encephalitis是什么意思   encephalitis怎么读

英式:[enˌsefəˈlaɪtəs]    美式:[enˌsefəˈlaɪtəs]




形容词: encephalitic |



1. inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use)

名词 encephalitis:

inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use)

同义词:cephalitis, phrenitis

encephalitis[ ,ensefə'laitis ]n.inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use)




Objective To investigate the related factors influencing the prognosis of children viral encephalitis.


CONCLUSION Actinomycin D can stimulate encephalitis B virus replication.


Objective To investigate the early diagnosis and treatment of viral encephalitis.


These charge vaccine including Japanese encephalitis , B and DPT.

这些收费的疫苗包括乙脑 、 乙肝和百白破.

Reason: belong area ofmouth disease, classical swinefever, Africa swinefever and Japanese encephalitis.

原因: 属口蹄疫或古典猪瘟或非洲猪瘟或日本脑炎疫区.

Methods Retrospective analysis was made to 38 cases of viral encephalitis.


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Objective To fabricate microarray for detection of Japanese encephalitis virus and yellow fever virus.

目的制备乙型脑炎病毒(JEV)与黄热病病毒(YFV) 联合诊断基因芯片.

Other kinds of encephalitis include West Nile, Saint Louis and Eastern Equine.

其它类型的脑炎有西尼罗河 、 圣路易斯、东方马.

Forest encephalitis is a viral infectious disease, mainly causing occupational hazard to forest workers.

森林脑炎是林区的一种病毒性传染病, 也是林业工人的主要职业危害.

Objective To screen the principal transmission vector of epidemic encephalitis B ( Thereafter encephalitis B in brief ).

目的筛选流行性乙型脑炎 ( 简称乙脑 ) 的主要蚊虫传播媒介.

Viral encephalitis is a brain parenchymatous inflammation that is caused by viral infection.


Objective : To survey the therapeutic effectiveness of interferon α in the treatment of epidemic encephalitis B ( EEB ) .

目的: 观察α干扰素治疗流行性乙型脑炎的 疗效.

Did encephalitis appear be treated fortunately after the symptom?

脑炎出现了症状以后还好治 么 ?

It is suggested that acyclovir should be given when viral encephalitis is suspected.


Objective: To sum up the treatment and nursing of 152 cases with infant viral encephalitis.

目的: 探讨小儿病毒性脑炎的治疗措施与护理要点.

Objective To explore the clinical value of electroencephalograph in diagnosis of viral encephalitis.


Methods: The EEGs of 96 cases of viral encephalitis were analyzed retrospectively.


New York , October 13,2003 Symptoms of encephalitis include fever, headache, fatigue and [ b ] malaise.

脑炎 的症状包括:发热, 头疼, 疲劳和不适等.

Objective To study the anti tick borne encephalitis virus effect of cimetidine and dipyridamole.


Herbs for the prevention of encephalitis can be found everywhere in this area.



Objective To investigate the relationship between EEG, pathogenetic condition and prognosis in viral encephalitis children.


Objective To observe the therapeutic effeciency of potassium dehydroandrographolide succinate injection to epidemic encephalitis B patients.


Conclusion Cranial MRI contributed to early stage diagnosis of virus encephalitis.



Cimetidine could decease the death rate of the mice affected tick borne encephalitis virus( P <0.05 ).


Many Chinese were infected by needles that were reused during mass vaccination programs for tuberculosis, tetanus and encephalitis from the 1970s to the 1990s.


In 1996 the overall incidence of and the mortality resulting from 14 infectious diseases,such as typhoid fever,hepatitis,epidemic encephalitis and influenza,dropped by 45.52 and 67.16 percent,respectively,compared with the 1991 figures.


The monitoring with AEEC in acute stage is superior to MRI in diagnosis and prognosis of virous encephalitis, especially for children and patients in serious conditions.


C. and viral serologies to rule out encephalitis...

C.)检测 还有病毒血清 排除脑炎...

HSV is ubiquitous, but fortunately, only 1 or 2 cases per million infected individuals develop the encephalitis of HSV each year in the US.


VBE is a kind of common edema in clinics, which is always accompanied with cerebral vascular disease, encephalitis, brain tumor, brain trauma.


The positive rate of BDV p24 in PBMC and CSFMC in viral encephalitis(9.6%,11.5%) was significantly higher than that in healthy donors(0,P<0.05).

VE患者PBMC和CSFMC中BDV p24基因片段阳性率(分别为9.6%和11.5%)明显高于对照组(0,P<0.05);

Tang D Y, Guo W Z, Xu Z W, et al.Isolation and identification of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV)[J].Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University, 2004, 22(1): 70-74.

[2]汤德元, 郭万柱, 徐志文, 等. 乙型脑炎病毒的分离与鉴定[J]. 四川农业大学学报, 2004, 22(1): 70-74.

Wang X, Chen H C, He Q G, et al.Cloning, sequencing and expression of NS1 gene of Japanese encephalitis virus SA14-14-2 strain[J].Chinese Journal of Virology, 2000, 17(3): 45-51.

[3]王祥, 陈焕春, 何启盖, 等. 乙型脑炎病毒SA14-14-2株NS1基因片段的克隆、测序与表达[J]. 病毒学报, 2000, 17(3): 45-51.

Results: The inoculation rates of BCG, whole range of HBV vaccine, poliomyelitis live vaccine, DPT, measles vaccine live,and vaccinum encephalitis B were 97.0%, 90.6%, 76.0%, 80.9%,88.6%,81.3% respectively.


A 12-Year Prospective Study of Childhood Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: Is There a Broader Spectrum of Disease?


Encephalitis, malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and filariasis are transmitted to man and animals in various regions of the world through the bite of the mosquito.


In severe cases, a life-threatening encephalitis can develop, which ends up in death or in irreversible neurological sequelae.


During the war,Sabin's vaccines protected thousands of U.S.troops against such diseases as dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis.


MB photochemical method can inactivate bacteriophage f2,HIV-1 and Japanese encephalitis virus in blood effectively.


Encephalitis of sex of paralysis of cerebral concussion, head, poliomyelitis, virus, paraplegia, Gelinbali is waited a moment.


Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus is a mosquito-borne viral pathogen that causes Venezuelan equine encephalitis or encephalomyelitis (VEE).


There is another lesson from the 1971 and 1995 Venezuelan equine encephalitis epidemics.


They infected some mice with one of two types of mouse herpesirus and exposed them to bacterial pathogens that cause encephalitis, meningitis and plague.


Because the imaging of Jeanna's brain was normal, showing no sign of infection or stroke, her doctors assumed that she had this kind of postinfectious, autoimmune encephalitis.


Infectious Diseases: A number of infections that affect the central nervous system have been known to cause dementia symptoms, including HIV, meningitis, and encephalitis.


One class of encephalitis (including multiple sclerosis) attacks the myelin sheath that insulates nerve fibres rather than the neurons themselves.


However, severe neurologic complications, such as acute encephalitis and poliolike paralysis, develop in some patients with EV71 infection.

但是有时在一些肠病毒71 型感染的病人会发生严重神经学并发症, 譬如急性脑炎和类小儿痲痹的痲痹。

The results were all negative when used to detect other flavivirus including the yellow fever virus, dengue virus type 1, 2, 3 and 4, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus.


The disease encephalitis also can cause movement problems and other disorders like those of Parkinson's disease.


Encephalitis that affects both the gray and white matter of the brain, resulting in progressive loss of mental and motor functions.


One lesson is similar to that taught by experiences with Venezuelan equine encephalitis.


Other kinds of encephalitis include West Nile, Saint Louis and Eastern Equine.


The key to epidemic encephalitis B prevention and control is to strengthen comprehensive control measures such as Vaccination and anti-mosquito.


The clinic and EEG,brain CT,MRI in patients with herpes simplex virus encephalitis.


Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) encephalitis has its own neuroanatomy.


The mice treated with extract of Raphanus sativus-root cv."Weiqing" resulted in a high protective effect against epidemic tpye B encephalitis virus infection.


That's because health officials are trying to determine if a suspected case of meningitis and the death of a second-grader from encephalitis are linked.


Culex mosquitoes, which can transmit Japanese Encephalitis, breed in large volumes of stagnant water. They can spread the disease after biting infected pigs or wild birds.


Nitayaphan S , Grant J , Chang G, et al . Nucleotide sequence of the virulentSA214 strain of Japanese encephalitis virus and its attenuated vaccine deriva2tive , SA21421422 [J ]. Virology , 1990 , 177(2) :5412552.


EBE is not infrequent, about 10% of encephalitis in children. EBE is always present independently, which is not a complication of infectious mononucleosis(IM).

在儿童病毒性脑炎中EBE并不少见 ,约占 10% ,且多单独出现而非传染性单核细胞增多症 (IM)的一部分。

At least 60 people have died of malaria and encephalitis in India's flood-hit north-eastern state of Assam, where further heavy rains have forced 70,000 people from their homes.


In all examined virus,viral meningitis, encephalitis of children was mainly caused by PIV, then by ADV, CVB, RSV, EBV and IVA.


Children learn the risk of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis at an Anti-Mosquito Campaign exhibition.


The median CSF white blood cell count was 33/mm3 among the patients with M pneumoniae encephalitis.


During an encephalitis outbreak in Chicago, a scientist searches for its carriers in a watery tunnel.


We will see the limbic system on this tour, as shown by the lesions of a typical case of HSV encephalitis.


Observation of the curative effect of medicinal granules of compound ass-hide glue on cere-bral edema in epidemic encephalitis B.


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Referring to vectorborne infectious diseases, Dr Tsang said the CHP has attached great importance to the prevention of dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis.


This method was used to detect Sendai virus in Japanese encephalitis attenuated live vaccine and the kidney of nurturing hamster, which was used for producing vaccine in China for years.

将该方法用于检测乙脑减毒活疫苗和用于生产疫苗用的普通级乳地鼠肾中的Sen dai病毒。

Earlier diagnosis and combined therapy of viral encephalitis in children.


The main imaging findings of local SLEE which is bad prognosis were large patches cerebral infarct, cerebral hemorrhage, encephalitis.


Common at encephalitis sequela, SenileObstacle of spirit of sex of gawkish, arteriosclerosis reachs the gender paralytic sex is gawkish etc.


Of great concern during the year was the report of five cases of Japanese encephalitis, resulting in one fatality.


Complication has pneumonic, thorax to accumulate arthralgia of sex of lymph node enlargement of door of fluid, lung, encephalitis, defer, cardiac muscle phlogistic, glossitis.


The specific CTL cell mediated immune responses induced by live attenuated and inactivated Japanese encephalitis(JE) vaccine in mice were compared.

应用检测特异性CTL活性的方法检测乙脑活疫苗的细胞免疫应答 ,并以灭活疫苗作对照。

A local Japanese encephalitis case is reported.


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The dynamic change of serous creatine kinase BB(CK-BB) in acute viral encephalitis(AVE).


WNV testing for patients with encephalitis or meningitis can be obtained through local or state health departments.


The most serious manifestation5 of WNV infection is fatal encephalitis.


In China, mosquito-borne infectious diseases include malaria, filarial, epidemic Japanese B encephalitis, and dengue fever.


Objective: To study the value of EEG to the diagnosis of mumps encephalitis and the judgement of its severity, effect of treatment, and prognosis.


Abstract : To explore the MRI presentative characteristics of severe viral encephalitis in children and to evaluate its clinical value.

摘要 : 目的探讨儿童重症病毒性脑炎磁共振(MRI)影像的特点及其临床意义。

Eight brain magnetic resonance imagings (MRIs) and one spinal MRI of 7 small infants and children with herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) were retrospectively studied.


Objective To analyze clinical characteristics and treatment protocols of viral encephalitis (VE) in children.


Objective To study the dynamic distribution of attenuated Japanese encephalitis virus(JEV) strain SA14-14-2 in mice.


This year, the Government has confirmed three cases of Japanese Encephalitis in various areas of Hong Kong and there is a high likelihood that dengue fever will also reappear.


The government would vaccinate all of Hong Kong's pigs before next summer to guard agai t the potentially fatal disease Japanese encephalitis.


Abstract: Objective To explore the reason of cerebral arteritis in viral encephalitis.

文章摘要: 目的探讨病毒性脑炎并脑动脉炎的病因。

Method:60 borderline case with child viral encephalitis were checked by PRD-2000A digital EEG quantitative analyzer.


Methods CSF NSE level was detected in 58 patients with epidemic encephalitis B with RIA and a follow up study was made in 26 patients.


Methods The clinical features, CT scan findings and post mortem pathological changes of 3 patients afflicted with granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE) were analysed.


Methods The clinical data and EEG of 114 cases forest encephalitis patient were analyzed.


Methods Findings of EEG and cranial CT in 21 children with hemiplegia type of viral encephalitis were analyzed.


Methods Retrospective analysis was made to 38 cases of viral encephalitis.


Methods For three years, choosed 12 cases of chickenpox merging encephalitis of young child with combined diagnosis and treatment were retrospectively analyzed.


Methods Electroencephalograph examination,cerebrospinal fluid examination and clinical analysis were used in 120 cases with viral encephalitis,brain CT was used in somecases.


Methods Electroencephalograph examination,brain CT and clinical analysis were used in 80 cases with viral encephalitis.


Methods Cimetidine and dipyridamole were injected to the mice affected tick borne encephalitis virus in the different doses twice daily for 15 days.


Methods FQ-nRT-PCR was used to detect BDV p24 gene from CSF and PBMCs of viral encephalitis patients and normal contral of NingXia province.

方法用荧光定量套式逆转录酶聚合酶链反应(FQ-nRT-PCR)检测病毒性脑膜脑炎患者及正常人PBMCs和CSF有核细胞BDV p24基因片段,对BDV p24阳性产物FQ-nRT-PCR进行分子克隆和测序分析。

Methods Observing and analyzing the characteristic of the 38 Patie-nts Of B-reat hing Muscle Paralysis Caused By TheTick-brone Encephalitis a-nd the curative effect.


Japanese encephalitis.
