incarnation是什么意思   incarnation怎么读

英式:[ˌɪnkɑ:ˈneɪʃn]    美式:[ˌɪnkɑ:ˈneɪʃn]



n.化身; 前身; 典型体现
n. 赋与肉体, 具人形, 化身


名词: incarnator | 动词过去式: incarnated | 动词过去分词: incarnated | 动词现在分词: incarnating | 动词第三人称单数: incarnates |



1. a new personification of a familiar idea;

"the embodiment of hope"

"the incarnation of evil"

"the very avatar of cunning"

2. time passed in a particular bodily form;

"he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation"

3. the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.

名词 incarnation:

a new personification of a familiar idea

同义词:embodiment, avatar

(Christianity) the Christian doctrine of the union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ

time passed in a particular bodily form

the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.


incarnation[ ,inkɑ:'neiʃən ]n.a new personification of a familiar idea

"the incarnation of evil"


(Christianity) the Christian doctrine of the union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christtime passed in a particular bodily form

"he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation"

the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.



incarnation 化身 来自incarnate,肉体化,具体化。其原义为化身为凡人耶稣的上帝,后词义通用化。


the incarnation of evil


(figurative)I worked for her in her earlier incarnation (= her previous job) as a lawyer.


He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation.


one of the incarnations of Vishnu


His industry and persistence suggest that he was an ant in a previous incarnation.


She began recalling a series of previous incarnations...


She is a perfect incarnation of glamour.


The regime was the very incarnation of evil...


Not all, byanymeans, can recognize an Incarnation of God.

无论如何, 不可能所有人都会认出一个神的化身.

He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation.


At his lips'touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.


英汉文学 - 盖茨比

He is the incarnation of peace.



The miser was an incarnation of greed.



The incarnation a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.

降凡指天神, 尤指印度教毗湿奴神''.'下凡'. ''为人或动物形象.

To me, Scar is not so much a silent swordsman as an incarnation of persistence.

对我来说, 与其说叶小钗是一个沉默的剑客,不如说他是一个毅力的化身!

The Son is one person; incarnation doesn't make him a 2 nd logos.

圣子是一个位格﹕道成 肉身 并没有使圣子成为第二个,另一个[道](子).

Now Zhuge Liang has been an incarnation of wisdom. Zhuge Liang a household word in Chian.

现在诸葛亮已成为了智慧的化身. 在中国,诸葛亮的名字家喻户晓.

Sadly, there haven? t been many notable, let alone historic, matches for this incarnation of the title.

可悲的是, 没有天堂? 笔被许多引人注目的, 更遑论历史, 在这届赛事化身的称号.

The axes ( origin ) is the true image of all spirits seeing ( showing ) as the incarnation.

‘轴’ ( 本原 ) 则是一切浩持精神浩视 ( 示 ) 生身的真像.

He believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation.


Each player is an incarnation of one of these characters!


Fable this kind of bird is the Yan Di youngest daughters incarnation, named female baby.

传说这种鸟是炎帝小女儿的化身, 名叫女娃.

Mephistopheles is a main character in the poetic play Faust, who is the incarnation of devil.

靡非斯特是歌德诗体剧《浮士德》中的一个重要人物, 是魔鬼的化身.

However, this latest incarnation is nothing like its old.

但是, 这个最新的喇叭变体一点也不像它的雏形.

It was a strange experience, like suddenly resuming a previous incarnation.

这真是一个离奇的经验, 好像突然回到了前世一样.


You may be fated to have a very influential incarnation.


Adam, the first incarnationthe Christ Consciousness in flesh, was the first incarnation of the divine consciousness.

亚当, 基督意识的首次肉身轮回, 是这个神圣意识的第一次投生.

The leading dancer is the incarnation of grace.




This is the purpose of His incarnation.


"It is widely believed among villagers that the frog is are incarnation of Lord Siva.


A good-looking Asian man is more likely to be seen as a good-looking man and not as the incarnation of the geopolitical nemesis or the economic rival.


A pure heart allows all others their dance and unfolding, even if the others end their incarnation in death or disease.


And in its highest moments, the incarnation of a totality that is plenitude and emptiness, the transfiguration of the body into form that, without abandoning sensation and the flesh, is spiritual.


Generally we see Mother Mary as the incarnation of Shekinah, and Mary Magdalene as the incarnation of Sophia.


Yet Galaxy GM Alexi Lalas believes that even if observers were already biased, a long look at MLS play in its current incarnation could shake up the established opinions of some.


As with the original incarnation of the Document Outline window, you can expand and collapse containing items as you scroll through the outline.


Huang, a pretty girl invested with both beauty and brains, is the incarnation of justice and kindness.


To bring his vision for the latest incarnation of TMNT to life, Munroe sought the talents of veteran art director/ concept illustrator Simon Murton.


In fact, biological samples were carried onboard the Apollo lunar missions as part of an early incarnation of the European radiation study.


As the stone waits by a pond, it falls desperately in love with a Crimson Pearl Flower,which is also selected for incarnation by the Fairy Disenchantment.


At Palyul Monastery, he was formally recognized as the incarnation of the second Pema Norbu (1887 - 1932) and became the eleventh throne-holder of Palyul Lineage of Nyingmapa.


Adam, the first incarnation of the Christ Consciousness in flesh, was the first incarnation of the divine consciousness.


People thought it was Providence, then 18 trees considered as the incarnation of 18 Rohan, so Damiao West moved to the place now.


It is from misbelief, or at least inadequate belief, about the Incarnation that difficulties at other points in the gospel story usually spring.

人无法相信道成肉身这真理, 或至少对此信心不足, 便是他们对福音故事产生许多疑问的主要原因。

EGO is equivalent in believing one to be the MASTER CREATOR when you are at best living the worn out dream of another that never achieved such a state in their own incarnation.


Her constant reinvention has taken her from backcombed hair and fingerless gloves in the Eighties to her most recent incarnation as a leotard-clad disco diva.


They sought to divine the meaning of this illness of the Master, whom most of them had accepted as an Incarnation of God.


Their current musical incarnation provides a hint of the orchestral that recalls French pop of the sixties but is well grooved in the beat of indie rock.


He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface.


He proved practically that all other forms of wealth fade into mere semblance beside this incarnation of wealth as such.


He is the incarnation of peace.


He is already a legend, the very incarnation of compassion, a beacon of religious tolerance, champion of the poor and the depraved.


His father Amenhotep III had already challenged the powerful priesthood by proclaiming the sun god Aten as foremost among Egyptian deities and himself as his living incarnation.


His heavy responsibility to her in this incarnation fulfills what he left undone--in the past.


He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation.


He believe he have is a prince in a previous incarnation.


This was decided in his previous incarnation.


Young, brilliant, eloquent, enamoured, and Athenian, he was to her as the incarnation of the poetry of her father's land.


Take the plan's latest incarnation: a proposal to make low-interest loans to private investors willing to buy up troubled assets.


Innana continued to outwit any incarnation related to Merduk.


But many Americans felt she also had more enduring qualities.Many viewed her as the incarnation of their country's dominant myth.


But those who follow the path of devotion seek an Incarnation of God, to enjoy the sweetness of bhakti.


The harmonious coexistence between Heathcliff and Catherine is made possible only after their death (first Catherine, then Heathcliff) by Hareton and Cathy, bearers of their blood and incarnation of their youth.

但由于他们所处的特殊环境 ,他们间的和谐关系只有通过死亡 (先是凯 ,后是希 ) ,由代表他们青春化身的 ,身上流着他们血液的哈里顿和小凯瑟琳重新建立起来。

The latest incarnation of CDMS, located inside the Soudan Mine in Minnesota, is scheduled to start taking data later this year.


Buddha and all perceived masters since his incarnation have been viewed as "God" causing God to suddenly become something outside of oneself rather than an internal state of being.


The eyes of the world as an adventure and mystery of the incarnation of how piracy can be brazen with AK47 then on the sudden chug it!


Your union was predestined from a previous incarnation.


You may cause a particular experience and not reap the benefit of the effect until either much later in your life or until the next incarnation or generation.


You may be fated to have a very influential incarnation.


In this we can see that this life-giving Spirit is the ultimate consummation of the processed Triune God, who passed through incarnation, human living, death, and resurrection.


Is that what you want to make manifest in alignment with your souls' wishes for your incarnation?


All was real vitality, real warmth, real incarnation.


The key planet, by its general nature and sign and house placement and aspects, is also a significator of the personality and position in the previous incarnation.


Rebirth, metamorphosis, transformation, incarnation, transmigration.


After one or two days Narendra said to himself, "If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God.


Phoenix's graceful bearing is graceful and noble, involve a lot of legends , become the lucky and happy incarnation in the minds of people.


You must have been kind-hearted in your previous incarnation.


The angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation.


Just like a maiden standing high up on the summit, rain or shine, the peak crest has become the incarnation of diligence, kindness and faithfulness.


Incarnations are the way to come closer to Creator, later, by means of a thought (without incarnation into a physical body).


The philosophy reflected in the Hindu epics is the doctrine of the avatar (incarnation of Vishnu or God as an animal or a human form).


Schopenhauer Arther: The human is the desire and the demand incarnation, is the innumerable desire congealment.


The devotee should worship and serve an Incarnation of God as long as He lives in a human body.


Tsongkhapa, the great reformer and the founder of the Glugpa monastic order is an earthly incarnation of Manjushri.


Sadly, there haven? t been many notable, let alone historic, matches for this incarnation of the title.


Listen, this is what our predecessor been happy for, this is him, incarnation of skylark, singing happily in the long long trip.


Record company executives are now, however, plotting to resurrect him in the incarnation that won him fame, fortune and iconic status - as a pop star.


You [the president] are the incarnation of France; you are the symbol of the Republic," said Moisi.


Therefore cease giving your records away, and allow all others to ascend in their own timing or incarnation.


Thus was born a peculiar music, music that was the incarnation of strength and integrity.


In this incarnation you have chosen to learn to build inner security, rather than to derive it from external sources such as job, lover, family, etc.


In Hinduism, an avatar or avatara, is the incarnation (bodily manifestation) of an Immortal Being, or of the Ultimate Supreme Being.


In yet another incarnation, the same soul in a different embodiment receives the same type of harmfulness from another, resulting in the direct experience of cancer in their own embodiment.


In the simplest incarnation of the proposed approach, the input video is partitioned into two subsequences of frames (even and odd) which are coded into two separate bitstreams.


There had been a large travesty 2000 years (8000 years as humans measuretime) prior to my incarnation.


And among real felines, black cats were considered closest to an incarnation of the goddess herself.


Besides studying basic reading and writing under his maternal uncle, the 8th Pema Lingpa incarnation of Lhalung, from the age of eight he also attended to his father everyday.


Within the entire tapestry or wheel of incarnation are trillions and trillions of human lives.


Both in public and in his own home he must again set himself up as the incarnation of authority!


Christ at his Incarnation took not only a human mind and will but a human body, and so he has made the flesh into an inexhaustible source of sanctification.


The perfect life lead as Jesus and his subsequent unjust murder, reversed the negative karma that came from his first incarnation as Adam.


The Christ soul's last incarnation was as the humble carpenter from Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth.


The coming of Jesus at the Incarnation.


Don Quixote is laughable, but is a idealism incarnation throughout.


The devotees would be so inebriated with pure joy in his company that they would have no time to ask themselves whether he was an Incarnation, a perfect soul, or a yogi.


The Earl of Auckland built Chapslee in 1836, the year he was made governor-general, but its earliest incarnation was anything but vice-regal.


Heroine Sufei is one chaste, beautiful, the good young girl, is Feilding in the mind “the lovable person " is in his ideal chaste and the moral excellence incarnation.


I worked for her in her earlier incarnation(= her previous job)as a lawyer.



She's the very incarnation of goodness.

Innana continued to outwit any incarnation related to Merduk.