vt.施肥于; 使肥沃vt. 施肥于, 使肥沃, 使受精=fertilize
Verb1. make fertile or productive;
"The course fertilized her imagination"
2. provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to;
"We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants"
3. introduce semen into (a female)
动词 fertilise:
make fertile or productive
同义词:fertilize, fecundate
provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to
同义词:fertilize, feed
introduce semen into (a female)
同义词:inseminate, fecundate, fertilize
fertilise[ 'fə:tilaiz ]v.make fertile or productive
provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to同义词:fertilizefeed
introduce semen into (a female)同义词:inseminatefecundatefertilize
Euonymus fertilis
n. 全育卫矛
Sporobolus fertilis
n. 鼠尾粟
One widely discussed idea, which the Royal Society’s correspondents re-examine, is to fertilise the oceans with iron.
一 个受到广泛讨论,也是皇家学会成员再次斟酌的观点是利用铁物质对海洋施肥。
One popular idea is to use iron to fertilise the sea, causing the same explosions of phytoplankton that often precede dead zones and red tides.
They are not sure why smokers produce fewer boys, but they suspect that sperm carrying the Y chromosome for male children may be more susceptible to the effects of tobacco which could make it less likely to fertilise the woman's egg.
They are not sure why smokers produce fewer boys,but they suspect that sperm carrying the Y chromosome for male children may be more susceptible to the effects of tobacco which could make it less likely to fertilise the woman's egg.
He plans to fertilise his fields with manure, rather than chemicals derived from oil and natural gas.
cross fertilise
Countries as diverse as Canada, China, France and Indonesia have vowed to cultivate greenery in an effort to fertilise their wilting economies.
If a woman does not oulate there is no egg for sperm to fertilise and so she cannot become pregnant.
Look for those who enhance you, not inhibit you; who fertilise your mind and put the wind beneath your wings.
Although the idea has been tested on a small scale, it is not yet known if there would be side-effects in trying to fertilise a large part of the ocean.
Blocking a river with a dam blocks the movement both of fish upstream to spawn and of silt downstream to fertilise fields.
Keywords trace element;rare earth;agriculture;natural minerals fertili;zer;soil;
The blind passages make it likely that sperm will be ejaculated into the wrong place and thus fail to fertilise the duck's eggs.
Nearly all our orchidaceous plants absolutely require the visits of insects to remove their pollen-masses and thus to fertilise them.
Nearly all our orchidaceous plants absolutely require the visits of insects to remove their pollen-masses and thus to fertilise them
Sometimes, two sperm can fertilise a single egg, but this is only thought to happen in about 1% of human conceptions.
During the day the jellyfish keep their gardens in the strongest light by tracking with the sun and at night they descend to fertilise their plants with muck from the bottom of the lake.
Greenhouse survey and field experimen ts ratified that sulphur had became a limiting factor and application of fertili zer sulphur was necessary for further yield increase in some soils.
Blocking a river with a dam also blocks the movement of fish upstream to spawn and the movement of silt downstream to fertilise fields.
The discovery suggests that increased CO2 in the atmosphere could fertilise extra growth in the mature forests.
sperm competition Occurs when a male sneaks into a nest to fertilise eggs of a mating pair.
The Newcastle research also paves the way for a woman to grow her own sperm and use it to fertilise her natural eggs, creating a child to which she is both mother and father.
纽卡斯尔的研究也使一个女人用自己的精子受精自己的卵子成为可能, 创造一个孩子, 她即是孩子的妈妈也是孩子的爸爸。
Here's a close-up of a number of sperm trying to fertilise an egg.
The programme, a dramatisation of the epic journey sperm undertake in their quest to fertilise the egg, reveals other fertility secrets.
Mr Corston, an electrical consultant, told the Daily Mail he had used cow manure from a next-door farm to fertilise the tree.
accessory male A male fish which attempts to fertilise eggs of a breeding female at the expense of a dominant male.
sneaky male A small, non-dominant male fish which attempts to fertilise eggs by darting suddenly onto the nest site. Also called sneaker.
Male sterility:The inability of the male to fertilise the ovum.