n. 上唇
[医] 唇, 缘, 上唇(昆虫)
n. A lip or edge, as of a basin.
n. An organ in insects and crustaceans covering the upper part
of the mouth, and serving as an upper lip. See Illust. of Hymenoptera.
n. The external margin of the aperture of a shell. See
labrum acetabulare [医] 髋关节缘, 髋臼缘
labrum glenoidale [医] 盂缘, 关节盂缘
labrum-epipharynx [医] 上内唇(昆虫)
articular labrum 关节唇
everted labrum 外翻上唇
labrum hip 唇臀
labrum definition medical 唇定义医学
labrum slap tear 唇瓣撕裂
labrum shoulder 唇肩
labrum special test 唇特殊试验
labrum surgery 唇外科
labrum tear in hip 髋部唇裂
clypeus labrum 克利珀斯实验室
acetabular labrum [解剖]髋臼唇
Might be the labrum, could be arthritic.
可能是髋臼唇 也许是关节炎
Since it's the labrum, it's not just overhead activities.
因为伤到的是盂唇 所以不止是过顶运动
This top area here is where the biceps tendon attaches to the labrum.
上面这一块就是肱二头肌腱 连接盂唇的地方
Could be bursitis, but I'm thinking some kind of labrum tear, maybe a torn tendon.
可能是滑液囊炎 但我觉得可能是关节唇撕裂 可能是肌腱撕裂
But there's also the chance that we may discover the longterm wear and tear your job requires reattaching the labrum, or reconstructing it completely.
但也有可能我们会发现你 工作需要导致的长期的磨损和撕裂 需要重新联结髋关节盂唇 或者整体重建