leveraged是什么意思   leveraged怎么读

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v.促使…改变( leverage的过去式和过去分词 ); [美国英语]杠杆式投机,(使)举债经营,(使)利用贷款进行投机
n.杠杆, 杠杆作用, 举债经营 v.举债经营, 补充(金钱等)
v.促使…改变( leverage的过去式和过去分词 );[美国英语]杠杆式投机,(使)举债经营,(使)利用贷款进行投机;



动词 leverage:

supplement with leverage


provide with leverage





" What's more, many are depending on instruments that are highly leveraged, numbingly complex, and untested by a market downturn.


Formed in 2004, DIC focused early on leveraged buyouts, targeting North American and European firms.


GASY Investment Co., aim is to be one of the lending private investment management firms that specialize in leveraged acquisitions and financial consulting in the area of Alternative Investments.


leveraged buyout

n. [经]融资收买, 融资买入

leveraged lease

n. 〈经〉融资租赁

WSS is leveraged to provide issues, risks and document management functionality in the EPM Solution.

WSS用于在EPM Solution中提供问题、风险和文档管理功能。

leveraged acquisition

[经] 杠杆作用的购置

"the much used leveraged buyout as the weapon of choice" (Alison Leigh Cowan)


, TIAA-CREF funds, instead of invested in highly leveraged hedge funds), they have lost tremendous value over the past months (since there has been essentially no safe place to park one’s money).


One observer said some of the leveraged strategies were like "picking up pennies in front of a steamroller, and that only takes a turn in the market to cause severe problems".


A leveraged buyout in which the acquirer sells some of the assets of the target company in order to repay the debt used to finance the takeover.


As in previous bubbles, value came to rely on the perception of value itself: growth pulling itself up by its own leveraged bootstraps.


Highly leveraged, computer-driven “quant” funds are having to liquidate shares, bonds and anything else they can sell in order to meet margin calls from their prime brokers.


Large institutional investors, the thinking goes, could use these stocks as levers to move the index and profit from the more leveraged return in the index futures.


The risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading can be substantial.You may sustain losses in excess of you initial margin funds.


To See Leveraged Buyouts in China from the Case of BOE's Expansion in Debt


They found that these shares outperformed both the overall stockmarket and shares issued in other IPOs not backed by private equity.Highly leveraged firms performed no worse than those with less debt.


Chances are they will be made worse off, particularly if they are highly leveraged.


They point to slackening demand for the actual metal combined with a surge in buying gold futures -- an often highly leveraged bet that prices will keep rising.


The current crisis, he says, may have begun in the U.S. and Europe, but because of the dollar standard, 'the risk of highly leveraged institutions has spread to other countries.


Elegant graphics, leveraged system, rich props, and superior interactivity between players are presented in the game.


If, however, really want to do long-term investment fund, or ETF buy directly, such as tool may be the better choice, rather than into stock index futures such a leveraged short-term trading tool.


S. and Europe, but because of the dollar standard, 'the risk of highly leveraged institutions has spread to other countries.


You've leveraged your graphics experience into the video area.


ThoughtWorks leveraged a formal architecture evaluation method to prove critical design decisions and move a key project from design into delivery.


The cost of preserving highly leveraged financial behemoths still has the potential to bankrupt governments and debauch their currencies, wreaking yet more damage to their economies.


Leveraged Buy-Out


It swept in, buoying everything from subprime mortgages to leveraged buy-outs.


Chrysler has traditionally been a highly leveraged company.


Buyout The purchase of a company or a controlling interest of a corporation's shares. A leveraged buyout is accomplished with borrowed money or by issuing more stock.


Job Profile:-Highly leveraged consulting professional (through delegating, training, building business with curr...... ...


a leveraged buyout in which the target company's assets are sold to repay the loan that financed the takeover


a leveraged buyout in which the target company's assets are sold to repay the loan that financed the takeover.


In the nineteen eighties, private equity companies became known for leveraged buyouts.

Mergers and leveraged buyout activity also is expected to slow.


Combined with the lack of information on the OTC market, the highly leveraged institutions can develop potentially excessive and destabilising market concentrations, whether consciously or unconsciously.


To take a publicly owned company into private ownership, as by a leveraged buyout.


So long as we allow people to make leveraged bets on the future, breakdowns will occur.


Governors considered that these studies would be helpful in addressing the potentially disruptive impact of highly leveraged institutions activities, particularly on market dynamics of small and medium-sized financial markets.


At the same time, if the customers are interested in online trading of stock and leveraged foreign exchange, our investment advisers will provide you with comprehensive professional services.


Similarly, precisely because of leveraged hedge funds in operation at that time not often faced with the enormous excess of loss risk.


Like many leveraged buyouts at the time, most of the purchase was financed through borrowings when debt was cheap and it looked like terms could be easily renegotiated in the future.


Banks are already highly leveraged, so they used to be considered less suitable for the traditional private-equity strategy of ladling on lots of debt.


The project team should use stakeholders in project planning since the stakeholders have skills and knowledge that can be leveraged in developing the project management plan and any subsidiary plans.


Congress should repeal the tax-deductibility of the interest on leveraged buy outs, so that buyers need to invest their own money.


The IMF says lax regulation and a failure to recognize the risks of highly leveraged loans contributed to the credit crisis.


In the 1980, private equity companies became known for leveraged buyouts . These are deals use large amounts of borrowed money to buy company, usually to resell it late.


In the 1980, private equity companies became known for leveraged buyouts. These are deals use large amounts of borrowed money to buy company, usually to resell it late.


Raymond.In "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", Raymond outlines how the Open Source development methodology can be leveraged to create superior software compared to traditional proprietary methods.

在“大教堂和市集” ,何锺泰概述了如何开放源代码开发的方法可以杠杆,创造优越的软件相比,传统的专有方法。

Outside of China, some private-equity deals have unraveled as banks have demanded higher interest rates to finance leveraged buyouts.


In the 1980s, private equity companies became known for leveraged buyouts. These are deals that use amounts of borrowed money to buy a company, usually to resell it later.


On a global scale, the vast syndicated-loan market, including leveraged finance and more senior debt, is also growing more swiftly than public bond and share markets.


A highly leveraged market will reward those who focus on value but not vogue.


In the run-up to the crisis, his funds avoided purchasing mortgages and leveraged loans while others swooped in.


Language correction hotlines shall be set up at newspapers, radio and TV stations as well as websites. Supervision by the public shall be leveraged to improve the language level of the members of the general public.


In the financial services scenario, media applications can be leveraged to support clients that want to provide their users and customers with disability services.


Analysis on Project Financing Model Based on Leveraged Lease


The foreign-funded financing lease company may undertake its financing lease business by adopting the various forms of direct lease, sublease, leaseback, leveraged lease, trust lease and joint lease.


If you are a professional working for a venture capital or leveraged buyout firm, you are being bombarded with “opportunities” from professional money raisers known as investment bankers.


In empirical study, this research studies an online stationary vender in Taiwan.The customer database of this company was stolen and leveraged to run a new business by an ex-employee of the company.


Its stock market functions effectively as a leveraged play on the copper price.


The typical XML based configuration files of the IoC containers can be leveraged to specify which implementations for the services need to be used.


For Fortescue, the deal offers a short-term positive that could bring with it future trouble: The company's now heavily leveraged to its only customer.


The demand for the loans is an encouraging sign for banks as they attempt to sell a backlog of about $100bn in leveraged loans they are still holding.


Manual testing is best leveraged for those tests which require spontaneity and creativity, as well a good deal of subjectivity


The focus on the securitisation data is a stark reminder, too, that it if this highly leveraged recession does lead to record levels of credit defaults, it will not just be the banks that suffer.


The following process improvements, in our experience, result in a more highly leveraged research phase that better sets the stage for successful design:


Although the credit markets have reopened, they are not yet ready to finance high-yielding leveraged buy-outs, by private equity or anyone else.


Yet although these highly leveraged creatures seem to have made credit tremors more sudden and more frequent, these episodes have not been more calamitous.


Leveraged Buy Out (LBO). A third party (normally private equity investors) borrow money to acquire an existing firm.


Their leveraged bets went sour, and the derivatives they thought insured them against any shock turned out to be worse than worthless.


When the market begins to crack, highly leveraged speculators are forced to sell, pushing prices lower, which causes more borrowers to default.


When the bubble broke, the excessively leveraged loans made on the basis of overvalued assets went sour.


Many small and medium-size Chinese businesses are highly leveraged and have to scramble for cash.


We are going to carry on our activity with Dancing Ballroom Style! So thank you all for joining, which leveraged our activity!


Deutsche Bank is preparing another multibillion-dollar sale of leveraged loans, this time in Europe, adding to evidence of a rally in corporate credit markets.

德意志银行(deutsche Bank)正准备再进行一次数十亿美元的杠杆贷款出售,这一次是在欧洲。此举进一步表明,企业信贷市场正出现复苏。

Overall, commercial-real-estate write-downs in the first quarter are expected to rival those for CDOs and leveraged loans.Mr.


role of PR, while underutilized, was extremely significant when leveraged,” said the study.


We believe Sina's strength in contents can be leveraged to Shanda's future platform IPTV.


We see 2008 shaping up as a year when low-leverage capital will displace highly leveraged owners and buyers in both the US and the UK.



We can lift extremely heavy things by leverage.

In the market economy system, we should give full play to the leverage of price.

Our enterprise is different from its counterparts: we grow and flourish by leverage.


With such a small amount of capital in hand, we have no other choice but leverage this company.

You needn't worry about that; we can leverage the money that is already available.