n. 骚扰者;袭扰者导弹车
n. a persistent tormentor
n. a persistent attacker
I have harassed the men. I've harassed you.
我骚扰了那个男人 骚扰了你
This is haras ent. I'm not here about that.
这是骚扰 我不是为那个而来
You harass my clinic, you harass my residents, you deliberately defy my orders.
你骚扰我的诊室 骚扰我的住院医师 故意违抗我的命令
I'm too ugly to be sexually harassed by the agent who was fired for sexual haras ent.
我太丑 连因为性骚扰 被开除的经纪人都不屑骚扰我
Oh, the sexual haras ent case. ...sexual haras ent case.
那件性骚扰案件 那件性骚扰案件
Okay, we apologize if some of you felt sexually harassed by our last sexual haras ent training.
好了 如果有人觉得在上一场性骚扰培训课上 被性骚扰了 我们深表歉意
We need to prove hishis haras ent meets the legal criteria for either hostile work environment or as sexual haras ent.
我们需要证明他的骚扰 要么达到恶意工作环境的标准 要么达到性骚扰的标准
I don't know why you're harassing me.
There's a doctor here who harassed me.
My wife is dead, and you're harassing me.
我妻子刚去世 你却在骚扰我