v.解剖(动物等)( dissect的第三人称单数 ); 仔细分析或研究v. 解剖, 切细, 仔细研究, 详细分析
v.解剖(动物等)( dissect的第三人称单数 );仔细分析或研究;
动词 dissect:
cut open or cut apart
make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features
同义词:analyze, analyse, break down, dissect, take apart
dissect[ di'sekt ]v.cut open or cut apart"dissect the bodies for analysis"
make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features同义词:analyzeanalysebreak downtake apart
Garff dissects the philosopher's physical and mental ailments, including his melancholia and graphomania, and considers various diagnoses, such as bipolar disorder and temporal lobe epilepsy.
"You'll have to arrange about a part to dissect ," the secretary told him.
“Are you from some distant planet?” asked Mary with a laugh. “Professor Smith dissects plants all day in botany class.
"There will be a much greater ability to precisely dissect the mechanisms of reprogramming and to identify the genes that will be most effective in transform adult cells.
In biology class we had to dissect a frog.
Below we will dissect and explore American efforts meant to curb China as well as Chinese countermoves.
You do not have to catch all the sparrows and dissect them before you can prove the fact that "small as it is, the sparrow has all the vital organs".
The world is going to dissect his response.
The valves are hinged by ligments.In order to identify the internal structure, you have to dissect the bivalve.You must be very careful when separating the valves, so as not to hurt your hands.
In order to model spectrum of a sound, musicians need adequate means to dissect, interpret and represent them. There are two categories of spectrum analysis
To assess whether such a dangerous intervention is warranted, a physician must know how likely it is that an aortic aneurysm will rupture or dissect.
one who dissects cadavers for anatomical instruction or pathological examination
nobody encourages a man to dissect his appearance, feature by feature.
Poems and histories are mutually proved in the book.The book dissects the characters looking deep as well as common with unique aspect.The eloboration has intense individual color.
Dissect all big rat after giving medicine be over, carry on hematology, blood bio-chemical to learn etc. the examination of the index sign, and carry on a pathologic histology check.
In the biology class today, the teacher showed us how to dissect the endothelium of frogs.
From moment to moment, darkness dissects the road. No one hears your calling from the other side of the water.
From moment to moment, darkness dissects the road. No one hears your calling from the other side of the water...
Dissect heating reason, find solution, introduce the difference of sequencing valves and counterbalance valves from hydraulic system heating.
Dissect the text and find the author's meaning.
Dissect the high and low points of past operations to determine areas of improvement.
They use specialized tools to collect information about the system, dissect, and analyze it.
They of course could not dissect the brains of people to see if new neurons grew, but they could use MRI to hae a peek.
The fans are watching, ready to dissect every move and misstep.
He( Li)felt relatively free to dissect the tradition, to accept or reject its various parts, and to use what he accepted as he saw fit.
Th e characteristics of foundry industry can be seen clearly by using the concept of the ISO9000Stan-dard to dissect and analyze it.
On the basis of above-mentioned analyses, the article dissects Qin/Xuanfu in two aspects from the cultural point of view, that is, as a new-type person with ability and as a traditional literator.
To dissect difficult problems with farming oriented; to carry forward the development of ethical and cultural progress in rural area
If we compare the previous example with military action in Yugoslavia, we might find a different perspective from which to dissect the problem.
But in order to get bodies to dissect they had to steal them by night from gallows or graves.
However, we often get masked sound resulting from focused reflections, dissect reflections, flutter echoes, and too long reverberation time resulting from too voluminous competing-hall.
The paper dissects and points out some illegal actions in health administrative penalty and provides some criteria for judging the legality of the administrative penalties.
You're probably wondering what you can do with LSL and how quickly you can do it.We'll start with some simple examples dissect them and introduce you the script development process while we're at it.
Isn't a fortnight long enough for you to dissect my personality?
Your assignment is to dissect the poem.
You can also get detailed views of the performance of children or parent routines, enabling you to dissect performance in an almost unlimited number of ways.
For example, let's dissect the act of jumping in Mario
Likewise, the comrades in charge of the leading bodies of the Party at the central, provincial and county levels should themselves investigate one or two villages, or dissect one or two "sparrows ".
The Public security organ is authorized to dissect the corpse and the bereaved invites the expert to participate in the postmortem examination, does not conflict.
Other tools and techniques are now making it possible to dissect these subcellular structures into the molecules and atoms
The paper analyses insufficiencies of " Dow m ethod ", dissects synthetical calculatingnew m ethod of fixed dangerous level and realistic com pensation.
To Dissect the Modernization of System
1.to cut open; to rip open; 2.to analyze; to examine; to dissect
The Collectting Method of Cord Blood in the Birth by Dissect Uterus
Dissect the major issues affecting different sectors of the energy industry, and construct a strategy map to establish priorities and formulate methods for attai...
I may dissect each little thing..and put myself out there too much.
In view of the compilation of a dictionary,it also dissects the weak points of the cyber tool.
But then, as he dissects the situation in his mind, he sees how liberating it can be - freed from responsibilities, he no longer needs to be a slave to the establishment.
Dissect Factor of Trouble Party Member and Cadre in Enterprise to Penetrate into Study Theory
In hardware frame aspect, this article dissects the chip’s shaping and it’s merit, constructs entire hardware system;
And In the West TV Possessed and weight obsessed The media dissects, infects We think real life is reality TV
In this version, the Wolf dissects Grandmother, then invites Red in for a meal of her flesh, presumably with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti.
In this respect, it is also necessary to investigate typical cases, or to dissect one or two "sparrows"; both methods, looking at flowers on horseback and getting off your horse to look at them, should likewise be used.
Between channels blasting out voluptuous Bollywood love stories and pop videos, an endless stream of news channels dissect the latest political scandals, and debauched lifestyles of the rich and famous.
The cavity of ACAs in the vertical recti was larger and easier to dissect than those in the horizontal recti.
垂直肌的血管较水平肌粗 ,易分离。
Her teacher allowed her to use a computer alternative, and she has refused to dissect animals ever since.
A good social theory can help us produce new objects, detect dimensions and dissect mechanisms of the social world, and this is what the scholastic mode fails to provide.
If you dissect a painting, you will find the canvas and the colors, but the painting is not simply the sum total of the canvas and the colors; it is something more.
If more proximal exposure is needed, carefully follow the radial nerve proximally and bluntly dissect it from the region of the spiral groove.
For??example, in a Virtual space, Students can"dissect" a human body, "visit" ancient battlefields
Hargreaves smiles grimly at the reminder, then coolly dissects the mood of both the ageing Kahn and his troubled club.
This paper dissects configuration and conformation,expounds their connection and difference,probes into the teaching technique that the different configurations are transformed into each other.
For even though they used the traditional Korean method of burial, but officials were refusing to dissect, under negotiation for cremation only.
In spite of this some brave scientists did dissect bodies.
When a biologist dissects a frog he dis-, ‘apart,’ and seco , ‘cut,’ or ‘cuts’ it ‘apart .
当一个生物学家解剖一只青蛙,他病'之外, '和塞科, '禁'或'裁员'它'四分五裂。
When words like justice, religiousness, virtue, wisdom, etc. were used by others, he would ask the speaker to explain them and then dissect the answers to show how they wrong or illogical.
In 1914, during an outbreak of bubonic plague in New Orleans, scientists dissect rats suspected of having the disease.
We found a simple and quick method to dissect and remove the intact capsule with the prosthesis inside as excison of a cyst.
All we have to do is dissect the market into its component parts and look at how the parts operate.
We have to dissect the frog to see its internal organs.
We have to dissect this frog to see its internal organs.
I love my biology lab.This week we finally get to dissect a frog.
Me? Biological experiment. Today we dissect mouse.
I saw him mercilessly stab the little girl to death, and dissect her body.
Each time, Cindy used her forceps to scrape the scales and dissect the fish’s gut, and then took all the bowels out and washed the fish from outside to inside.
He came up with an idea of making a nuts-and-bolts show that dissects how to open a business and examines whether such a business will succeed financially.
to dissect a block of marble
We murder to dissect.
Dissect the function of CEBPD and CEBPB between inflammation and tumorigenesis.
This article inquires into it theory sourse, dissects deeply it concrete essence and clinical value .
用作动词(v.)In biology class we had to dissect a frog.
In spite of this some brave scientists did dissect bodies.