v.对…估计不足,低估( underestimate的现在分词 ); 对…认识不足(或重视不够),低估,轻视n.低估 v.低估
v.对…估计不足,低估( underestimate的现在分词 );对…认识不足(或重视不够),低估,轻视;
动词 underestimate:
assign too low a value to
同义词:undervalue, underestimate
make a deliberately low estimate
同义词:lowball, underestimate
make too low an estimate of
同义词:underestimate, underrate
underestimaten.an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value同义词:underestimationunderratingunderreckoning
v.assign too low a value to"Don't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price"
make a deliberately low estimate同义词:lowball
make too low an estimate of"he underestimated the work that went into the renovation"; "Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river"
Jiashi overseas in May with the upper reaches of the super-energy, real estate, such as underestimating the value of science and technology section, returns for the Fund.
Mencken once declared that “nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the great American public”.
“Juventus are not underestimating anyone and if there is someone who considers this match a pure formality then they do not belong in this team.
“We want to qualify [for the knockout stages] so I’ll be picking a team to win.There’s no danger of us underestimating Celtic.
"The U.S. current crisis is the result of the risk of underestimating the long-term, is a strong variety of factors As a result, it is more difficult to deal with.
"I'm afraid you're underestimating them, Sun--fu.
Last month he was blamed for a drop in the value of the South African rand after commenting that capital markets were underestimating the cost of risk in emerging markets.
When contradicting the behaviorist ideology, Chomsky develops his theory to the other extreme by confining the language system within narrow limits and underestimating the function of environments in language acquisition.
Product-oriented and insolence Apple do not see changes in underestimating the strength of competitors, business tactics do not suit the competition.
The impact from this population can never be underestimating.
Traditional NPV Method Underestimating Value of Flexible Project and Improvement
The key to valuing and strengthening the discipline material construction is to change the traditional view of underestimating academic material work and the prejudice.
Underestimating the size of the project.
Underestimating the importance of review: Even those with security expertise specific to what they're trying to accomplish should have their work checked by others with that expertise as well.
Underestimating required security expertise: People in positions of authority in corporations often fail to understand the necessity for specific security expertise.
低估所需要安全专业技术 :企业的掌权者常常不明白特定安全技术的必要性。
Com You are underestimating nationalism.
You may look at your accomplishments with continuous dissatisfaction, underestimating your self-worth.
What have you told your players to prevent them underestimating the opposition?
15.For instance, at the outset of the war many people were groundlessly optimistic, underestimating Japan and even believing that the Japanese could not get as far as Shansi.
例如 在抗战初起时,许多人有一种毫无根据的乐观倾向,他们把 日本 估计过低,甚至以为 日本 不能打到山西。
For instance, at the outset of the war many people were groundlessly optimistic, underestimating Japan and even believing that the Japanese could not get as far as Shansi.
If a manager finds stocks for which the market is overestimating risks or underestimating a company‘s ability to grow, he or she will outperform the market.
They occupied Haifeng and Lufeng and the surrounding area,organized a Red Army and established the democratic political power of the workers and peasants. They were later defeated because they made the mistake of underestimating the enemy.
Or they are underestimating the strength of the recovery, in which case inflationary pressures will start to emerge (and bond yields will rise sharply).
On the other hand,underestimating the subjective forces of the revolution and overestimating the forces of the counter-revolution would also constitute an improper appraisal and be certain to produce bad results of another kind.
We won't be underestimating them on Saturday”.
In recent weeks Avram Grant's team selections have led many to believe, myself included, that he has made the mistake of underestimating more lowly opposition.
“We are not underestimating our rivals, because we know that the level of competition is very close the front.
Becon's spirit inspired the founding of Royal Society in 1662.His shortcomings lay in igoring the contributions of Continental scientists, overvaluing induction and underestimating deduction.
Most of the losses in battles are a result of generals underestimating their enemies, thus when the army sets out for war, utmost discipline must be observed.
"Too many people are underestimating the Ukrainians. After all, they did reach the World Cup quarter-finals last summer," noted the goalkeeper.
H.L.Menchen once said that nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.
It deals with the second reason above: knowing what is right to do but underestimating its importance.
At one time or another, quite a few comrades made the mistake of underestimating the strength of the proletariat and overestimating that of the bourgeois Rightists.
Underestimating the complexity of a problem.
While GM doesn't own a controlling stake in Wuling, underestimating the unit's importance to the Detroit auto maker would be a mistake.
When he arrived back in his hometown last winter, it was as anything but a hero, with everyone, well, underestimating him.
It may well prove to his advantage if everyone on the platform as he was sworn in is underestimating him just as we did in Texas when he first took office.
You obviously don't think that you are underestimating or overestimating, so the expected forecast error is zero.
We must go on without underestimating any opponents.
We do not favour overstressing the importance of literature and art, but neither do we favour underestimating their importance.
We are still probably underestimating the impact and the gravity of the situation on the ground.
My colleagues and I once had to break to him the bad news that we had made a mistake in underestimating the quantity of sand to reclaim Changi Airport to achieve the right fill level.
I think you should raise your sights. You're underestimating yourself.
I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.
The commander was in danger of underestimating the enemy.
Underestimating the importance of Karl R.
Recently, the naive theory approach grew from developmental psychology has pointed out this problem of underestimating young children's .
I am more worried by a political version of this cynical view: the idea has grown up among politicians that nobody ever lost an election by underestimating the electorate's intelligence.
There is nothing more frustrating - or indeed more devastating to your bottom line - than underestimating the ultimate cost of a job.
没有什么比低估了工作的最终成本更另人沮丧(或者说更冲破了你的底线) 。
However, this kind of mistake was usually preceded by a "Left" error of underestimating the enemy.
However, Plass was lucky.In underestimating both the current anthropogenic emissions and the uptake by the ocean, his two errors roughly cancelled.
We should have a sober estimate of our industrial foundation, neither overestimating nor underestimating it.
page opinion-editorial that argues: (1) We are overestimating environmental threats or (2) We are underestimating environmental threats.
的社论来讨论: (1)我们对环境威胁小题大作 或(2)我们小看了环境威胁。
Reading news may make you overestimate some issues while underestimating some others.
Underestimating the distance between socialism and communism, resulting in impractical leap-forwards in building socialism;
Never underestimating the power of a woman.
It seems to me that the point of view is somewhat prejudiced for it magnifying the advantages of video camera while underestimating the benefits of written records.
Overestimating can be as disastrous as underestimating.
” This is another classic example of overestimating implied odds and underestimating fold equity.
这是高估隐含赔率(implied odd)和低估弃牌赢率的又一个典型案例。
This problem can arise in genetics as well: merely counting differences can overestimate the similarity of short genomes while underestimating that of long ones.
It also casts doubt upon some specious concepts and points out that it"s not realistic to overstress communicative competence while underestimating linguistic competence.
I'm not underestimating you.
Mark Mobius, an emerging-markets investor at Franklin Templeton, thinks that analysts are underestimating the potential for recovery and that many markets can surpass 2007 highs.
用作名词(n.)The figure of $10 million was a serious underestimate.
It seems to have been due to his consistent underestimate of her political weight.
Never underestimate the power of a woman.
Don't underestimate the difficulties of the work.
You shouldn't underestimate the risks of the enterprise.