koa是什么意思   koa怎么读

英式:['kəʊə]    美式:['kəʊə]


n. 柯阿金合欢木(用以制作家具, 手工艺品等)






Knee osteoteoarthritis (KOA); Knee traumatic synovitis (KTS); Diagnosis and prognosis; Micro-particles; Nano-particles; Physical and chemical specificity; Correlative analysis.


September 5, Zhengzhou founding of the hotel business koa held in mid-autumn vip customer industry get-togethers.


Platelet antibody Koa


Platelet antigen Koa


Lesser Koa Finch

n. 黄头拟管舌鸟

- Yeah?|- You got a koa board?

|- 是吗?|- 你有考拉木的冲浪板吗?

- And it's koa wood.|- Where's the...

|- 还是块考拉木|- 在哪儿呢?

, Ltd. and Koa Glass (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. located in China mainland both are the branch companies 100% invested by Koa Glass Co., Ltd.


Koa haole leaves


The main clinical expressions of KOA are knee joint pain, stiffness and limitation of activity.


Tumanako atu te hunga tika, koa iho;

义 人 的 盼 望 必 得 喜 乐 ;

I hari to koutou matua, a Aperahama, mona ka kite i toku ra: i kite ia, a koa ake.

你 们 的 祖 宗 亚 伯 拉 罕 欢 欢 喜 喜 的 仰 望 我 的 日 子 , 既 看 见 了 就 快 乐 。

Kahore ano i inoia noatia e koutou tetahi mea i runga i toku ingoa: inoia, a ka whiwhi koutou, kia tino nui ai to koutou koa.

向 来 你 们 没 有 奉 我 的 名 求 甚 麽 , 如 今 你 们 求 , 就 必 得 着 , 叫 你 们 的 喜 乐 可 以 满 足 。

Koa Fire and Marine Insurance


Kia hari a Maunga Hiona, kia koa nga tamahine a Hura i au whakaritenga.

因 你 的 判 断 , 锡 安 山 应 当 欢 喜 , 犹 大 的 城 邑 ( 原 文 是 女 子 ) 应 当 快 乐 。

Implementation of an Ecc Polynomial-Basis Multiplier Based on the Improved KOA Method


koa acacia


Seventy-four KOA patients were randomized into groups A (n=38) and B (n=36).


The models of KOA were established by joint immobilization with plaster bandage for six weeks.Obseryc apoptosis with TUNEL in every group.


Kia hamama i te hari, kia koa te hunga e pai ana ki taku mahi tika: ae, kia mea tonu, kia whakanuia a Ihowa e whakapai nei ki te ora o tana pononga.

愿 那 喜 悦 我 冤 屈 得 伸 的 ( 冤 屈 得 伸 : 原 文 是 公 义 ) 欢 呼 快 乐 ;愿 他 们 常 说 : 当 尊 耶 和 华 为 大 !耶 和 华 喜 悦 他 的 仆 人 平 安 。

Nana, kia mokemoke taua po, kaua te reo koa e uru ki roto.

愿 那 夜 没 有 生 育 , 其 间 也 没 有 欢 乐 的 声 音 。

I mea hoki ahau, Kei koa mai ratou ki ahau: ka paheke toku waewae, ka whakahihi ratou ki ahau.

我 曾 说 : 恐 怕 他 们 向 我 夸 耀 ;我 失 脚 的 时 候 , 他 们 向 我 夸 大 。

I mainly with operating companies in Japan KOA brand of cases, SEMITEC brand of cases, cases of Korea LTR brand products, the humidity sensor.Temperature sensor, and Taiwan-Hang IC, Hall element, MOS.


Koia i koa ai toku ngakau, i whakamanamana ai toku arero: i takoto tumanako ai ano oku kikokiko.

所 以 , 我 心 里 欢 喜 , 我 的 灵 ( 原 文 是 舌 ) 快 乐 ;并 且 我 的 肉 身 要 安 居 在 指 望 中 。

Na ka mea a Apoharama ki a Ahitopere, Tena koa ou whakaaro me ahau tatou?

押 沙 龙 对 亚 希 多 弗 说 : 你 们 出 个 主 意 , 我 们 怎 样 行 才 好 ?

Methods:The treatment group with 37 cases of KOA and the contrast group with 33 cases of KOA were randomly collected and treated by Fugujianbu tablet and Zhuangguguanjie pill respectively.


Methods 456 knee from 290 KOA patients of middle-old age in Ningxia were collected and were divided into two groups by weather going to church.


Method:Thirty less severe KOA(L) patients,30 more severe KOA(M) patients and 30 control subjects were measured with VICON MX13 motion analysis system respectively.


Established in 1943, Koa Glass Co., Ltd. has been a leader of cosmetics glass container manufacturers.


octanol-air partition coefficients (Koa)


Osteoarthritis of knee joints (KOA)


Keywords Osteoarthritis of knee joints (KOA);Wulinmichuanwenlian powder;Clinical research;External treatment;index;stardard;


Subject_Topical_Eng: Shenzhen KingWorld Industry Co.,Ltd; Trumpet Brand Seirogan; King To Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa; Heart Tonic Kyushin; Kawai Kanyu Drop; Vitamin EC Kawai


In current research about mechanism of knee osteoarthritis(KOA), study populations have typically been small and involve a range of OA stages, from early OA to severe OA.


Objective To reflect present situation of studies on acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of knee osteoarthritis(KOA),so as to provide thinking and evidence for further studies.


Objective: To observe the effect of Guanjiezhitong capsule on free radical level in serum and articular fluid of Knee Osteoarthritis, and explore the possible mechanism of KOA.


Objective:To explore the clinical effect and side effect of Fugujianbu tablet on treating knee osteoarthritis (KOA).


Objective To research the clinical effects of point injection therapy and kinesiotherapy on knee osteoarthritis(KOA) by means of contrast study,so as to seek a new effective therapy for KOA.


A kua whakawahia ia e Haroko tohunga, e Natana poropiti hei kingi ki Kihona: na kua piki ake ratou i reira me te koa, na ngateri ana te pa.

祭 司 撒 督 和 先 知 拿 单 在 基 训 已 经 膏 他 作 王 。

koa finch


Conclusions:The prescription of gu yan has good effect on anti-inflammation, detumescence and alleviating pain.The prescription of gu yan is effective on treating KOA, and is worth of further study.


Conclision: Acupotomy may decrease the apoptosis and induce the recovery of the articular cartilage for treating KOA.This may be one of the mechanisms of Acupotomy for KOA.


Background:Osteoarthritis of knee(KOA) is a chronic disease which badly harms health of the middle and old age people.KOA is the same meaning as "gw 6/ knee pain"m traditional Chinese medicine.


Keywords Knee osteoteoarthritis (KOA);Knee traumatic synovitis (KTS);Diagnosis and prognosis;Micro-particles;Nano-particles;Physical and chemical specificity;Correlative analysis.;


knee osteoarthritis(KOA)


Knee Osteoarthfitis (KOA)


Keywords Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA);Knee Traumatic Synovitis (KTS);synovial fluid;Micro-particles;multi-dimensional microscopy;


This indicates that acupuncture with warmed needle has better effect for KOA.


KoA for urea varied with dialyzer model,but the effect of Qb,Qd. Urea KoA did not change significantly when Qb increased from 300 to 500 ml/min at Qd of 500,800 and 1000 ml/ min.

透析液流量(Qd)保持恒定时(分别为500,800,1000 ml/min),尿素KoA在血流量从300增加到400,500ml/min时,KoA并不增加;

Katahi te wahine ka koa ki te kanikani, me nga taitama ngatahi ko nga kaumatua: ka meinga hoki e ahau ta ratou tangi hei koa, ka whakamarietia ratou, a ka meinga ratou kia hari i o ratou mamae.

那 时 , 处 女 必 欢 乐 跳 舞 ;年 少 的 、 年 老 的 , 也 必 一 同 欢 乐 ;因 为 我 要 使 他 们 的 悲 哀 变 为 欢 喜 , 并 要 安 慰 他 们 , 使 他 们 的 愁 烦 转 为 快 乐 。

The combination of Chinese herbal medicine and western medicine is effective for KOA.


Keywords needle-knife therapeutics;homeostasis;knee osteoarthritis(KOA);gait analysis;


Koa haole
