cumulatively是什么意思   cumulatively怎么读

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adv. 累积, 累加, 渐增, 与同一事实相重, 加重

r. in a cumulative manner




cumulatively punished with a fine [法] 并科罚金

vote cumulatively [法] 累积投票


The foci are all but they're cumulative.

病灶虽然很小 但是是累积性的

I do feel it. ? It is a cumulative experience.

我感觉到了 这是种渐增的体验

I call a cumulative effect of a lifetime of experience.


Yeah, no, I know, but, you know, like, cumulatively.

一个不行 但是积少成多

I think it was... kind of... cumulative, and it came to a head after you were gone.

我认为那是...某种...日积月累的情绪 在您走后就汹涌而出

There's a whole entire sky up here filled with cumulous clouds.

上面是一整片天空 还有一团团云彩

Trust me, the path to consummate evil is cumulative, not singular.

相信我 为恶之途 是步步累积 而非一蹴而就

But the cumulative anxiety of those brushes with death left you habitually fearful about your physical person.

但这些与死亡擦肩而过的经历 使你的焦虑不断积累 让你习惯性地 担心自己的身体健康

All the learning that he needs to do, retaining information and building on that cumulatively, that would be more difficult if we affect his hippocampal function.

他的所有学习 记忆信息 积累知识 将会变得更难 如果影响到了海马体的话

Scans of its frontal lobe show significant cumulative deterioration every time we go to black alert.

对水熊虫的大脑额叶扫描显示 每次我们进行黑色警报时 都会对它造成严重持续性的伤害