v.移植( explant的第三人称单数 )vt. 外植(将生物的活组织移植于培养基中培养) n. 外植体
v.移植( explant的第三人称单数 );
Increasing lateral bud production with 6-benzylaminopurine and antibiotics pretreatments on establishment of aseptic culture for axillary explants in Dieffenbachia.
Our data also showed that AgNO3 played an important role in controlling the browning of explants, and the concentration of 8.0mg/L was recommended.
0mg/L AgNO_3能较好地控制外植体的褐化,促进芽的分化。
We used cotyledon of S52 (FF) to be the explants, optimized shoot induction media and tested the PPT concentrations in rooting media.
The results showed that PYM could dramatically inhibit callus induction and differentiation of explants.
AgNO_3 plays an important role in controlling the browning of cotyledon explants, and 6mg/L AgNO3 is recommended.
6mg/L AgNO3能很好地控制外植体的褐化,促进芽分化和芽伸长。
DCR+6-BA2.0 mg/L was the optimal combination ,on which 74% per cent of explants induced with an average rate of propagation 6, the highest rate of propagation 8. Addition of NAA and 2,4-D would inhibit the formation of adventitious buds.
DCR+6BA2.0mg/L是不定芽诱导的最佳组合,外植体不定芽诱导率达74%,平均增殖系数为6,最大增殖率为8。 NAA及2,4D的添加均不利于芽的诱导;
To avoid the browning and death of explants after co-culture and improve the transformation frequency, it was necessary to add PVP 500mg/L to co-culture medium.
N)在共培养基中添加 PVP 500mg/L,可防止外植体共培养后褐化死亡现象发生,促进转化频率的提高。
The activity of PAL was increased as explant turned black.
ZHENG J B,LIANG H Y,SUN K N,et al.Regeneration of explants of Chinese poplar leaves and its transformation with insectresistant gene[J].Journal of Hebei Forestry College,1996,11 (2):97-101.
Chen Jiqin,Han Liebao,Yang Chunqi,Li Xue.Effect of different explants on callus induction of perennial ryegrass[J].Grassland and Tur f,2005(4):42-47.
Calli from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants were induced earlier than others,and had a faster growth rates than others.Buds differentia-ted from calli were adventitious ones.
Effects of Different Plant Growth Regulator Rations and Organic Compounds on Growth and Differentiation of the Explant of Taishanhong Punica granatum L.
The Xanthium sibiricum callus was induced on the MS culture medium attaching different kind and concentration hormone by Xanthium sibiricum blade, petiole and stem as explants.
In Case 1, RPE cells grew from the explants, but were contaminated with other cells such as fibroblasts and melanocytes, and no pure RPE cultures were obtained by explantation.
Embryogenic callus can produced directly from cotyledon, hypocotyle and radical, or from callus producing from explants.
The experimental results on tissue culture of Begonia clatior showed that using the leaves as explants was best.
The addition of acetosyringone,the concentration of bacterium suspension,the time of inoculation,different explants as well as seedling age exhibited certain influences on transformation.
Embryogenic callus and somatic embryos could be directly obtained on the medium only with ZT, but it was influenced by explant sources.
Species and varieties,transformation methods. target genes transformed,explants,transformation frequency andits influencing factors involved in citrus transgenic research are reviewed,And the prospect of research is also covered.
In propagation through enhanced axillary branching of two-years old Eucommia ulmoides, May proved to be a favorite time for explant collection.
It is obvious that callus induction and proliferation of gerbera need growth regulators, and are influenced by varieties and explants of different parts of the plants.
Floral organ culture and rapid propagation of Lilium orential "Sorbonne" were carried out using pedicle, receptacle, petal, and filament as explants.
以东方百合 索邦 L ilium orential Sorbonne 的花梗、花托、花瓣和花丝为外植体 ,进行了离体培养与快速繁殖研究 .
The oriental lily squamas of Sorbonne were used as explants for tissue culture.
Tissue culture of Dioscorea opposita "foshou" was studied with explants such as tubers,leaves,stem segments.
Using bulblets of Freesia refracta Shangnongjinghuanghou as explants,the influence of plant hormone to its in vitro culture and plant regeneration was studied in this paper.
The shoot tips with a length of 0.5~0.8 mm is suitable for explants,which came from Chrysanthemum with CMV.Callus grew well on MS+BA2.0 mg/L+NAA0.1 mg/L and 96.0% explants formed.
以患花叶病菊花0.5~0.8 mm幼嫩茎尖为外植体,愈伤组织的诱导在MS+BA2.0mg/L+NAA0.1 mg/L培养基上效果最好,诱导率达96.0%;
Stems with axillary buds from Cardinal, elite of China rose, were used as explants for in vitro rapid propagation.
以月季良种红衣主教带腋芽茎段为外植体进行离体快速繁殖研究 .
Effective plant regeneration was obtained on MS medium supplemented with NAA 1mg/L and BA 2mg/L,using leaves of basal bulb as explants in Amaryllis vittata. The highest callus induction rate was 93.3% and shoot induction rate was 90.0%.
以朱顶红鳞茎基部鳞片为外植体 ,在MS +NAA 1mg/L +BA 2mg/L培养基上愈伤组织的诱导频率最高 ,为 93 .3% ,愈伤组织上可以直接生芽 ,生芽频率为 90 .0%。
Use test-tube seedlings of Chinese date Goutouzao and Junzao as explants,effect of TDZ and 6-BA on subculture of Chinese date were studied and selected its suitable composition in subculture.
Embryonic calli could be obtained from explants such as terminal buds and axillary buds of hybrid giant napier inoculated in induced media during tissue culture.
The regeneration system of tissue culture of Symplocos tetagona Chen et.Y.F.Wu was established using seeds as explants.
The abnormal rate of chromosome number was highest inthe callus with seed embryo as explant,but the callus grewout no budor very few buds with abnormal bud shape.
Callus was induced using seeds as explant on Dioscorea nipponica Makino,the best culture media is MS+6-BA3.0 mg/L+NAA2.0 mg/L and the highest frequency is 18.9%.
Floral buds of Passiflora edulis Sims were used as explants in tissue culture.
These young stems as explants placed on different media formed calli,whose amount then increased by different cultures on different media and for different generations.
Using the shoots as the explants, the effect of different factors on Opuntia milpa alta haw in vitro is examined.
The axillary bud on young shoot of Barbados nut was used as explants,adding different concentration of plant hormone combinations(6-BA and IBA) on minimal medium(MS),to carry out buds inducing and multiplication culture.
以麻疯树幼嫩枝条腋芽为外植体,以M S为基本培养基,附加不同浓度的激素组合(6 BA与IBA)进行芽诱导和增殖培养。
Callus was obtained from the terminal bud explants of Ficus robusta on Murashige and Skoog(MS) basel medium supplemented with 2.0 mg L-1 BA and 0.1 mg L-1 NAA.
以黄斑橡胶榕(Ficus robusta“Yellow spot”)的顶芽为外植体进行离体培养与植株再生研究。 结果表明,黄斑橡胶榕的诱导培养基以MS+BA 2.0 mg L-1+NAA 0.1 mg L-1为宜;
The use of low-strength soft initiation medium (1/4MS+2% sucrose+0.5% agar,supplemented with 0.5mg/L BAP and O.05mg/L IBA) was effective in preventing browning of the explants.
In the rakkyo callus induction experiment, 0.5g/L PVP can effectively inhabitting the explant browning.
使用0.5g/L PVP进行薤的鳞片愈伤组织诱导时可以有效地抑制外植体的褐化。
After co-culture was over, the explants were directly transferred to the selection medium MSB2 (MSB1+Cef500mg/L+Km100mg/L) for three weeks.
共培养完成后,将外植体直接转入筛选培养基MSB_2(MSB_1+500mg/L Cef+100mg/L Km)中进行分化培养,每3周继代一次。
Explants came from winter and the old explants had low brown rate. The active carbon played a role in inhibiting browning.
Factors affecting explant browning in tissue culture of Hippophae rhamnoides L.
After 1 week, cells grew from the edge of original 1mm3 BSM explant, and they overspread after 3-4 weeks. Both ASMC and BSMC are zonary or spindly, with smooth membrane.
分离的支气管平滑肌剪碎成1mm3的小块采用植块培养的方法较好,1 周后有细胞从边缘爬出,大约3~4 周后铺满培养皿,所得细胞呈梭形,纯度较高。
A section of liver explant is provided.
In initial culture ,it can effectively prevent the explant from browning to append 0.5g/L PVP to culture medium.
初代培养时,培养基中加入 0.5 g/L 的 PVP,可以有效地防止组织培养过程中外植体褐化。
Establishment and identification of a system to transform hairy roots of Echinacea purpurea. Hairy roots were induced from the wounded brim of the explants, 25 days after inoculation of Echinacea purpurea explants with A.
The mature embryos were cultivated on NB media with different hormones,by using the mature embryos in rice as explants,and regeneration plants were obtained successfully.
Calli induction: Explants was death in MS+6-BA+NAA medium, both leaves and stem segments were chosen, can’t be differentiated.
E or F-plus can be more rapid start-up CHI explants of dedifferentiation.
So I can understand as soos as you explant to me.
Methods Protocorm-like bodies and callus of DCWL subcultured for 30 days was used as the explants,N6 was used as the basic culture with phytohormone added,and fungal extracts as the elicitor.
AgNO?3 played and important role in controlling the browning of explants, and 8.0 mg/L was recommended.
另外,8 0mg/LAgNO3能有效地控制外植体的褐化,促进芽的分化。
The adventitious bud differentiation rate of different explants types was leaf (95.1%) > stem segment (66.3%)> root segment (61.5%).
The time of dipping leaf pieces in suspension affected not only the gene transfer efficiency, but also the inhibition by cefotaxime of the growth of Agrobacterium on explants.
Zygotic embryo is better than vegetative materials when used for explants.
Explanation of plates 1.Differentiation of pepper cotyledon in the differentiation medium;2.Buds of explants enlongation in the growth medium;3.Induce of roots of pepper shoots;4.Regenerated pepper plants were transplanted into normal soil.
Adjacent explants were connected to each other by the migrating cells with the occurrence of autorhythmic beating of the explants.
Among cotyledon, petiole of cotyledon, hypocotyl, and radicle, hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4- D.
A peak value of ABA and IAA content and a low value of GA3 content in explant were detected at the beginning of embryonic calli generation.
Kentucky bluegrass regeneration system research progress in the world were summarized in this paper on the influencing factors such as the choice of explants、culture conditions、genotype and so on.
The MS medium supplemented with 0.2mg/L 6-BA,0.01mg/L IAA or 0.2mg/L 6-BA,0.01mg/L IBA were found promising effect in elongation, which is a key step of in vitro propagation of castor( Ricinus communis ) from meristematic explants.
在蓖麻的茎尖培养中,幼芽伸长是关键的一步,添加0.2mg/L 6-BA,0.01mg/L IAA或0.2mg/L 6-BA,0.01mg/L IBA的MS培养基对蓖麻幼芽的伸长有较好的效果。
The optimal explant in tissue culture was stem section,and the frequence of callus induction can reach 50%.
Cotyledon and cotyledon node are all good explant for cucumber transformation compared to hypocotyledonary axis.
The Ecs gained from the original skin explants which were cultured after 7 days and from epidermal outgrowth lost their ability to stimulate allogeneic lymphocyte transformation in MEcLR.
培养7天后的Ecs及新生Ecs在MEcLR 中失去刺激异体淋巴细胞转化的能力。
In five hormone combinations, the effect of the basic medium plus IAA 0,3mg/L and LBA 0.1mg/L was best for the explant to take root earlier and make the stem and leaves grow more rapidly.
培养基中激素配比以基本培养基+IAA 0.3mg/升+IBA0.1mg/升对诱导外植体早生根并促进茎叶生长的效果最显著。
The differences of these characteristics between graft-origin and basal-sprout explants remained in the first 3 subcultures, however, they disappeared in the late.
The different cutting-out methods of explants affected the initial h ealing time of callus inductions, and could lead to time reduction.
外植体的不同切取方式对愈伤组织诱导的始愈时间有影响 ,经切取后可缩短始愈时间 ;
It is the factors affected plant regeneration in explant culture in Euphorbia pulchrrima willd to different explants or aurin or cytokinin or the combination of the auxin and cytokinin.
Embryogenic callus was obtained only from hypocotyl explants of Astragalus adsurgens and light inhibited the formation of embryogenic callus.
After dedifferentlation and redifferentiation,the explants had three fates: abnormal plantlets, death and healthy plants.
It focused the discussion on the advances of selection of explants, light, temperature and 6-BA, NAA, ethylene, which affecting inflorescence induction and flowering of Composite.
The frequency of shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants of fifty days fast vegetable and Zhejiangzaoshu No. 5 is higher. So both varieties were used as the material for transgenic experiment.
The capabilityof neurlte regeneration of retinal explant was decreased with the passage of time after birth, and it was lost after two weeks old.
Studies on the micropropagation of5cultivars of almond,Bulgaria1,Nonpareil,Fritz,Prize and Neplus,was conducted with node explants.
The explant tissue culture was compared with the typsin digestion culture.
Hypocotyl,cotyledon,stem,leaf blade,leaf petiole explants of tomato were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/L BA and 0.2 mg/L IAA for induction of calli and bud formation.
This article makes a relatively all-around brief in explant,condition of cultivate,methods,result to the headway of tissue culture research on Nervilia fordii(Hance) Schltr.
The Spathiphyllum floribundum cv.Cupid explants were inoculated in MS substratum with BA 0-4.0 mg/L .
将"Cupid"白鹤芋外植体分别接种在含BA 0-4.0 mg/L的MS培养基中。
Plant expression vector p35EZ was constructed to transform the explants of Cucumis sativus L. by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townsend) Conn Ti plasmid_mediated method.
将该基因克隆在pBI1 2 1的 35S启动子和Nos终止子之间 ,得到植物表达载体p35EZ。 通过根癌农杆菌 (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens (SmithetTownsend)Conn)介导的方法转化黄瓜 (CucumissativusL .)
用作及物动词(vt.)Many researches in culture of vegetative organ have reported in the paper, but a few researches have reported in the other culture of explant.
Many researches in culture of vegetative organ have reported in the paper, but a few researches have reported in the other culture of explant.