n. a literary work based partly or wholly on fact but written as if it were fiction
It's fiction. It's not you. It's not me.
这是小说 写的不是你 也不是我
See, I write fiction, but my novels, um, aren't really fiction.
看 我写小说 但是我的小说 不是虚构的
It's a fictional battle scene from a fictional universe, but the hypothesis still stands.
这是个虚构宇宙中的虚构战斗场景 尽管如此 这个题设仍然有意义
There was something about the difference of science fiction in a novel versus science fiction in the cinema.
科幻小说 和科幻电影 是有区别的
He can create a fictional news service with fictional articles, and we have no way to know who did it.
他可以创建一个假新闻发布机构 来散播假新闻 我们没有办法知道是谁在背后搞鬼
Now, let's be honest zombies are fictional, which means every way of dealing with them is also fictional.
事实上 僵尸是虚构的 这也意味着和它们打交道是不可能的
A fictional novel broke our family, and now a fictional character is about to break the rest of my life.
一本虚构的小说让我的家庭分崩离析 现在一个虚构的人物 又要来毁掉我余下的人生
Quantum mechanics is so weird,it may sound like science fiction, but it's not science fiction,it's science fact, and it's done better than any other idea in physics.
量子力学天马行空 听起来像科幻小说 却不是科幻小说 而是科学事实 量子力学是物理学中最出色的理论
One mark of a firstrate scientist is an interest in science fiction, and conversely one mark of a secondrate scientist is a lack of interest in science fiction.
一流科学家的标志之一 就是爱好科幻小说 相反的 二流科学家 缺少对科幻小说的热情
We often think about science fiction as a genre that celebrates boys and their toys, and yet there is a space for people of all different races and genders and creeds and colors and perhaps even species, since we're being science fictional to explore their hopes and fears and convey them to others about life in a hightech society.
我们通常觉得科幻类型 赞美的是小男孩和他们的玩具 但正因为我们讨论的是科幻 所以任何种族 性别 教派和肤色的人 甚至不同物种的人 都有机会 探索并交流关于高科技社会中 生活的希望与恐惧