mitochondrial是什么意思   mitochondrial怎么读

英式:[ˌmaɪtəʊ'kɒndrɪəl]    美式:[ˌmaɪtəʊ'kɒndrɪəl]


adj. 线粒体的






Mutations in mitochondrial DNA can cause a wide range of disorders.


Cell apoptosis and mitochondrial membrane potential were measured by flow cytometry.


These help a mitochondrial enzyme called carnitine acetyl transferase to do its job.


Effects of different temperature on germination rate and mitochondrial activity during germination of Beta vulgaris L.


Mitochondrial ATP and ADP contents were measured with high performance liquid chromatography.

用高效液相色谱法检测线粒体二磷酸腺苷(ADP) 、三磷酸腺苷(ATP) 含量.

These help a mitochondrial enzyme called carnitine acetyltransferase to do its job.


The results showed that the function of brian cellular mitochondrial respiratory was damaged after hypoxia _ ischemia.


Heart: mitochondrial swelling significantly, and proliferation.

心: 线粒体肿胀明显, 并有增生.

Our data strongly supports the concept that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with aging in humans.


The Complete Sequence Determination and Analysis of Bombyx mori Mitochondrial Genome.


However, only Mitochondrial Eve produced an unbroken line of mitochondria that persists today.

然而, 只有线粒体夏娃提供了保持到今天仍未破损的线粒体.

ATP is produced by a complex in the mitochondrial membrane called ATP synthase.


UDCA improves secretion of bile and partly prevents liver mitochondrial lesion against CDCA.


Objective Primary biliary cirrhosis ( PBC ) is characterized by frequent presence of anti mitochondrial antibody ( AMA ).

目的 原发性胆汁性肝硬化 ( PBC ) 的最重要特征为血清抗线粒体抗体 ( AMA ) 阳性,但少数PBC病例 AMA阴性.

Sperm membrane integrity, Mitochondrial function and chromatin structure integrity can embody sperm quality.

质膜完整性 、 线粒体功能、染色质结构完整性等可体现精子的质量,但测定方法较繁琐.

Phylogenetic analysis of 5 Chinese species of the genus Polyura was conducted based on mitochondrial COII sequences.


The relationship between plant mitochondrial plasmid DNAs and cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) is discussed.

最后,综述了植物线粒体DNA质 粒与植物的细胞质雄性不育 ( CMS ) 之间的关系.

Mammalian Mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) control region consists of central domain , ETAS domain and CSB domain.

哺乳动物线粒体DNA ( mitochondrialDNA,mtDNA ) 控制区由中央保守区、ETAS区和CSB区构成.

This serine biosynthesis has been demonstrated in mitochondrial preparation.



Consequently, recurrent FS could decrease ATP production and affect the mitochondrial reserve function.


From our results , mitochondrial DNA mutation may be one of major factors aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness.



Compared with respective LPS groups,hepatocyte mitochondrial SDH,CCO activities and the level of EC increased obviously in astragalus membranacenus treatment groups.

12 h后,线粒体SDH、CCO活性明显降低,EC值进一步减少,与对应的LPS组比较,经黄芪处理后,肝细胞线粒体SDH、CCO活性及EC值均升高。

Sarcolemmal versus mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+channels and myocardial preconditioning.

4 参考文献 1 Gross GJ, Fryer RM.

CDCA can damage mitochondrial membrane structure and result in liver dysfunction.


The down expression of COX-VA could lead to mitochondrial DNA damage including oxidative lesions, resulted in apoptosis of HPDLFs induced by MG.


Ca2+ concentration and mitochondrial membrane potential of group HES at post-resuscitation 60min and 90min were more significantly different than that of group NS(P<0.01).


Leigh syndrome is a severe early-onset progressive neurodegenerative disorder due to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation defects.


Analysis of MDH isozyme patterns revealed that about 6700 and 525000 dalton bands in cytosol MDH and about 3600 dalton band in mitochondrial MDH were related with virus infection.

MDH 酶谱分析可看出病毒感染主要与胞浆内分子量(MW)为67000和525000道尔顿(d)和线粒体内 MW36000d 的带有关.

N2 and N3 are highly homologous to Periplaneta americana 16S ribosomal RNA gene and Periplaneta fuliginosa mitochondrial DNA, respectively.


DNA content, intracellular Ca2+ and mitochondrial membrane potential in cultured CBT or CP were analyzed.


The PCR used a cattle-specific primer set targeting a 223 bp fragment from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene.


UDCA improves secretion of bile and partly prevents liver mitochondrial lesion against CDCA.

U DCA可改善胆汁分泌 ,部分阻止 CDCA对线粒体的损害。

Critics of the "African genesis" model argue that the mitochondrial evidence can be explained by natural selection acting on a single gene.


ATP is produced by a complex in the mitochondrial membrane called ATP synthase.


The shape of mitochondrion had ellipse and rhabditi form, and Golgi's body and lysosome were in the upper of the nucleus.


The result shows why mitochondrial suppression is so important to tumours: when they are unsuppressed, the tumour they are in stops growing.


Alcohol, the most common cause, is a hepatotoxin that interferes with mitochondrial and microsomal function in hepatocytes, leading to an accumulation of lipid.


The alternative oxidase and possibly internal rotenone-insensitive NADH dehydrogenase limit mitochondrial ROS production by keeping the ETC relatively oxidized.


He also describes the use of mitochondrial DNA in identifying the remains of Czar Nicholas II, and in assessing the genetic makeup of modern Europe.


They found that the Parkinson-associated genes PINK1 and Parkin functionally interact to maintain mitochondrial function.


Hypovolemia shock may lead to the increase of Ca2+ and the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential.


One is the mitochondrial DNA which we all possess and which is passed down with only minor mutations through the female line.


She might, for example, have lived in a small tribe that managed to retain, for thousands of generations after she died, a few different mitochondrial chromosomes.


For instance, in the mitochondrial genome of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), four of the six codons that normally encode leucine instead encode threonine.


The knowledge about higher plant mitochondrial ribosomes is scanty.


In addition, one proband and her son were characterized with the syndrome of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis.

其中例 1及其儿子除患糖尿病外 ,还呈线粒体肌脑病伴乳酸酸中毒及中风样发作综合征表现。

The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I(COI)gene sequence of larvae and adult of Cephenemyia trompe in reindeer for evolution by the molecular biology techniques.

利用分子生物学技术对驯鹿狂蝇蛆及其成蝇(Cephenemyia trompe)的线粒体COI基因种属特异性序列进行了研究。

Phylogenetic analysis of5 Chinese species of the genus Polyura was conducted based on mitochondrial COII sequences.


In fact, animals possess three different versions of SOD: a cytosolic, mitochondrial, and extracellular version.


Basis: mitochondrial mutations accumulate with age, with the result that some cells become unable to use oxygen.


Other protective mechanisms include reduce the increased intracranial pressure, maintenance of mitochondrial function, inhibition of neuroexcitatory transmitter release.


Only 13 of the mitochondrion's component proteins are encoded by its own DNA.


Mammalian Mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region consists of central domain, ETAS domain and CSB domain.


Since the inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to oxaloacetate, it is converted to malate by mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase.

因为线粒体内膜是不能通透草酰乙酸的 , 所以它被线粒体的苹果酸脱氢酶转化为苹果酸。

Accordingly, the more complete mitochondrial genome sequences of Orthoptera species are desirable to be sequenced and analyzed.


In conclusion, Danthron can induce apoptosis through mitochondrial, endoplasmic reticulum and death receptor pathway in human malignant melanoma cell line (A375.


Thus nuclear DNA paints a much fuller picture of the past than mitochondrial and Y, which represent only two ancestors in any generation.


One of the objectives of the present study was to examine mitochondrial loss of transmembrane potential in fertile donors and in subfertile patients.


Loss of ETHE1, a mitochondrial dioxygenase, causes fatal sulfide toxicity in ethylmalonic encephalopathy.


Nuclear genes phylogenetically related to mitochondrial homologs were discovered in Archezoa, including Giardia(4,5).


In Giardia, proteins involved in iron-sulfur cluster assembly and protein folding appear closely related to mitochondrial homologs and localize to a relict mitosome (6,7).


The mitochondrial gene components and gene arrangement of tokay (Gekko gecko) are typical for vertebrates.


Oxygen combines with fats and carbohydrates, in a part of cells known as the mitochondrion, to churn out the energy that gets you through the day.


The effect of rhein in lipidemia and mitochondrial of renal tubular epithelia was more strong than rosiglitazone.


Naming Mitochondrial Eve after Eve of the Genesis creation story by Wilson, has led to some misunderstandings among the general public.


In addition, overepression can decrease the mitochondrial transmembrane potentials (MPT).


Efficient bioinformatics analysis have fundamentally identified that C9orf41 is a mitochondrial protein.


Atrophied microvilli and broken mitochondrial crista were observed in TPN group,higher microvilli and less damaged mitochondrial crist a were seen in SCFA group.


The studies on mitochondrial ferritin will enrich people about the recognition of iron metabolisim in subcellular level.


Submitochondrial fractionation studies further indicated that the mitochondrial resided GRP78 is mainly located in the intermembrane space, inner membrane, and matrix.


Crista (pl.cristae) The structure formed by folding of the inner mitochondrial membrane, giving a large surface area for electron transport.


We also sequenced regions of mitochondrial COI and ND5 genes in order to address the genetic structure of S. yangtsekiense populations. 1.

并利用COI和ND5 基因的部分序列数据,对我国长江华溪蟹种群的遗传结构进行了初步研究。

After using drugs,the hepatic mitochondrion and rough EM proliferated;hepatic stellate cells and collagenous fibers reduced obviously.


Time-lapse fluorescence imaging reealed disrupted mitochondrial trafficking, although ATP production and mitochondrial oxidatie function remained intact.


An initial milestone will be to get each gene working in cells in which it is the only one whose mitochondrial copy is mutant.


While Mitochondrial Eve is thought to have been living around 150,000 years ago, the MRCA is estimated to have been living only a few thousand years ago.


When aging or attacked by free radicals, the mitochondrion will be out of activity.


A negative correlation between myocardial ATP content and mitochondrial Ca 2+ content after anoxia was found.

心肌线粒体钙含量升高; 心肌组织ATP和CrP下降,心肌组织ATP与线粒体钙含量呈负相关。

Acute hypoxia induced a series of impairments in skeletal muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics.


A relatively daft evidence of inhibition mechanism of mitochondrial H+ -AThase by ADM is preSental from the adults described in this paper.


The arrangement of 27 genes of the mitochondrial DNA differs from that of the mitochondrial DNA in all other arthropods studied.


All these women in turn shared a common ancestor, the so-called Mitochondrial Eve.


Anti-cardiolipin antibodies are another type of AMA, cardiolipin is found on the inner mitochondrial membrane .

抗心磷脂抗体是另一种类型的抗体, 心是发现内在线粒体膜 。

From our results,mitochondrial DNA mutation may be one of major factors in aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness.


Two distinct ATP-sensitive K(superscript +) channels have been described in cell: sarcolemmal K(subscript ATP) channel and mitochondrial K(subscript ATP) channel.


The number of mitochondrial lineages for the entire human population (rather than just for Europeans) is considerably larger.


The application of mitochondrial gene and mitochondrial genome in analysis of phylogenetics in recent studies are summarized here. 4.


In this paper, the recent research progress of mitochondrial DNA in fish was discussed, with emphasis on the wide applications of mitochondrial DNA in molecular phylogenetics.


This article reviews the most recent studies in the significance, technological aspects, problems and future prospects of expression profiling of mitochondrial proteins.


Methods The hepatic mitochondrial respiratory function and content of ATP was dynamically measured in the self controlled rabbit model of biliary sepsis.

方法 借助兔自身对照性动物模型 ,对胆源性脓毒症状态下肝脏线粒体呼吸功能及肝组织ATP含量进行动态检测。

Methods: Stereologic method was applied in analyzing 16 morphological parameters of the mitochondrion and the lysosome in the carcinoma cells.


Ultrastructure of cardiac muscle cell such as mitochondrion and cardiac muscle fibers was atttenuated.


Some nucleoside and nucleotide analogues may cause renal toxicity, myopathy, and/or mitochondrial toxicity.


There are a number of lines of evidence supporting the hypothesis that mitochondrial dysfunction is a characteristic of human aging in skeletal muscle.


Intriguingly, the mitochondrial genomes revealed by the researchers are several times more complete than those known for the modern Indian and African Elephants combined.


The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogeography of the rice frog from China (Fejervarya limnocharis) were studied in the present research.


Mitochondrial 16S rRNA and COI gene fragments of Portunus trituberculatus from Weifang were amplified via PCR, then the PCR products were purified and sequenced.

本文采用 PCR扩增和序列测定等技术 ,对三疣梭子蟹 (Portunustrituberculatus)线粒体DNA1 6Sr RNA和 COI基因片段进行了初步研究。

In the present study, by using data generated from hundreds of mtDNA sequences, we revalue the deuterostome phylogeny in terms of whole mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes).


This thesis includes three chapters: Chapter 1: Recent progress on myriapoda mitochondrial genome and genetic variation analysis of Otostigmns (O.


Portion of mitochondrial DNA control region form 39 individuals which belong to CXSP and XZSP respectively were sequenced in the study.


More recently, mitochondrial and nontraditional patter of inheritance have been recognized.



Mitochondrial fission and fusion are highly regulated by a number of proteins.

The effect of rhein in lipidemia and mitochondrial of renal tubular epithelia was more strong than rosiglitazone.