accipitral是什么意思   accipitral怎么读

英式:[æk'sɪpɪtrəl]    美式:[æk'sɪpɪtrəl]


adj. 鹰的, 鹰似的






Controlled 2003, approval of civil aviaton total bureau establishs the civilian battalion such as accipitral couplet, age and Ao Kai airline.


On June 2 06 when, b-6218 of branch of Dong Hang northwest the airport of accipitral " Cong Xianyang of date " highland takes off.

6月2日06时,东航西北分公司 B-6218号"高原之鹰"从咸阳机场起飞。

9 see joke: A pair of old husband and wife live in in Xiaolou, came to stop accipitral hair one day, this old lady listens, ah!

9看笑话: 有一对老夫妻住在一个小楼里,有一天来了一个收鹰毛的,这老太太一听,啊!

' this is ball wool clearly, which are accipitral wool ' .


' it is what wool is afraid of ' then old man also blew wool come down, the old lady takes what stop accipitral hair to that downstairs to say;


"Accipitral renascence " , it is the environment that a business fits internationalization actually, it is a natural decay, be a kind of new capacity build, still be among this process.


But, glad, make a person have some of doubt again, because this is accipitral card only,just spread out wing to exploring to fly in the United States, will not how to still cannot know.


Treasury and the latest 桀 accipitral C4200 digital business card printing and membership card-making machine.


Additional as we have learned, accipitral couplet aviation also plans to lease aircraft of A320 of guest of 3 built on stilts.


Fracture of ossicle of right laurel bone, does accipitral mouth rip companion ulna to want an operation? Meeting deformity not?


Domestic famous brand has thing of north of head of accipitral card, 4 dimension, banker, auspicious much, diamond, Hui Da.


.. Tower bridge sweet pear saves bridge of tower of accipitral pool city in Jiangxi horticultural field has 40 to help advance somebody's career for years the history.


I do not open day money, still pulled my accipitral hair!


Honor urges person act vigorously to enter, honor urges a person thoughtful, what does bureau of traffic of city of pool of accipitral pool eagle rely on to gain new scope of operation?


In last few years, tower bridge is horticultural many jins 6000, become accipitral pool city's biggest pear tree base.


" this one idea already imprinted into accipitral pool person deeply " 15 " in the program.


Character weekly: " accipitral renascence " publish in 6 years in May, what is the condition of the enterprise doing to adjust at that time?


Wild female very angry, scold: "You want gourd ladle, why to still unplug my accipitral wool!!!!!!


The development of accipitral pool forestry, also be faced with this 1000 carry the historical good luck that meets hard.


Accipitral eagle is in avian and familial medium position is like the lion like the position in beasts outstanding.
