a. 装有导航仪器的
v equip with instruments for measuring, recording, or controlling
v write an instrumental score for
v address a legal document to
Minuteman Instrumented Payload Delivery System 微型仪表有效载荷输送系统
highly instrumented 高度仪表化
instrumented class 插入指令的类
instrumented data 仪表化数据
instrumented pile 仪表桩
instrumented range 仪器测量范围[仪]仪表量程
instrumented rocket 仪表化火箭
instrumented stage 仪表化阶段
instrumented sticks 装有仪表的棍棒
instrumented testing 仪器测试
instrumented dart impact 仪表飞镖撞击
And here's part of the magnetometer instrument, and here's the other half of the magnetometer instrument.
这里是磁力计的一部分 这里是磁力计的另一部分
violin, a precious instrument; violin, a precious instrument; a violin.
Officer, stop it! It is an antique Officer, stop it! It is an antique Alas, I was never taught to play
I think what's really amazing is that you build this instrument, you invent all these new technologies, you have some of the most amazing people in the world contributing, and once you have this instrument operating in space, you have no idea what you're going to find.
我觉得最让人惊奇的是你造了这个仪器 也发明了这些新技术 你有着世界上最棒的 来做这件事的人 而一旦此仪器在太空中运作时 你压根不清楚会有什么发现
Thinking about the human voice as an instrument for social, emotional, as well as spoken communication can help us understand possibly why we ever evolved such an extraordinary musical instrument of such complexity and range.
将人声看作是一种 社交交流 情感交流 以及语言交流的工具 就能帮助我们理解 我们为何会进化出这种无与伦比 且极其复杂的发声工具
on these instruments which you see before you.
I am not the instrument of their demise.
I'm not clean, but the instrument is.
我没消毒 但器具消毒了
of you being an instrument of justice.
而耍性子 满腹怨恨似的
That's why this season is so instrumental.
No, seriously. It interferes with my instruments.
说真的 我的仪器受干扰了