v.美化( embellish的第三人称单数 ); 装饰; 修饰; 润色v.美化、装饰或修饰, 渲染或添枝加叶
v.美化( embellish的第三人称单数 );装饰;修饰;润色
动词 embellish:
add details to
同义词:embroider, pad, lard, embellish, aggrandize, aggrandise, blow up, dramatize, dramatise
be beautiful to look at
同义词:deck, adorn, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify
make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
同义词:decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify
make more beautiful
同义词:fancify, beautify, embellish, prettify
embellish[ im'beliʃ ]v.add details to同义词:embroiderpadlardaggrandizeaggrandiseblow updramatizedramatise
be beautiful to look at同义词:deckadorndecorategracebeautify
make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.同义词:decorateadorngraceornamentbeautify
make more beautiful同义词:fancifybeautifyprettify
Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.
What is a man's No.1 bounden duty? The answer is simple, do not false embellish himself.
"Dedicates to the profession and embellishes our life" is the website's service objective, and utility and convenience is the website's guiding ideology of design and operation.
"When embellish of an industry annual interest exceeds 50 million RMB, will surely draw a large number of epigone.
"Back sebaceous glands is secreted the most exuberant, some people return chairman whelk, can use a few relaxed embellish system products, even need not.
A note or group of notes that embellishes a melody.
General eye frost, after be being used in skin of clean skin bright, before embellish skin.
Choose external use commonly protective agent, wait for the effect that can have remedial gentle to solve ache like lotion of all sorts of embellish skin lotions, calamine.
The attention when pink should wipe divide evenly on and as downy as color of skin interblend, the lukewarm embellish that makes facial outline shows nature is melting.
Undeniable, our social male power society, the female in “the leadership” in the position, only is every so often one kind of symbolic significance even is embellishes.
Do not want reuse, you may be to use allergy, use ice now face of mineral water apply, milk is used after apply is over moist, or it is to brush some of embellish skin dew.
The net is divided into 10 small standard high and low two level arrangement, and embellishes by the both sides circular fog lamp.
Face before sleeping thoroughly clean skin, 0.3 grams pearl powder and embellish skin water mediate, dab go up at the face.
The usurious that it is seize embellish, pleasant should hit one gun to change the guerrilla of a place.
To prevent lose color, but preexistence corrupt mark is in an a few drop clear water, will wipe gently again after its embellish is wet.
The temptation to embellish may be overwhelming,but eventually your online connection will suss out the turth.
Therefore the people embellish carefully, arranges own ideal homeland attentively.
Floral perfumes are the ones for you, whether fruity, woody or musky or even green. Their auras follow you and embellish your beauty and personality.
At times they are fond of these things too, but that is when they are hunting for novelty, for something with which to embellish their own works, or even for certain backward features.
They embellish the simple dress with colourful embroidery
3. He often embellishes the tales of his travels.
1. He often embellishes the tales of his travels.
With just like drenched the colour developing effect of the transparent burnish of kind of jade-like stone embellish and bright, the lip that deduces rich and full, stereo feeling is sweet.
Nothing that seemed to embellish upon the truth.
But dive to the price of roc embellish, most ambry produces manufacturer to did not make known his position clearly however.
Action: Embellish is knitted in vain, enhance skin flexibility.
” Far from dispelling that image, he embellishes it.
You don't need to embellish to be interesting.
你 无 需 装 作 很 风 趣 。
Don't embellish the truth with ideas of your own.
Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.
You don't need to embellish to be interesting.
With this, you can view, embellish, frame, compress andsend your pictures through e-mail to anybody.It features slideshow, thumbnail view, screen captureand bookmark options.
You'll learn how to develop solos that embellish and support the melody, and use lead sheets to help you generate your own musical ideas.
Make the coriaceous layer embezzle of the hair contains moisture content, with Chang Baozi embellish burnish.
Notice 5 keys are nodded, make beautiful hair plump be filled with embellish, quality quantity is spotless!
Costive patient should eat the food with embellish aperient bowel to wait like banana, honey.
Stimulative stomach bowel wriggles: In the morning a cup of water is best embellish agent, can promote alvine peristalsis, prevent stomach and duodenum ulcer, prevent constipation.
If hold to,bit of embellish is wiped to deliver syrup on the hair after shampoo everyday, can make namely hair more luster, complaisant and easy comb.
If exuvial case is not severe, usability pledges besmear of gentle embellish skin frost is on the lip, massage gently next let its exuviate go.
Considered economy well, make the whole view facilities level the embellish for show waste that matched to avoid the view facilities mutually with the area file time.
Light and shadow, have embellish effect to living in adornment.
Embellish of go smoothly of the administer below the company and Fu Bangjia have a plant, the Fu Bangjia that builds completion provides industrial city to be located at developing zone of peaceful wave economy.
Actually, the defeat also can embellish the life.
Be like again, people often like to thrive, auspicious festive, novel vocabulary to shop name, like "parkson" and "days", "good to embellish the", "quanjude", "the sheraton".
Appear after this kind of circumstance, latex of skin of a few embellish should be brushed after bath of ferial Li Mu.
After be sure to keep in mind cutin, the skin can work quite, because this wants first after smear can balance the embellish skin frost that skin PH is worth, again apply uses face film.
Beijing reader Mr Zhang: In the winter my skin always is particularly dry, brushed product of skin of a lot of embellish to also be used without giving thought to.
Another characteristic was to realize edition of such as planography, embellish, glazing, model to cut, pack wait for muti_function module combination.
Additional, body of plant sex embellish protects wet product place to contain part basically is to have the plant that keeps wet function to extract content.
TR: The only way I write is when I'm in cahoots with somebody, when I already have a book or a script, and then I embellish.
To the accompaniment of the jingling lutes and babbling brooks, they embellish this world for the Balinese, and lend wings to their imagination for an even sweeter next world.
Usability pledges besmear of gentle embellish skin frost is on the lip, massage gently next let its exuviate go.
Simultaneously does not lose the contrast, embellishes green, blue in the small area.
The skin foundation that is water embellish health at the same time solves beautiful Bai Hequ to knit a problem, the skin that is skin turning point undertakes nursing faultlessly.
Same, after clean, embellish works, preexistence is cervical reach clavicular place to dab ? of water of a soft skin maintains skin tender slippery.
Dead is the monarch,dead the servant who cringed befor him,dead the city in which they dwelt .Instead we continued to embellish the cover story ,walking blindly into his trap.
Besmear first before delicious atmosphere on embellish skin dew.
Labial the four seasons is very dry, product of lip of embellish of the money that where to use is good? ? ?
Because water maintains to dim blandly as far as possible when this bath, use moist bath syrup, besmear instantly after bath on embellish skin breast.
Adopt adaptive B-spline to embellish contours in image segmentation
When the wool that blow system, want to use the leg rough cutter that contains embellish skin part, besmear remembers going up later some of vaseline.
Markings for slurs, dynamics and ornaments should not be observed. They are only there to embellish the score.
"People have a tendency to remember and/or embellish or falsely remember those things that they think might be relevant," he said in an interview.
About the web design, we emphasize “refinement” and “originality”, renovating creativity, consummating artifice, rectifying gist and embellish design.
Carpet, as a housellold decoration, is gaining morep popularity, especially the silk carpet,asymbol of grace, deluxe and property, which can definitely embellish the room.
Summer, before sunbathe, appear place should oil of daub embellish skin or vanishing cream.
She embellishes her handicrafts with pearls and agates, or inlays them with flowers, shells and animal-shaped ornaments.
It seemed to her very proper that Mr. Townsend's destined bride should wish to embellish her mind by a foreign tour.
If adduction of he is 3 days is less than money, he plans this picture again embellish, add tail and other organ, sell that person to exhibit.
She must enjoy the fact that she plays the central role and no doubt embellishes her sexual history for your delight.
If until forgotten review, like learning new knowledge, and then, we'll always is a beginner, although in hard to boil water, but difficult to its pleasant embellish taste.
Makeup look is delicate and elegant, nature is harmonious, be the look opposite side is slight decorate with embellish.
Jealousy embellishes a page of the epic.
Jealousy embellishes a page for the epic
Jealousy embellishes a page of the epic
The generous cup pluses to embellish colourfully, floating the beer of the carbonic acid gas bubble, drinking with it is also a delicious clearness!
A fanciful account that embellishes the true story.
A fancifulaccount that embellishes the true story.
Look for quotes in order to criticize or to embellish one's writing
Although use the idea of moist cream in the winter already thorough popular feeling, but " embellish system product " do this protect wet new idea how to many advocate have again?
用作动词(v.)We embellish our room with new rug, lamp, and picture.
My daughter wears a dress embellished with lace and ribbons today.
Nothing can embellish a beautiful face more than a narrow band drawn over the brow.
He often embellishes the tales of his travels.
I asked him not to embellish the truth with ideas of his own.
Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.