vt.使复活; 复兴,重新使用; 挖出vi.复活,复苏v.使复活, 复兴, 挖出
第三人称单数:resurrects;过去式:resurrected;过去分词:resurrected;现在分词:resurrecting;名词: resurrector | 动词过去式: resurrected | 动词过去分词: resurrected | 动词现在分词: resurrecting | 动词第三人称单数: resurrects |
Verb1. cause to become alive again;
"raise from the dead"
"Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"
"Upraising ghosts"
2. restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state;
"He revived this style of opera"
"He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"
3. return from the dead;
"Christ is risen!"
"The dead are to uprise"
动词 resurrect:
cause to become alive again
同义词:raise, upraise
restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state
return from the dead
同义词:rise, uprise
resurrect[ ,rezə'rekt ]v.cause to become alive again
"Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"
restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state"He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"
return from the dead同义词:riseuprise
Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once...
Sam Torrance is the man I have to thank for resurrecting my career.
Mass Resurrect: Like Resurrect, but works on multiple friendly souls simultaneously.
群体复活: 类似于复活,但同时对多个目标有效.
Proof # 10 : Angels do not resurrect people when they gather them for judgment.
证据 # 10: 当天使聚集人受审判时,他们没有使人复活.
Ferguson could resurrect his interest in January, but Hargreaves is unlikely to dwell on the subject.
弗格森把希望寄托在一月, 但是哈格里夫斯不太可能再考虑这件事.
Included in Napoleon's plan to resurrect France a ministry to encourage French industry.
In a few cases, I tried to resurrect some of the executives.
在某些情况下, 我也想让有些高级职员改弦更张.
Angel who wanted to resurrect Shaher. Was killed by Alphonse in the Garden of Memories.
Resurrect: A Priestess can resurrect friendly characters, bringing them back from the dead to fight anew.
复活: 女祭司可以复活己方同伴, 让他们重新投入战斗.
Read the epitaph, our only salvation lie In resurrect the dead and burying the living.
念过许多墓志铭之后, 会想到我们(这个世界)的唯一获救之路就在于让死人统统复活而把活人统统埋葬.
The air network performance can be called " resurrect. "
此次空中网业绩可谓是 “ 起死回生 ”.
One can then resurrect and reconstitute all molecules.
To resurrect the dead, power He gave you.
复兴死了, 他给了你的力量.
In any case, most outlawed parties resurrect themselves under a new name.
无论如何, 多数被禁的政党更名易姓开始复兴.
That noise is enough to resurrect the dead!
Nothing is impossible and the intent to resurrect and ascend everything.
Adn on the contrary , in 2010 , I could resurrect and start winning tourny after tourny.
也或许到2010年, 我突然重生,赢了一场又一场.
Resurrect spells come at later levels.
We must resurrect market discipline as a complement to prudential supervision.
Tynam had killed Radenbaugh to resurrect him Miller.
If we cannot resurrect, the moral angel will never patronize our sullied spiritual habitat.
不能复活, 道德天使永远不会光顾我们被玷污的精神栖息地.
Biood of the enemy , forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe.
仇敌的血,被迫献出, 可使你的敌人复活.
Archangels can use Resurrect only once during a combat.
The skills required to resurrect a fallen firm are also in fresh demand.
That affair was finally laid to rest years ago. Don't go and resurrect it again.
那件事几年前就无人过问了, 别去翻老账了.
Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.
In 1893, Coubertin invited sportsmen from all over the world to Paris and announced his plan to resurrect the Olympics in 1896 in Athens.
If we cannot resurrect, we no longer have the power of success.This power is the relay baton placed on us by our parents and they hoped we can take the happiness to the future generations.
If we cannot resurrect, we only can spend our lives in the bottom of society, just like the cricket ant, and miss the splendid chapter in our lives.
If we cannot resurrect, we cannot obtain our power, the truly glorious and free lives, which awarded when we came into this world.
If we cannot resurrect, our true goodness, all virtues, and the cries of justice, are eclipsed by the degeneration of ourselves. We will be locked on the historical shame column.
If we cannot resurrect, our filthy soul would be locked in a heavy shackle and finally there is one day that we suffer in the pain of regret, and unable to pass away serenely.
If we cannot resurrect, the moral angel will never patronize our sullied spiritual habitat.
Expert can resurrect 1 of 1 killed, GM - 2 of 2 killed, GM+Cardinal - 3 of 3 killed.
China wants to resurrect a one-point-two billion dollar deal to explore Iraq's al-Ahdab oil field that it had signed with former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
In order for copyright law to be able to accept the claims of the photographer as a co-equal author, it becomes important to resurrect the creative subject who had disappeared into the machine.
Corpse running means to run your character's ghost or wisp to the site of your fallen body to resurrect there.
Adn on the contrary, in 2010, I could resurrect and start winning tourny after tourny.
Perhaps I`ll bring his daughter as well - after I kill her and resurrect her as a wight.Or perhaps not.
In fact, nations wanting to curry favor with resource-rich Mongolia are supporting its attempts to resurrect its past.
Blood of the enemy forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe.
Biood of the enemy, forcibly taken you will resurrect your foe.
Today's life is not the life that we imagined originally.If we cannot resurrect, can we obtain the hope of rebirth?
They wanted to resurrect a mythologized rural past, while at the same time advocating ideas that would inevitably bring urban influences into the countryside.
They will resurrect you at the graveyard with your gear intact.
Any and all magic and/or technology that can miraculously resurrect a secondary character who has given up his/her life through self sacrifice will be outlawed and destroyed.
You could resurrect a thousand words to deceive me more and more A thousand words will give the reasons why I don't need you anymore
One must resurrect the form evenly or the body temperature will become imbalanced.
Resurrect Effect: This spell brings a fallen ally back to life.
The skills required to resurrect a fallen firm are also in fresh demand.
One who resurrect the dead, and the one who create from nothing.
Ancestral Spirit - Allows a Spirit Walker to resurrect dead non-Hero Tauren.
Life Drain >>>When attacking enemy units, this creature can drain their health and use it to restore its own, or even to resurrect some killed creatures.Life drained is half the damage inflicted.
If the very originators of the inventions and discoveries no longer claim them,and if even their memory of them has faded,why should their inheritors trouble to resurrect their lost claims?
Embodying the records of another will only lead to distortion and death, as it will create a non-resonant and dissonant cellular structure that will decay rather than resurrect.
Area-Effect; 25 MP, Range 5, AOE 1-5; Banishes undead (can't resurrect). Spell does not affect undead that are reviving. AOE broadens as user's INT increases.
“It's only in the last, say, 40 years that women artists have become important enough as a subject for study that we've been able to resurrect their reputations,” says Susan Fisher Sterling.
It is only as one moves out of time that one ceases to age and then can resurrect decayed parts of the form, de-aging oneself.
Any player can attempt to resurrect the pet with bandages if they have at least 80 Veterinary and 80 Animal Lore.
Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe
Record company executives are now, however, plotting to resurrect him in the incarnation that won him fame, fortune and iconic status - as a pop star.
as they are released the associated cells can embrace the love and resurrect and reconstitute themselves in their continued ascension.
In 2036 Soma Cruz is trying to prevent the evil cult of Sorrow resurrect their dark ruler and lord.
Archangels can use Resurrect only once during a combat.
In Aso of Kyushu,Japan,thousands of dead people of dead people suddenly resurrect from death to their beloved ones.
In a few cases, I tried to resurrect some of the executives.
In this case, I intend to shatter the destructive forces, resurrect and reconstitute my oversouls, and then recast them through the healing temples in the aurora.
Ivins eventually would be awarded the Defense Department's highest honor for civilian performance for helping to resurrect a controversial vaccine that could protect against anthrax.
To resurrect the dead, power He gave you.
Resurrect spells come at later levels
Hero with the Cardinal advanced class and GM Resurrection who possesses both Saint Ranan's Staff and Ankh of Life will resurrect 100% of units killed in combat!
Resurrect now teleports you to the location at which the spell was cast, not to the caster's present location.
Archangels: Resurrect Archangels can resurrect friendly units from a stack that have been decimated or partially destroyed.
Skywalker:Heck! This evil energy is....The devil king is gonna resurrect!! We must hurry to the everwinter valley!
Barack Obama's team wants to resurrect deficit-control rules (see article).
If companies feel they have to change their names to promote a new image, consultants advise them to try and resurrect an old brand name - as MCI and TimeWarner have done.
How can one resurrect the region enough to get at the records stored in the scarred cells of the form if diseased cells that must be resurrected first surround it?
If so, I intend to retrieve, resurrect, and reconstitute my guardians as necessary.
If so, I intend to retrieve, resurrect, and reconstitute my angels.
Guardian Angel can resurrect Gargoyles and Golems
In truth, Tian Taiquan has cleverly made use of this grave site to resurrect the context of history.
The first aid tent only heals a limited number of times to discourage the player from skipping turns just to resurrect some creatures.
Ferguson could resurrect his interest in January, but Hargreaves is unlikely to dwell on the subject.
Improved Reincarnation will now resurrect the Shaman with 20% more health and mana, in addition to the 20 cooldown minute reduction.
Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe.
As one's body heats up and dissolves the scar tissue to resurrect the form, viruses that killed one's ancestry become active again.
As they confronted the disease and chose to resurrect what had become decayed, they also transcended reincarnation in full.
As the agreements are released, the poisonous serpents will leave, allowing the portion of the form to resurrect, and one to ascend out of disease.
Local radio reports suggest that Laporta has offered Saviola the chance to resurrect his Barca career, if he accepts a reduced contract.
The older one is, the more cycles that are required through the entire cellular structure to resurrect enough decay due to aging to 3000 strands and 100% in the physical.
As the grid work is rewoven, enough chi then becomes available to the associated part of the form to resurrect the cellular structure to the crystalline form.
As the machines were dismantled and the underlying karmic cause released, the grid work was reconstructed allowing enough chi to become available again to resurrect that which had become cancerous.
Players will no longer resurrect with low mana and health if they died and released on a Zeppelin or Ship.
As the records are compiled and released through ascension of how the original cellular trauma occurred, a new genetic blueprint can be anchored that allows the cell to resurrect and recover.
As this occurs, there will be enough chi available in the associated region of the embodiment to resurrect any decay or scar tissue associated.
The Colour Resurrect of Colour PDP
Network Marketing Network Fiberu y Network Network yAdam Smit Marketing h h's Lost Legacy: Does Globalisation Resurrect Karl Marx?
徵信, 外遇, 离婚, 徵信社, eAdam Smit Marketing h h's Lost Legacy: Does Globalisation Resurrect Karl Marx?
Network Network Szh Zh Cn Pressg i Marketing rAdam Smit Marketing h l's Lost Legacy: Does Globalisation Resurrect Karl Marx?
徵信, 外遇, 离婚, 徵信社, nAdam Smit Marketing h l's Lost Legacy: Does Globalisation Resurrect Karl Marx?
Read the epitaph,our only salvation lie in resurrect the dead and burying the living.
Read the epitaph , our only salvation lie In resurrect the dead and burying the living .
resurrect an old railway line
resurrect old customs, habits, traditions, etc
恢复旧的习俗﹑ 习惯﹑ 传统等
The intent to resurrect all combust agreements will allow the original contracts to then be processed through one's own kundahlini allowing for transcendence of any associated patterning.
I will also do all that I can to resurrect to stand by his side again on the My Hero stage so I can fulfill the promise I made to his mom in the Wuhan Airport.
I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor related unto my inheritance and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes.
I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes.
用作动词(v.)It is said that this medicine can resurrect the dead.
They will resurrect you at the graveyard with your gear intact.
Barack Obama's team wants to resurrect deficit-control rules.
This class shows how an object can resurrect itself.