Adverb1. in a logarithmic manner;
"data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2"
副词 logarithmically:
in a logarithmic manner
Drag to add a ledger that has 10 logarithmically spaced lines.
Generally, the connection speed drops logarithmically with distance from the base station.
通常, 连接速度对数地以来自恶劣的车站的距离降低.
The monotonicity and logarithmically complete monotonicity properties for the Gamma function are obtained.
The more familiar Bode plot looks different in form only because the frequency is expressed logarithmically.
With increasing DFRA on off gain, Δ OSNR increases first linearly and then logarithmically, resulting in saturation.
指出:随着DFRA开关增益的增加, ΔOSNR会由线性增加逐渐变为对数增加而趋于饱和.
In 1614, John Napier discovered the logarithm which made it possible to perform multiplications and divisions by addition and subtraction.
Washing hands with 1.8 ml of hand-washing solution A and hand-washing solution L caused reduction of logarithm of count of Serratia marcescens by 2.93 and 2.28 respectively,which fulfilled the eligible requirement.
A洗手液和L洗手液用量为1.8 m l,经洗手后,对粘质沙雷菌的细菌减少对数值分别为2.93和2.28,达到合格要求。
C#Builder is about to release, borland occupies its logarithm the support of the library, developed acme.
PH value: Self defines the negative logarithm being hydrogen ion concentration.
YUAN Yu-ze.Precise asymptotics in law of the iterated logarithm of random fields[J].J of Zhejiang University:Science Edition,2005,32(2):152-155.
Calculates natural logarithm of an OracleNumber. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).
A subroutine that returns the value of a single variable, and that usually has a single exit, for example, subroutines that compute mathematical functions, such as sine, cosine, logarithm, or that compute the maximum of a set of numbers.
It is not possible to obtain the logarithm of a negative number.
Furthermore, different from some traditional private mechanism, the cryptological technology is not limited in the discrete logarithm in our mechanism.
Compared with classical group signature, the conic analog over Zn has strongly improved the security of computing discrete logarithm.
Both of their security are based on the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem.
For example, the cepstrum converts a signal to the frequency domain through Fourier transform, takes the logarithm, then applies another Fourier transform.
So the correlations of PFWD and bearing plate, CBR, deflection, FWD are established according to many testing results. The analyses indicate that the correlations are good in double logarithm.
The regression analysis showed the urbanization level of Baoji was positive coorelation with the logarithm of GDP.
To the numeri- cal results, one can see that the performance of the aeronautical communication system is worse than that for terrestrial cellular sys- tems and also depends logarithmically on both the cell radius and height.
His first design is for a machine to calculate such thing as logarithm table.
The following example returns the result of raising a base-10 logarithm to a specified power.
The average time interval in seconds is named Drillability Time (DT), and the logarithm of the DT to the base 2-the Drillability Classification Grade (DCO).
The logP_(ow) values of 4 pharmaceuticals that are electric neutral measured by this method were close to those determined by shake-flask method, and the average error between values from two methods was 0.15 logarithm units.
After passage,the pericytes accelerate growing,and come into logarithm growth period on the third day and flat period on the tenth day.
传代培养后增长速度加快 ,第 3天进入对数生长期 ,第 10天进入平台期。
Here,another scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem(ECDLP)wasproposed.
The monotonicity and logarithmically complete monotonicity properties for the Gamma function are obtained.
As an application of this criterion a result about subsequence principle on iterated logarithm law for the case of Banach space of type 2 is given.
The base that using elliptic curves as public key cryptosystem is because of the points set of elliptic curve on finite field can construct Abelian group. By this, the discrete logarithm on elliptic curve can be defined.
使用椭圆曲线作为公钥密码体制的基础是由于定义在有限域上的椭圆曲线上点的集合可构成阿贝尔群 ,由此可定义其上的离散对数 ,即椭圆离散对数 .
The base using elliptic curves as public-key cryptosystem is that because the points set of elliptic curve on finite field can form Abelian group. By this,the discrete logarithm on elliptic curve can be defined.
The base that using elliptic curves as public-key cryptosystem is because the points set of elliptic curve on finite field can form Abelian group. By this, the discrete logarithm on elliptic curve can be defined.
Value containing the logarithm of a specified number.
Logarithm of frequence of every symptom factor was calculated, and then the likelihood possibility ratio of every syndrome, according to which the diagnosis of syndrome was determined.
Optical densety: Light-absorbing capacity of a material. It is repressed as the logarithm of the opacity of the material. In graphic arts, the word "density" is simply taken to mean "optical density".
A little judicious guessing should be done about trace versus determinant, and more generally, about logarithm versus exponential .
The methods to locate typhoon of intensity model contain mainly the superseding repeated and the counting of logarithm spirl chart of typhoon has some characteristicinformation.
The log() function returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a number.
A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity,usually between two acoustic or electric signals,equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.
The computational intractability of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) over a finite field enhances security of the scheme.
A unit for measuring power. The number of nepers is the logarithm ( base e ) of the ratio of the measured power levels.
A unit for measuring power. The number of nepers is the logarithm(base e) of the ratio of the measured power levels.
The number for which a given logarithm stands;for example,where log x equals y,the x is the antilogarithm of y.
The number for which a given logarithm stands; for example, where log x equals y, the x is the antilogarithm of y.
During the reaction in progress, light of a definite wavelength would emit from the product of oxidation, and the logarithm of its intensity was proportional to the logarithm of the content of Co~(2+) ion.
The other is based on discrete logarithm problem(DLP), like DSA.
The other is two logarithmically divergent terms which not only depend on the characteristics of the black hole but also on the spin of fields.
The biodiversity of the net-phytoplankton community decreases with the increase of logarithm of the cell abundance value.
The more familar Bode plot looks different in form only because the frequency is expressed logarithmically .
Motivated by this concern, based on the intractability of the discrete logarithm problem, a new dynamic threshold signature scheme that solves the above problem is proposed in the paper.
And the logarithm of head breadth (including length of prothorax, antenna and body) varies linearly with in...
Data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2.
Under some conditions, it is proved t hat the kernal estimators converges to the regression function at the rate of th e law of the iterated logarithm.
The natural logarithm of DBH (lnD) and square diameter (D~2) were included in the predicting models of diameter increment for all 15 species.
It is repressed as the logarithm of the opacity of the material.
In the verified scheme, the respective participants receiving the shares can verify their validity based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP).
In cryptography, we also need to discuss modular logarithm.
All exponential models, power function models, root-squaring models, hyperbolic models, but logarithm models can’t disclose the laws of the post- construction settlement of the high embankment.
By offering similar levels of security,the Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem(ECC) provides greater efficiency than either integer factorization systems or discrete logarithm systems,in terms of computational overheads,key sizes,and bandwidth.
在提供相同安全的条件下 ,椭圆曲线密码体制比其它公钥密码体制需要更小的密钥长度、计算开销和带宽 ,具有更广泛的适用性。
Linear dependences were obtained for the volume expansion factor versus applied voltage and reciprocal of the volume expansion factor versus current density logarithm at a given temperature.
Under the condition of a discrete logarithm problem,S2 is decrypted by the OPE(Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial(scheme 2).
Under the condition of discrete logarithm problem, S2 was decrypted by OPE (Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial (scheme 2).
Under the condition of a discrete logarithm problem, S2 is decrypted by the OPE (Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation) protocol and Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial (scheme 2).
Under the condition of the discrete logarithm problem, S2 is decrypted by the Chinese Remainder Theorem (scheme 2).
On the basis of the undrained shear strength being the logarithm function of the disturbance degree,the elasto-plastic solution of the cylindrical expansion is obtained.
With the assumption that computing discrete logarithm is intractable, the protocols do not reveal any sensitive information and are proven to be of zero-knowledge.
In sound communication,it forms the ADC of 8 bit logarithm compression ratio,under the condition of dynamic signal range of 100 dB,the signal to noise ratio of the logarithm replacement type ADC reaches 31.2 dB.
在语音通信中构造出8位对数压缩律的ADC,在信号动态范围为100 dB的条件下,对数置换式ADC的信噪比高达31.2 dB。
In the random oracle model, using forking lemma proposed byPointcheval and Stern, breaking of the scheme is equivalent to solve discrete logarithm problem.
On the cumulative curve of grain size distribution in Ganzi Loess of logarithmically probability graph paper,saltation mass and suspension are obvious,and the later is principal.
The magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded on a seismogram at a certain period.
Based on DL(discrete logarithm)problem, S1 is decrypted by introducing a multi-channel service parameter and a special polynomial function, S2 is decrypted by Chinese Remainder Theorem.
The digital signature protocols based on discrete logarithm problem come mainly from the transmutation of signature equation.
On the assumption that simultaneous solutions of factoring and discret logarithm are very unlikely,this paper presents the principle and method of a public key cryptosystem,which could be used to improve security.
The logarithm of resistivity is(linear) with relative volume under melting poin...
For polynomial fitting method, polynomial was changed into fitting curves of hyperbola, S-figure curve, converse exponential curve and logarithm curve, etc.
If we use exponentiation to encrypt or decrypt, the adversary can use logarithm to attack.
The IMLN(string) returns the natural logarithm of a complex number.
The results show that the volatilization of diesel oil and kerosene is exponentially related to volatizing time,whereas that of 90~# gasoline and crude oil from Saudi Arabia logarithmically related.
The experimental results show that the blackness of the spectral line is linear to the logarithm of the sample accumulating time.
The electrode gives a linear response of potential with respect to the logarithm of arsenate concentration at constant pH.
We can find a polynomial model of a time series in case its associated matrix is not diagonal and not of full rank by using the transformations of the exponential and the logarithm.
Of a logarithm, the non - negative fractional part of the represent ation of a logarithm.
The characteristic of the logarithm 6.3214 is 6.
In this paper laws of the iterated logarithm for quantile density estimator and its derivative estimators areestablished when data are subject to left-truncated and right-censored observations.
The logarithmically plotted rheograms also show straight lines but these are of unity slope.
The whole-number part of a logarithm is called the characteristic.