n.[指环王Online]critical hit or cast,重击。游戏人物都有自己的重击率,每次魔法攻击或者物理攻击都有一定的几率造成比平常更高的伤害。n.[指环王Online]critical hit or cast,重击。游戏人物都有自己的重击率,每次魔法攻击或者物理攻击都有一定的几率造成比平常更高的伤害。;
Observation on therapeutic efficacy of Jinhuang p ingan decoction on intestinal adhesion [J ].Integr Tradit Chin West Med Pract Crit Care Med, 1998, 5(10): 452-4.
crit cond
(=critical condition) 临界状态, 临界条件
* 1) Scourge Strike should crit for 200% damage like other DK spell effects.
23 Fulcher AS, Turner MA. Magnetic resonance pancreatography (MRP). Crit Rev Diagn Imaging, 1999;40:285-322
4 Slock CM,Woodward CG,Shapiro BA,et al.Perioperative comp-lication of elective tracheostomy in critically all patients crit care. MED 1986;14:861.
1 Bueno A, Delgado M, Lopez A, et al. Influence of nosocomial infection on mortality rate in an intensive care unit. Crit Care Med, 1994, 22(1):55.
Druids get a moonkin aura of what, 10% crit or something like that dont they?
Vexing Strike III Deals melee damage plus 34 damage. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. Upon crit you receive an extra increase to your dreadful Countenance.
710AP will add 87 DPS from the rogue's MH swings and Windfury procs, 38DPS from the OH Swings, and 37 DPS from Sinister Strike procs. Thetotal, factoring in the 5% crit, is 170 DPS.
6 Bruglere O, Raffyo, Sleiman C, et al. progress obstructive lung disease associated with microscopic polyangiitis.Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;155:739-742.
10 White DJ, Carlson D, Ordway GA, Horton JW. Protective role of heat stress in burn trauma. Crit Care Med
lit. crit.
abbr. =literary criticism 【口】文学批评
What is better? Agi, crit% or RAP? Or based on these formulas would they all be the same if the math end up being the same DPS?
Currently that gear list puts me 8 defense rating shy of crit immunity.
Crit critical conditions like hardwareproblems
Strohl KP,Redline S.Recognitive of obstructive sleep apnea.Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996; 154(2Pt1):279-89
Pwittert JF, et al. Biological markers of acute lung injury: prognostic and pathogenic significance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997, 155:1187.
On the character sheet when agility is moused over it does not list the amount of dodge receieved from the player's agility (only crit chance and armor are listed).
Nys M, Ledous D, Canicet JL , et al . Correlation between endotoxin level and bacterial count in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of ventilated patients[J] . Crit Care Med , 2000 , 28(8) :2825
You're afraid to pull with an arrow because you might crit and get summoned.
Our example tank, with a few buffs, has 1000 attack power, 10% chance to crit and uses a [King's Defender].
A glancing blow may not crit and has a damage reduction proportional to the weapon skill to defense difference.
AA is 30% of the amount actually healed by your crit.
Questions concerning inferno( max damage with crit); you haven't got it maxed though.
As long as no other effects come into play, +spell hit rating is more effective than +spell crit rating.
chance for an extra strike is worth approximately 1% Crit. 1% chance for an extra strike gets better as you get more hit and crit gear.
The damage is extremely streaky and bursty, mostly due to FFB crit multiplier and hot streak.
Level 4 - Rapid Shot - Increases attack speed by 350%. Decreases attack damage by 30% (after crit). Lasts 4 seconds. (Cancels shot focusing or tactical aiming abilitys aim arm, aim leg, aim head.
Schwarz S,Bertram Mschwab S,Andrassy K,Hacke W.Senm procalcintonin levels in bacterial and abacterial meningitis[J].Crit Care Med,2000,28(6):18281832.
Deals melee damage plus 110 damage. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. Upon crit you receive an extra increase to your dreadful Countenance.
Vexing Strike II Deals melee damage plus 19 damage. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. Upon crit you receive an extra increase to your dreadful Countenance.
Deals melee damage plus 52 damage. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. Upon crit you receive an extra increase to your dreadful Countenance.
Deals melee damage plus 70 damage. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. Upon crit you receive an extra increase to your dreadful Countenance.
Deals melee damage plus 89 damage. Increases your Dreadful Countenance. Upon crit you receive an extra increase to your dreadful Countenance.
In addition, the Paladin gains a 26% (Windfury and Crit bonus) increase to their previous white damage, and a 5% increase in previous Crusader Strike, Seal of Command and Judgement of Command damage.
Responsible, disciplined and open-minded.Able to receive others' opinion and crit...
Also, with Phil's sudden interest in playing Crit, this will severely cut down on Sasha's PT which makes him expendable.
Sprung J, Mackenzie C F, Barnas G M, et al. Oxygen transport and cardiovascular effects of resuscitation from severe hemorrhagic shock using hemoglobin solutions[J]. Crit Care Med, 1995,23(9): 1540.
It's a result of the spiky tank damage in many fights, high amounts of crit on our gear, and of course the ability to spam heals on a tank regardless of need because we never run OOM.
You won't be critting less or doing less proportional damage when you crit.
The order in which you should look for stats are hit (until capped), damage, crit, haste, spirit, intelligence, everything else.
In LK we have bumped up pet health a few times but we are thinking now that the balance will never work right without some crit mitigation.
In LK, we have bumped up pet health a few times, but we are thinking now that the balance will never work right without some crit mitigation.
Its also the easiest amount of medium/large damage I have been able to put out as opposed to getting a high JoComm crit.
If a Mage has taken the Ice Shards or Spell Power talent to increase the crit damage to 200%, hit and crit are basically equal, similar to the situation as it exists with physical damage.
This is true if you're primarily using CH, but the amount depends entirely on your crit rate and amount of LHW.
As far as crit scaling goes, I'm not sure how I like that being a deep Demonology only approach.
Karl L.Young,王辰. An intrinisic positive end-expiratory pressure lung model:with and without flow limitation. Crit Care Med, 1996,24(7):1261-1265.
Spiro SG, Porter JC.Lung cancer-where are we today?Current advances in staging and nonsurgical treatment[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2002, 166(9): 1166.
Con - The HEP thread has crit as the lowest effective healing stat available.
Compared to level 80, we now scale quite well with crit.
Persoons JH,Schornagel K,Breve J,et al.Acute stress affects cytokines and nitric oxide production by alveolar macrophages differently.Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;152(2):619-24
Trueshot Aura Also increases chance for ranged attacks to hit and crit by 1% per rank.
Improved Holy Concentration -- We'd like to keep this based off spell crit.
Of course we won't have that high of crit in raiding gear, but it is most certainly a huge help in terms of overall damage output as you get better gear.
NOTE: I exluded Improved Aspect of the Hawk form these calculations as it does not add to Base Dmg or Crit%.The usefulness of this talent is best left to another thread.
Con - Many posts and the TTT still reference Chain heal as the fulcrum of shaman healing, which benefits much less from crit than our other heals.
A lot of people have also questioned my low Crit Chance.
Lenique F, Habis M, Lofaso F, et al. Ventilatory and haemodynamic effects of CPAP in left heart failure [ J ]. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997,155:500 - 505.
[3]Xu YD, Li YM, Liu XQ, et al.Clinical therapy of severe acute respiratory syndrome: 38 patients retrospective analysis [J].Chin Crit Care Med, 2003,15(6):343-345.
Surge of light is now 50% chance on crit instead of 25%.
In obstructivesleep apnea: a critical care syndrome. Crit Care. Correction of anatomic abnormalities in obstructivesleep apnea syndrome
Surprise Attack - From stealth, high chance to crit, from behind more dmg, 432-508 common dmg
Our 41 point talent gives 3% to crit and 3% to hit as a totem.
We'll be increasing Mind Flay's coefficient (base) by roughly 30% to start, and allow Mind Flay to crit.
I think it has potential there, but at the same time I also feel like we should get crit scaling without having to spec for it.
NGACN I lost my job, my girlfriend cheated on me, my dog died, and now DK dots crit.
Bringing Mortal Shots down to a 30% bonus is an 8% decrease in the damage done on a crit since the 2.5 crit dmg multiplier is goes down to 2.3.
In other words, if you have a 5% crit rate, that 5% chance includes misses.
On the other hand, the Shadow damage will strike for more if you have all of the talents that prop up Shadow damage, and that part can crit separately.
Improves your chance to crit with spells by 2%.
Prospecting Agility - Associated with air damage, some impact on crit
Agility, Crit, and Attack Power (in that order) are the next important stats for the Survival Hunter.
There are necklaces with high attack power, rings with armor and defense, trinkets with mana regeneration, socketed gems with crit rating.
The log level can be (from most to least verbose): debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, and emerg.
Int and Crit will both help you generate more crits for penance resulting in bigger heals/divine aegis proc, and to generate glyph of PW:S crits.
Shadowform: Devouring Plague, Shadow Word:Pain, and Vampiric Touch cast in Shadowform deal increased damage percentage equal to the player's chance to get a spell crit on their target.
Crit is significantly better for LHW, RT, and HW than Chain Heal.If your play style or role utilizes significantly more CH than the other spells, Crit is your last choice in gear stats and talents.
Senkal M, Mumme A, Eickhoff U, et al. Early postoperative entral immunonutrition: clinical outcome and cost-comparison analysis in surgical patients. Crit Care Med, 1997,25:1489.
phasic genioglossus activity during sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997, 156:127-132