maven cannot find, and then install only those files.
You will be able to run Maven from the command line, as well as through the development environment using a plugin.
Whether you're a beginner or an FPS maven, you'll love this.
You'll be a negotiating maven if you do this.
A longtime friend and freelance Web designer, Zhou Yan, has become Mr.Shi's publicity maven.
Max Maven is a man who seems to know what you are thinking, he is known for performing what seem to be miracles with no possible explanation.
This profile of Max Maven is built around his lifelong exploration of the twilight regions of human psychology and some of the lesser known regions of show business.
In addition, both Maven and Eclipse are open and can easily be extended through plug-ins to fit your needs.
However, the overall picture of Maven suggests that this tool will be used in more and more projects in the future and the community will grow fast.
That was the easy part because Rodriguez always has been a workout maven,
The results show that market maven personality is the most important factor.
The research was led by Guoqing Liu of Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Beijing University of Technology and Xuejian Guo, the lead engineer of Maven Optics .
Maven: It's not mandatory, but if you feel it makes you more productive, go for it!
Maven: What's wrong with my haircut?
Maven: Each person should be assigned one task during planning so that they know what to work on.
Maven: This is planning on a very high level.
Food maven Ruth Reichl thinks the current cupcake fling is fleeting.
OK, I’ve written enough to spill some oil to the flame-war fire.Now to the point of this article: are Maven and Ant our only choices?Is there really nothing better than that?
This element is essential to the correct operation of the automatic deployment feature of the Maven build script.
and serial divorcee Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan), the free spirited real estate maven whose love life has everyone buzzing.
还有一位多次离婚的Edie Britt,地产经济人,她的爱情生活也是一团糟。
CubicTest featres an innovative test recorder and test runner based on Selenium RC which are fully integrated with the graphical test editor.Tests can also be run standalone from Maven 2.
The POM.xml need to be corrected by other who is more familiar with Maven;
Start your designer career in fashion school, then work your way up to your own workshop and eventually become a fashion maven.
用作名词(n.)You'll be a negotiating maven if you do this.
The results show that market maven personality is the most important factor.