cultivar是什么意思   cultivar怎么读

英式:[ˈkʌltɪvɑ:(r)]    美式:[ˈkʌltɪvɑ:(r)]


n.栽培变种, 培育植物


名词: cultivability |



1. a variety of a plant developed from a natural species and maintained under cultivation

名词 cultivar:

a variety of a plant developed from a natural species and maintained under cultivationcultivar[ 'kʌltivɑ: ]n.a variety of a plant developed from a natural species and maintained under cultivation



Meanwhile , POD activity in bulb of late cultivar was the greatest among three cultivars.

晚熟品种鳞茎POD活性呈现高于中 、 早熟品种的趋势.

But if you choose to grow a cultivar with a royalty.


Clintland, a very susceptible cultivar, was reduced in yield by 75 %.



Lipeng No.2 seedless fruit all the same when pollinated with Xuegan orange cultivar.


Microcrack and surface hair were observed cultivar.


The character of date tree cultivar at present has different deficiency, and degeneration is serious.

现有枣树栽培品种性状各有不足, 而且退化现象严重.

If you think the royalty is too high, grow a different cultivar.

假若我们觉得权利金太高, 那就生产另一个品种吧!

Cultivar Any agricultural or horticultural'variety '. The term is derived from the words cultivated variety.

cultivar栽培 品系:任何农业上或园艺学上的变种. 这个词来源于栽培的变种.

This variety is early maturity, high yield and hybrid fresh cultivar.

该品种是新选育的早熟 、 丰产、优质杂交一代鲜食玉米新品种.

Except Dahuangmianzha a yellow hawthorn cultivar , the content of anthocyanin increased greatly during coloring of fruit.


Cultivar resistance has been the most effective way to control Phytophthora root rot.


Golden Delicious is a very fruitful cultivar.



He comenzado un nuevo pasatiempo . Estoy aburrido de cultivar el jard í n.


The main factors affecting the mealiness are temperature, cultivar and the fruit ripeness.

认为影响桃果实絮败的主要因素是贮藏温度 、 品种、成熟度等.

Obviously both rootstock and cultivar will have a pronounced bearing on tree size at maturity.



Changes of the main indexes of fruit quality of the bagged cultivar during storage were studied.


Objective : To compare difference in character between wild germplasm and cultivar of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.

目的: 比较地黄栽培品种与野生品种的性状差异,为地黄新品种的选育提供理论依据.

Pingguoli is the main cultivar planted in the frigid area in China.



Cultivar:a horticultural race or variety of a plant that has originated and persisted only under cultivation.


The genomic DNA polymorphism analysis with 521 pairs of SSR(simply sequence repeats) molecular markers indicated CHA-2 derived really from cultivar Texianzhan13 and they were near-isogenic lines.


RC1(3+4), ALC(5)141 and LC1(5)57-4 deriving from 9248-6 lost one band based on the AFLP primer pair, 92S08/92G08. 4. The Pot2-PCR based fingerprints showed that lineage closely related to the cultivar with given R-genes.

92S08/92G08 引物对揭示3 个来自9248-6的菌株与其亲本菌株相比,缺失1 条带。

NHI in U treatments was generally higher, but the effects of cultivar, year and N rate were all significant.


Comparision of cultivar fingerprints constructed with SRAP and SSR markers in Brassica napus L.


Cd concentration in roots of Zn-efficient cultivar Sahara was lower than that of Zn-inefficient cultivar Clipper.


Beixiang is an interspecific hybrid cultivar derived from Vitis thunbergii and Muscat of Alexandria(V.venifera).


One cultivar makes a good espalier.


Clintland, a very susceptible cultivar, was reduced in yield by 75% .


Clintland, a very susceptible cultivar, was reduced in yield by 75%.


A large yellow-fruited cultivar that originated in Australia.


Pest control was the factor having the greatest effect on hay yields over the three-year period.Small yield differences were associated with the choice of cultivar.


The flower of a Cymbidium Clarisse Austin 'Best Pink' cultivar of boat orchid , one of the most popular and desirable orchids in the world.


The upper branches can also be top worked with hardy Mexican types, which will protect a more tender cultivar on lower branches, as well as serving as a pollinator.


Two or more bushes should be planted together for cross-pollination unless the cultivar is known to be self-compatible.


Breeding of a new fine kiwifruit cultivar 'Jinxia'


Hydrocarbons, esters, alcohols ketones, and aldehydes were the major constituents.Hydrocarbons were dominant in Owari Satsuma cultivar.


Thus, cultivar became scapegoats.


A local single cropping Zizania caduciflora cultivar of superior quality was seleted.


From the agronomic point of view, a field planted to a multiline need not appear different from a field planted to a genetically uniform cultivar.


The relationship between horizontal resistance and aggressiveness in the parasitic fitness of interaction between host cultivar and pathogen race was studied.


The processed potato cultivar Atlantic was used to study its PPO property by spectrocolorimetry.


This study was conducted to assess the levels of genetic diversity of 55 kinds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) with different origin including the cultivar from the domestic and some line from South Australia, North America and Europe.

以来自北美、欧洲、澳洲等地区和我国地方品种和育成品种等55个苜蓿(Medicago sativa)种质为材料,对苜蓿遗传多样性、适应性和生产性能相关性状进行评价。

The changes of yellowing coefficient and pigment content in flue-cured tobacco leaves were studied with cultivar NC89 under different curing conditions.


Calli of an indica rice cultivar Qiuguiai 11 were used as material for a further study on the effects of copper in calli cultures.


Using the banjhi shoots with two or three leaves of cultivar Jiukeng,activities variations of polyphenol oxidase(PPO)and peroxidase(POD)were investigated.


The chilling resistant cultivar showed higher activities of SOD and POD, lower permeability of plasma membrane and production of MDA, and induction of more proline content.


This article summarizes the cultivar origin and performance of Taoyuan chicks,and making a preliminary analysis on utilization approaches and developing prospects to Taoyuan chicks.


For the strong gluten cultivar Gao 8901,the test weight increased from 813.5 g/L of A0 to 823.3~826.0 g/L among A11.25~A33.75,and the differences between A0 and other treatments were significant.

其中藁8901的容重由A0的813.5 g/L提高到823.3-826.0 g/L,差异显著;

The DREB1A gene in the plasmid pC3300IS-DREB1A was transferred into the shoot apical meristem of wheat cultivar H6756 by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation,and 247 seedlings were obtained.


Bingtang orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) ( BT ), selected out from Hongjiang of Hunan in 1970s, was a very seedless sweet orange cultivar, and had been widely spreaded in the south of China.

冰糖橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)是20世纪70年代湖南省选育出的优良甜橙品种,它以肉质脆嫩化渣、风味浓甜、少核或无核而深受消费者喜爱,在湖南省黔阳县和永兴县等地重点推广。

Cultivar resistance has been the most effective way to control Phytophthora root rot.


Therefore,the yield product was markedly increased by using salt-tolerant wheat cultivar and plastic film mulching cultivation in saline soils.


A New Pumpkin Cultivar 'Hongyun'


Moreover, the changes of internode length, leaf size and bract color were depended on the combination of seedling clone and commercial cultivar.


Breeding of a double low rapeseed cultivar Suyou No.1 In Brassica napus L.


Depending upon the cultivar, fruits ripen from 70 to 100 days after blossoming.


It could be concluded that the phytase activity is higher in grain crop seeds, but there are great difference among species and cultivar.


Saccharine content in leaves of each cultivar has an increasing trend, which is consistent with that ofstems, reaching peak value in blooming stage, and declining to the bottom in consequence.


There is a significant difference among chlorophyll's and carotinoid's contents of the same cultivar at different seed development stages.


Many factors, such as apple cultivar, fruit maturity and size, temperature, the cultivated conditions, soil mineral content, storage condition, can affect the severity of apple watercore.


Cultivar development may come to rely more upon the non-institutional peach breeders.


Cultivar selection and plant density had the greatest effect on increasing corn yields.


ISSR markers represent a useful method for cultivar identification of Phalaenopsis,all 14 cultiv.


Unexpectedly, the two genes from the actinomorphic cultivar are identical to those from the zygomorphic in DNA sequence, respectively.


It is concluded that embryo sac sterility was the main reason for highly stable seedless characteristic of Lipeng No.2 cultivar.


The parthenocarpic cultivar has the lowest ABA level while Zaoqing has the highest one.


The parthenocarpic cultivar has the highest level IAA, followed by Atai and C2,while Zaoqing has the lowest IAA level.


Susceptible cultivar was more vulnerable than resistant one under the same concentration.


Effect of fertilizer supplying method on yield formation and nitrogen (N) absorption were studied with the Japonica cultivar Zhendao 88 in immature soil in Huaibei.


A yellow green leaf character mutation in cucumber was isolated from a population of selfed individual plant of dark green leaf ‘De Chuan' cultivar.


However, many mutants with desirable agronomic characters were obtained in M2 generation and were probably to be bred as a new cultivar by selection.


In nearly two years production, This cultivar appeared high and steady yield, good quality, steady yield, anti-lodging and broad adaptability.


A New Cultivar of Chinese Cabbage- 'Qinza1'


Its seed is glandless, and the true leaves are glanded although there is less gland production as compared with the commercial glanded cultivar.


Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No.


That is sensible for a wild seed, but unnecessary for a pampered cultivar.


Comparative study on physiological traits of drought r esistance for go od quality bread wheat cultivar Yanyou 361 was performed under dryland condition .


An isolate of SMV (H16) obtained from mottled seed of soybean cultivar,Heilong 16, was characterized and compared with two SMV isolates (S-6 and S-7) from Arkansas.


Wheat yields were affected most by cultivar selection, pest control and N management.


The arabinoxylan content in hard wheat was significantly influenced by cultivar, environment and their interaction at the same time.


Individual environmental conditions like site location and year affect cultivar mixture effect on yield.


The syncytia was founded in the root of the resistant cultivar.


JianYang Tangelo,a new citrus hybrid cultivar,originated from a bud mutation of a tangelo cultivar introduced from abroad.


Obviously both rootstock and cultivar will have a pronounced bearing on tree size at maturity .


We had previously developed 172 ILP markers in rice using the published genome sequence data of indica cultivar 93-11 and ja-ponica cultivar Nipponbare.

我们先前利用已公布的籼稻品种93-11和粳稻品种日本晴的基因组序列数据, 已开发了172个水稻ILP标记。

The cultivar had bottle-green stipules,white flowers and columned pods.


Beaufort,a tolerant cultivar could decrease the density of nematodes and the eggs in the soil as well,but the nematode disease of the cucumber was severe compared with the control.


Each cultivar leaf number of the summer maize achieves fully in drawing, at the succedent phrase, the leaf number will not increase any more.


Each cultivar high growth is the rapidest before drawing, and the speed of growth overall appears first quick back slow trend.


Lipeng No.2 produced seedless fruit all the same when pollinated with Xuegan orange cultivar.


Abstract The ABA content of hybrid rice Cultivar Tiyou418 was higher than those of its parents Cultivar Tijin and C418 at the early stage and lower at the late stage.

提要 杂交水稻优418在灌浆前期ABA含量高于锦和C418,后期低于其亲本;

Abstract : Abstract: The reaction and population dynamics were studied between the resistant cultivar Yingxian small black soybean and Heterodera glycines race3(SCN3).

摘要 : 摘要:对抗病品种应县小黑豆与大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种(SCN3)互作及田间动态关系进行了研究。

Abstract : Changes in starch pasting properties and noodle quality of non-waxy flours from one wheat cultivar after blending with different proportion of waxy wheat flour were studied.

摘要 : 研究了不同比例的糯小麦粉添加到一定量非糯小麦粉后对淀粉粘度仪参数和面条品质的影响。

Linuo 2119 is a newly developed waxy maize cultivar by the cooperation of Jinhua Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Beijing Lianke Seed Company Limited.


The characteristics of waxy maize cultivar Wanyu 18 were introduced and its high yield and good quality cultivation techniques were discussed. And its industrialization techniques were described.


The new cultivar Michelia crassipes "Mozi" was selected breeding from the M. crassipes Law.


From the significance of the good germplasms for rice breeding, the applied study about the wide cross and polyploidization of cultivar and wild rice in rice breeding was summarized in this paper.


Petunia cultivar Menghuan was used to observe the meiosis of pollen mother cell and formation of male gametophyte.The results showed that: seven rod or ring bivalents could be observed in diakinesis.


One waxy wheat cultivar (Annong Waxy 1) and some common wheat cultivars were selected as materials to study the difference among agronomic traits, quality traits and measured RVA parameters.



Golden Delicious is a very fruitful cultivar.

That is sensible for a wild seed, but unnecessary for a pampered cultivar.