n.<空>(飞机的)机身; 火箭的外壳; 弹体n.机身
Noun1. the central body of an airplane that is designed to accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)
名词 fuselage:
the central body of an airplane that is designed to accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)fuselage[ 'fju:zilɑ:dʒ ]n.the central body of an airplane that is designed to accommodate the crew and passengers (or cargo)
fuselage 机身 来自拉丁语fusus, 纺锤,词源同fusiform. 因飞机机身形如纺锤状而得名。fuselage用法和例句:
Except positive fuselage noble elegant, is also in back's processing the flavor.
除去正面机身的高贵典雅, 在背部的处理上也是别有一番风味.
The wing section is connected to fuselage with titanium fasteners.
However, the ARFF vehicle did not reach the fuselage until 34 minutes.
然而, 飞机救援消防车辆直到34分钟后才到达机身残骸处.
The be thin fuselage coordinates the ultra big touch screen, elegant a doubt.
超薄机身配合超大触摸屏幕, 雍容华贵毋庸置疑.
The fuselage cracked in half, the lights went out and the right engine caught fire.
机身断成了两半, 灯全部熄灭,右引擎着了火.
The simple straight match shape metal fuselage, so that even on a layer of texture.
简约的直板造型配搭金属外壳机身, 让质感更上一层.
Most of aircraft consists of five main components: wings, fuselage, tail, landing gear and power plant.
大多数飞机由五个主要部分组成: 机翼 、 机身 、 尾翼 、 起落装置和动力装置.
The tufts along the fuselage and wings perform a similar function.
Should Drill hole on the fuselage reinforcing plate.
Fuselage of. Staining steel is couformed to health standard.
Fuselage of airplane can too the customer need to be adopted four pillar type construction.
The fuselage split in two close to the cockpit, and the tail broke off.
飞机的机身从驾驶舱附近断成两节, 尾部也断开.
The fuselage design also a good comparison, the relative price of Samsung is licensed for cheap.
机身的外观设计也比较不错, 现在的售价相对三星行货来说算是便宜的.
The motor mounts have been fabricated and installed in the lower fuselage.
A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.
飞机''.'炮'.''''.'塔'. ''战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从飞机机身上突出.
On the back of fuselage with a small frame, for users to watch television programs facilitated.
机身背面配有一个小支架, 为用户进行观看电视节目提供了便利.
The extra wing tanks allow removal of the fuselage tank, for a larger baggage compartment.
额外的右翼坦克允许取消机身油箱, 一个较大的行李舱.
Finally at 0526, a hand line from one ARFF 3000 gallon vehicle in use on the fuselage.
最后在5:26, 一辆3000加仑的飞机救援消防车辆采用手持水管来扑救飞机机身.
Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy planes.
The skin of the fuselage, stabilizers, and engine cowling was severely buckled.
机身, 平衡舵以及发动机舱盖的外壳都被扭曲得很厉害.
Color: The adoption pale blue of the fuselage surface color sprays Su.
颜色: 机身外貌接纳天蓝色喷塑.
Please insert the main supporting steels into the fuselage and tighten the screws.
The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability.
Some oscillation of the fuselage had been noticed on early flights.
The aircraft took off with a gaping hole in its fuselage.
The Big Eagle is 3 channel metal fuselage R/C helicopter, which can move forward, move backward, descend , turn left, turn right.
The APU engine is located in the aft end of the fuselage, behind the pressure bulkhead and below the horizontal stabilizer.
The MPACT 6000 is used on fuselage of the P-8A Poseidon, a variant of the Boeing 737-800 under development for the U.
MPACT 6000被用于P-8A海上巡逻机和各种为海军开发的波音737-800飞机上。
The Pucara's narrow, semi-monocoque fuselage has a deep forward section.An armored cockpit floor protects the pilots.
Those Orions that are not purchased by other countries are slowly dismantled for their parts. Note the landing gear on the ground in front of the fuselage.
A much smaller support is also located at the rear of the fuselage such that the plane appears to drag its tail, hence the name.
A Qantas plane carrying 350 people has made an emergency landing in the Philippine's capital Manila after a large hole was blown in its fuselage midnight mid flight.
Lying crumpled amid the luxuriant foliage was a Japanese bomber, its ribbed fuselage and skull-like nose cone resembling the skeleton of some great prehistoric beast.
Design technology for integration of air vehicle fuselage, propulsion system and lifting control surfaces to optimize aerodynamic performance throughout the flight regime of an unmanned air vehicle.
The next frame place has picked the silver bright strip embellishment, increased fuselage streamline form at the same time, also enhanced the whole sense of reality.
Fuselage of.Staining steel is couformed to health standard.
Both wings had separated and a postcrash fire had consumed most of the fuselage from the upper window line circumferentially through to the belly of the aircraft.
Zhongwei xingjiao colour printing co., Ltd. received equipment in the installation system, the machine's track-contaminated and firing, fuselage has rustiness, believed to be an old device.
The Chinese government adopted to the resource product price's marketability reform has selected the fuselage step entire strategy.
Based on the concept of persistence of vision, the Phantom's single rotor blade has a center of rotation outside of the UAVs' physical fuselage.
Sudanese television footage showed a hellish scene, with orange flames dwarfing firefighters and towering above the shattered fuselage.
By 0520, there was still no ARFF equipment dealing with the aircraft fuselage or fire.
Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane.
Their 30-foot vessel had a deck of salvaged yacht masts, six pontoons filled with plastic bottles and a cabin made from the fuselage of a Cessna aeroplane.
To move large volumes of any gas requires compressing it, or else the pipeline has to have a diameter similar to that of an airplane fuselage.
A small moveable airfoil on the side of the fuselage transmittng airplane angle relative to airstream for the stall warning system.
Yu Anyuan.A study of the design and flow characteristics for a submerged inlet under a stealt hy shaped fuselage [D].
Speed nylon chain roller chain traction differential, aluminum alloy fuselage material, beautiful appearance and practical.
倍速链 采用尼龙滚子差速链牵引,铝合金型材机身,外形美观实用。
The Invader was a very fast light bomber with only a single pilot and navigator/bombardier, as well as gun turrets above and below the fuselage which were remotely operated by a third crewman.
The aircraft can carry 12,100kg of fuel internally in two fuel tanks in the wings and four in the fuselage.
The worrying things about the latest delay are that it comes so late in the process of development and that it relates to stresses where the wings join the fuselage.
Not surprisingly, many who have flown in the new767 have commented that the airplane's fuselage appears wider.
Cement the fuselage bottom cover and wing together as shown in the diagram.
The end of the braid is wound around the hole of the launching pin and connects this pin with the fuselage.
Curls the field fuselage manual and the electrically operated two kinds, it is not only the hoisting equipment also transports the towing device.
The fuselage of the decommissioned aircraft, with the engine, wings and tail removed, was being taken by road to the capital Delhi late on Saturday night.
APU、or from an extermal ground cart through a connector located on the fuselage.
Two-seaters also have curved strakes below the cockpit along the lower fuselage.
An airplane having two pairs of wings fixed at different levels, especially one above and one below the fuselage.
The receiver aircraft is fitted with a probe that extends out from the side of the fuselage or from the leading edge of the wing.
The fuselage and wings along would, like a dart without flights, be too unstable to fly.
A 79.5l fuselage inside fuel tank can be added.
Simultaneously this machine function pressed key design left side of the fuselage, a more convenient driver operates.
At the same time, has utilized the special acoustics, the electricity structure speaker system, can also avoid the fuselage rear end wall sound the reflection to the sound box effect disturbance.
Buehrle Ralph D, Fleming Gary A and Pappa Richard S. Finite element model development for aircraft fuselage structures[J], S&V 2001(1).
MAKASSAR, Indonesia( AP)- Part of a jetliner" s tail, food trays and shards of fuselage were pulled from the ocean in northeastern Indonesia on Thursday,10 days after a Boeing737 disappeared in a storm with102 people on board.
Underneath the rear fuselage a large air scoop aspirated the second unit, which powered a three-bladed propeller mounted behind a cruciform tail.
Spray painting of the fuselage of the aircraft has been conducted in France.
In the first photo there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft.
Scribe lines on pressurized fuselage skin can be caused by using inappropriate tools during aircraft manufacturing or maintenance.
The scratched lines on the pressurized fuselage skin due to improper aircraft maintenance measure,are being paid more and more attention of aircraft manufactures and MROs.
Effects of Scratched Lines for Fatigue Life of Pressurized Fuselage Skin
In the contour and uses the same fuselage design, but how does everybody expect can be merely such simple!
The fuselage skin, white color, look even more beautiful and better when you are not in a working state can effectively closed, save space.
The outward appearance uses the consistent black frosting fuselage, feel is quite good.
Do you see uneven joint between the vertical stabiliser and the fuselage?
Big birds or flocks of birds can disable wing tips, dent the fuselage, foul the motor or break windshields.
If it had, pieces of the fuselage would have been found twisted in a varity of directions.
It was designed primarily as an attack aircraft and is equipped with seven stores hardpoints - three beneath each wing and one beneath the aircraft's fuselage centreline.
It was headed to a flight training school when the driver got lost and abandoned the fuselage, the plane's remains becoming something of a local attraction.
It consists of fuselage,canard,two main wings,wingtip-fin,landing gear and engine,etc.
It used entire black design, the fuselage surface underwent piano baking varnish processing, regardless of were the scale feeling or the fashionable feeling is very splendid.
The safety bolts sheared, resulting in an onrush of hot pressurized combustion gases into the rocket fuselage, causing it to rip open instantly...
Faired the aircraft's wing into the fuselage
Fix the wings on the fuselage with screws, check if they are symmetry for fuselage.
Put these two-elevator push rod out from the side back of the fuselage, then fix it with plastic U collet.
Exquisite fuselage and dexterous weight, regardless of being the commercial application or the family entertainment application, is more convenient quickly.
Nikang the d40 fuselage weight the approximately 471 grams, the outlook size is: 126 x 94 x 64 mm.
尼康d40机身重量约471克,外型尺寸是:126 x 94 x 64 mm。
The structural strength and flexural rigidity of the fuselage main frame are computed and verified by CAE system software and the results are analyzed.
The space in the fuselage of a small airplane containing seats for the pilot, copilot, and sometimes passengers.
Keywords open-press;finite element method;fuselage;
Computational investigation of slot blowing for fuselage forebody flow control
The engine should be mounted on a motor box that will in turn mount to the fuselage.
As we chatted about interference cancellation systems, I couldn't help but notice an odd decal decorating the side of the fuselage.
When the rescuers found by plane, ""the helicopter" and "tail", ""has been damaged fuselage without any mark, perfect white, also found no propeller.
We could use the wire we pulled from the fuselage, rig up a harness
We have been struck by lightning, the rear fuselage damaged, right elevator lost.
I made this model aircraft, but I went wrong somewhere with the fuselage.
then laid up 4 BID over it onto the fuselage for the cowling rim.
I got this bamboo for the decking, a piece of the fuselage for a cabin.
我用竹子来做甲板, 一段机身来做船舱
Faired the aircraft's wing into the fuselage.
Fit the tail assembly to the fuselage
Meanwhile, it is also found that the pitch change link can enhance the rotor lag damping.The spectrum of the fuselage vibrations demonstrates that the simulation method is effective.
It is documented that airflow through a large airliner fuselage with openings at each end, being subjected to a post crash fire, has been measured in excess of35 miles per hour.
A pressurize fatigue test of the liner part of a airplane fuselage was done. The methods of coupon mounting and loading were introduced. And the test result was given.
用作名词(n.)Here's the electronic installation in the aft fuselage.
Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane.