v.照亮( irradiate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使发光; 使生辉; 用X射线等治疗v.照耀, 辐射, (使)灿烂,(使)明亮
v.照亮( irradiate的过去式和过去分词 );使发光;使生辉;用X射线等治疗
动词 irradiate:
give spiritual insight to; in religion
同义词:enlighten, irradiate
cast rays of light upon
expose to radiation
同义词:irradiate, ray
irradiatev.give spiritual insight to; in religion同义词:enlighten
cast rays of light uponexpose to radiation"irradiate food"
Curium vaporization from (Cm, Pu)2O3 and from irradiated oxide fuel: mass spectrometric measurement.
A549 cells and irradiated resistant cells were resistant to DDP, but sensitivity to VDS,5-FU,HCP,MMC and ADM. The inhibitory rates of VPL to the above two cells were 98% and 25% respectively(P<0.001).
Ames test showed that both of the base pair transversion and frameshift mutant in DNA was not induced by irradiated starch.
EMP could decrease the amounts of MDA and increase the activities of SOD and CAT in the skin of the mice irradiated by UVA,consistent with vitaminC.
The focus of the GENTLEray 980 diode LASER is on treating oral soft tissue with a positive haemostatic effect, and decontaminating irradiated areas as in endodontics, for example.
GENTLEray 980 diode LASER的重点是积极止血效果治疗口腔软组织,并净化辐射领域(如牙髓)。
Gy/30f,and CTV_2 to 54? Gy/30f. The GTV_(nx),CTV_1 and upper neck were irradiated by IMRT technique.
GTVnx、GTVnd、CTV1、CTV2处方剂量分别为68、60~66、60、54 Gy,均30分次。
After irradiated by UVC, the DNA damage of K562 cells represented delayed effect, and it can be repaired during 24h.
A person can be irradiated and feel fine, then die of cancer many years later as a result.
The EPR value can be treated as a qualitative indicator to evaluate the crack growth rate of proton irradiated SS304 with different prior thermal treatments.
However, about7% of the irradiated group develop thyroid carcinoma; most are papillary or mixed follicular-papillary and are generally slow-growing and relatively nonaggressive.
But color is also important: blue topaz, for instance, is often irradiated to deepen and improve its color.
The measurement methods of uranium concentrations in irradiated fuels by isotopic dilution mass spectrometry are described.
The grains in the FLA-processed a-Si were found to grow larger as overlapping between irradiated areas was increased up to 89.8% at appropriate fluence.
Results showed that the main volatile com-pounds of irradiated bread are 1,3-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-benzene, ethyl octanonate, hexanal, 2-pentyl-furan, etc.
His face was irradiated by happiness.
His little face was irradiated by happiness.
But they are all cooked or irradiated during the manufacturing process.
By contrast, no drop in cognitie function was obsered in irradiated animals treated with pioglitazone.
K562 cells were irradiated by low dose UVC, the DNA damage was detected by comet assay after treated 2h but not immediately.
This paper investigated whether clenbuterol degradation would take place when clenbuterol aqueous solution was irradiated by electronic beam.
Kerr electro-optic field mapping measurements have been performed inelectron beam irradiated polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). The accumulatedtrapped charge results in large self-electric field.
克尔电-光场图测量在电子束幅射(照)下的有机玻璃(PMMA)中实现,累积的被介质捕获的电荷产生巨大的自电场(Self-electric field)。
A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface, used to measure solar radiation.
Organ equivalent dose and effective dose to human body irradiated by effluents o f nuclear facilities.
Irradiated with blue light for 30 sec. While the experiment the pH of the medium were.
It is concluded that ESR technique could be used to detect whether the starch food (maize powder, wheat powder and glutinous rice powder) was irradiated or not.
The deproteinized DNA samples of melanoma cells (B16) were irradiated by 50MeV/u 12 12C 6+ of different dose rates. And the inverse pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was employed to measure the distribution of DSB fragments.
利用不同剂量率的 5 0MeV/u12C6+ 辐照B16黑色素瘤细胞的脱蛋白DNA ,采用脉冲场凝胶电泳技术对DNA双链断裂 (DSB)的诱导和片段的分布进行了研究。
Dry seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana were irradiated with F ions and H ions with the energy range from keV to MeV, respectively.
Human salivary gland cells (HSG) were irradiated with carbon ion beams supplied by the Heavy IonMedical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC), Japan at a low dose rate of 0.
A numerical simulation was performed to calculate temperature and stress distribution in K9 glass sample irradiated by pulse CO2 laser using finite element method.
Prisoners in Washington and Oregon state prisons were paid to have their testicles irradiated.
The atoms are excited by being irradiated with energy from an external source.
Concern has also been expressed about the possible loss of nutritional value of some irradiated foods.
In addition, some culture media supernatant of directly irradiated cells were transferred to the non-irradiated cells culture medium, forming the group P2.
Cells at G_1, S and G_2 stages were then treated in the medium with chlorophyll dcrivative(CPD) or hypocrellin A (HA) and irradiated by laser microbcam with a wavelength 632.8nm.
Later on, we observed that aluminium and boron, when irradiated by alpha rays do not emit protons and neutrons alone, there is also an emission of positive electrons.
Light focused by the elliptic reflector is irradiated on plane regions except for subulate portion on the incidence face of the claviform lens.
Compared with rats that receied sham irradiation, irradiated rats that did not receie pioglitazone displayed cognitie impairment.
After irradiated of solution of SNP under fluorescent lamp, the increase in ab-sorbance at 394 nm belonged to nonlinear kinetics, but the absorbance increment with concentrationwas linear in certain concentration range of SNP.
Being irradiated by P light that has a special wavelength, the electrons on the surface of the metal film will absorb the power and change the way of their original movement.
UV-curable resin is injected between the spherical glass lens and the aspherical metal mold, then irradiated with UV light to form hybrid lenses.
In our study of the transmutations with emission of neutrons produced in the light elements irradiated with alpha rays, we have noticed some difficulties in interpretation in the emission of neutrons by fluorine, sodium, and aluminium.
Dur- ing the six weeks after the starting of the experiment,in the lipoxygenase activity both irradiated and unirradiated callus was at lower level. Six weeks after,lipoxygenase activity increased remark- ably.
Some potential carcinogens and mutagens have also been identified in irradiated foods.
A total of 159 cases of thyroid cancer were diagnosed during the study period (103 in irradiated indiiduals and 56 in nonirradiated subjects).
The (superscript 99m)Tc-MDP bone scan performed one hour after one fraction of external beam irradiation showed increased MDP uptake in the irradiated left hemithorax.
The surgeons irradiated the tumour.
The surgeons irradiated the tumor.
Owing to the well know photoreaction of diazo-nium and sulfonate groups, the above-assembled films containing multiplayer of DAR/FeTSPP were irradiated by UV light.
And if there are several laser pulses irradiated on the material, the thermal incubation effect would occur only when the repetition rate is...
Probably no more than1/3 of those irradiated develop a thyroid neoplasm; most are benign.
In most cases, these natural, untreated diamonds had weak to moderate fluorescence spectra, whereas two greenish yellow irradiated samples showed strong to very strong spectra.
If it turns out that biologically important compounds can be formed when simple interstellar ices are irradiated, the idea that life could exist elsewhere in the universe would gain legitimacy.
In the system the effects of photoinitiator and monomer concentration on grafting are not distinct,while photo-reduction time, UV irradiated polymerization time and UV light intensity have more effects on grafting yield.
The morphologies of the samples are analyzed by SEM.Craters appear on the surface of DZ4 alloy after a few radiations, and disappear when irradiated for more times.
Using deep level transient spectroscopy,We studies the defect levels of BSF silicon solar cell irradiated by C,O ions.
Yup. If you don't want to get irradiated, you'd better stand back while I test it!
We irradiated the RPE cells with lights of different wave-lengthes, and then assay cell livingness by MTT, examine the ultrastructure by transmission electron microscopy.
Precisely because of this presence of the Son of God, the darkness of evil and death is irradiated with Paschal light and with hope of glory.
Source of radiation the dimensions of which are small enough, compared with the distance between the source and the irradiated surface, for them to be neglected in calculations and measurements.
In spite of the fact that he was a small man Mr. Johnson irradiated this feeling of well-being as he came down the steps.
Applying YAG double-frequency laser microbeam respectively irradiated fertilized eggs,4-cell-stage,blastula stage embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans.
Air-dried rice seeds were irradiated with 400Mev/amu accelerated argon ion beam. The genetic effects of M2 quantitative characters were studied.
Compton Back Scattering(CBS) imaging is a radiation imaging technique that forms the image of an object by measuring CBS emitted from the object while it is irradiated.
康普顿背散射CBS(Compton Back Scattering)成像技术是利用从被照物体中放射出来的康普顿背散射线对物体内部进行成像的放射线成像技术。
Experimental studies of blowoff impulse in materials irradiated by pulsed soft X-ray[J].
引用该论文 彭常贤,谭红梅,林鹏,李宏杰,孟刚.
Photoconduction-Type CdS Detector Irradiated by Two Laser Beams[J].
引用该论文 李莉,陆启生,江厚满,程湘爱.
Angular Distribution of Backscattered Light from Locally Pathological Tissues Irradiated by Pencil Light[J].
引用该论文 来建成,李振华,王春勇,贺安之.
Saturable absorption of semiconductor-doped glasses irradiated with sub-picosecond pulses[J].
引用该论文 梁培辉,赵庆春,张伟清.
Simulation Study of Thermal Results of Si Film Irradiated by Sub-picosecond Pulses Laser[J].
引用该论文 石颖,郑楠,梁田,徐攀,丁征,齐文宗.
Filamented proton beams from the rear surface of target irradiated by fs laser[J].
引用该论文 谷渝秋,蔡达锋,郑志坚,温天舒,淳于书泰,陈家斌,周维民,焦春晔,陈豪.
Study on GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells irradiated by free electron laser and OTCS measurement[J].
引用该论文 邹睿,林理彬,张猛,张国庆,李永贵.
Most of the light irradiated when the discharge lamp is in the ON state has near-infrared wavelengths (750-1100 nm).
The percentage of decolorisation of the dye solution can be over 99% and the reduction in COD was over 64% whenMW irradiated AC / Fe was used.
Alternatively, the ripples can be irradiated from above with a laser beam to produce an instantaneous reconstruction in reflected light.
Store these irradiated foods.
A unit of energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to100 ergs per gram or0.01 joule per kilogram of irradiated material.
Abstract In order to estimate the feasibility of alloy target slices fabrication technol-(ogy),some target slices were irradiated in-pile.
摘要 为评估靶片制造工艺的可行性,将一些靶片放入反应堆中进行辐照考验。
We theoretically study the low temperature electronic states of a quantum wire irradiated under a transversely polarized coherent external electromagnetic field.
The principle and procedure of inspection, reparation and reconstitution of PWR irradiated fuel and the principle and development of sipping technique are briefly introduced.
The events of interaction between ionizing radial particles and body tissue are discrete.These events have the form of asymmetrical distribution in the irradiated body tissue.
The detection method of irradiated starch food by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique is repooted.
用作动词(v.)Your halo will irradiate me forever.
We irradiate the desert with slow neutrons.
The hall is not dim; the four large lamps irradiate it.