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adv. 不慎地; 不客气地; 不谦虚地; 不端庄地

r. without modesty; in an immodest manner





Immodestly lies martyred with disgrace!

忍辱含垢地藏着, 熬受折磨和苦痛!

The book was entitled, immodestly,"all about wisdom".


And I say that immodestly, but I'm just a fact.

这么说一点都不谦虚 但这就是事实

But anything more, anything more, is selfaggrandizing and immodest, and I forbid it.

但任何 任何越轨行为 皆属自我膨胀和不正当行为 我严令禁止

At the risk of sounding immodest, perhaps my reputation precedes me.

虽然听起来会显得不够谦虚 但我应该已经声名远扬了

I hate to sound immodest, ma'am, but, uh, I rarely fail.

我不想让你觉得我很自大 夫人 但是我几乎从不失败

A woman performing loudly among men is considered to be immodest.

在男人之间大声表演的女人 会被视为不谦逊

immodestly, I confess I invented the solution that makes it visible to us, so I named it after my late wife.

不谦虚地说 是我发明了 让其可见的方法 我将之冠以我亡妻之名

Well, I I mean, I don't want to, uh, sound immodest, but I actually think I would be really great for this job.

我不想表现得不谦虚 但我觉得我会很适合这份工作