swirly是什么意思   swirly怎么读

英式:['swɜ:lɪ]    美式:['swɜ:lɪ]


adj. 涡旋形的, 缠绕的






The nozzle with 4 swirl slots is propitious to atomize at low pressure for serous lime.


NIV] At his direction they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever he commands them.


"What kind of things?" I asked, turning slightly as a hot breeze blew a swirl of dust about us.


It follows after three harrowing bars.Piano and orchestra swirl up into one blazing, diabolic cacophony in which the practised ear may detect the thumping opening theme of the movement.


Mix in a swirl of your favorite syrup - Vanilla, Hazeinut, Almond, Caramel, Raspberry, Irish Cream and Chocolate.


Unfortunately, applying car wax over swirl marks does not remove them.


With your new brush, make a swirl shape for a leaf blade.


Detailers use polishes to enhance paint gloss or to remove minor scratches and swirl marks.


Severe swirl marks or water spotting will require a fine rubbing compound followed by a good polish or swirl remover.


Moderate scratches may require an electric dual action polisher, and deeper swirl marks caused by the improper use of rotary buffers and rubbing compounds may well require professional color sanding and buffing.


The effect of variable swirl on the fuel consumption of SI engine when TEFI (Twice Electronic Fuel Injection) was adopted to lean burn combustion was studied.


A new designation for the main chamber of swirl chamber diesel engines is introduced in this paper.


In this paper, the device and flow chart of disc swirl spinning were introduced, and the primary parameters that affect the disc swirl spinning process were discussed.


It introduces swirl cementing technology and the application of the technology in Zhoucheng field in the north of Jiangsu.


The simulated flow field showed that helical and tangent intake port had a disturbance each other,and there was a lengthways swirl when the air intake had finished.


He slid the carcass overboard and looked to see if there was any swirl in the water.


He stood by her side at the window, watching sharp gusts of snow billow, then swirl and drift to the ground.


And yet no flush would gush, no surge would purge, no swirl unfurled.


The authors also established a flow field calculating model for the bell type swirl chamber and had a computer simulation by simulating the tested engine.


You could lie up there, watching the flakes swirl past.


You may think, "Innocuous enough," as Portuguese-inspired visions of the Tagus River and chicken piri-piri swirl before your eyes.


Twin bolts of black fire leap from your hands to swirl about your enemy, tricking the foe into attacking one of its allies.


When you using this kind of product , you can restrain the interference effectively and you can solve the problems about the jiggle、the swirl、the ripple with the images.


When you using this kind of product , you can restrain the interference effectively you can solve the problems about the jiggle、the swirl、the ripple with the images.


The air port performance (swirl intensity and flow coefficient) has an important effect on power, economy and emission of the agriculture engine.


During the winter, the gossip began to swirl out from the clubs and the Whitehall corridors that Lord Gilbey was "getting past it".


Billows of cosmic dust swirl amid NGC 1316, a giant elliptical galaxy formed billions of years ago when two spiral galaxies merged.

几十亿年之前,两个漩涡星系合并成一个椭圆星系NGC 1316,宇宙尘埃在它的内部翻滚。

This subport-type variable swirl system is possisle to give all kinds of optimum swirl in different operating ranges of diesel engine.


Add garlic, bell peppers, and 1/4 cup reserved pasta water; cook until peppers soften, 6 minutes. Add 3/4 cup pasta water and butter; swirl to combine.


The measuring value of mo mentum swirl meter does not fluctuate greatly, and is always higher than that of paddle wheel swirl meter.


The effect of swirl on turbulence is included in the RNG model, enhancing accuracy for swirling flows.


Five-pocket styling with button/zip fly closure and festive rhinestone swirl detailing embroidery at center of back patch pockets.

原文描述: Description: Prepare to turn heads in this stretch denim jean with sequin braided belt detail at waist.

On the other hand, would music be reduced to a swirl of background noise once you have it on in a constant flow around the clock?


For swirl combustor, the predicted temperature distribution of DO model were in good agreement with those measured by experiment and were better than those of the SHF model.


When swirls are existed in both inner and outer gas streams simultaneously, for para-sinuous mode disturbance, the effect of the inner gas swirl will dominate the breakup.


Just mindfully watch the mud swirl, without any involvement in the process.


At BlizzConthough it had its swirly lava-esque look.


Also swirl the wine around a little to bring up the lovely aromas of the wine, its freshness, its fruitiness.


I'm shocked to learn of your accident from your mother. With every good wish for your swirl recovery.


The product is used for insomnia, dreaminess, heart-throb and swirl.

商品简介: Nourish the blood, and tranquilize the nerve system.

Rumours swirl around the bazaars of the capital about what the Taleban has done with the treasure, which was excavated from a royal burial site in northern Afghanistan by a Soviet team during the Soviet Union's occupation.

喀布尔的市井流传着有关塔利班如何处置这批珍宝的种种谣言。 这批珍宝是前苏联占领阿富汗时,一群苏联人在阿富汗北部的一处皇家墓地发现的。

Rumours swirl around the bazaars of the capital about what the Taleban has done with the treasure,which was excavated from a royal burial site in northern Afghanistan by a Soviet team during the Soviet Union's occupation.


Carrie scarcely heard, her head was so full of the swirl of life.

嘉莉几乎没听到他的话。 这旋风般的生活画面充满了她的头脑。

Therefore by regulating swirl number of combustor NO emission caw be reduced.


Through them swirl drawn images of monks (the book's intended readers) as well as birds, biblical figures and fantastical creatures.


Software Description: About Golden Tut 3D, Two golden faces of King Tut rotate, swirl and tumble in 3D animation across a background of ancientEgyptian hieroglyphs.

国王上述声音的二张金色的脸旋转,在古代埃及象形文字的一个背景另一边的 3D 动画中的旋动。

Using swirl reducing stator (SRS) is a new technology used at the dust discharge of VAS type of cyclone tube to solve the FPE.


BeforeChina's dairy industry imploded in a swirl of tainted products, milk was a cash cow.


Amid rousing music, he is portrayed in black and white, shrouded in pensive solitude by a swirl of cigarette smoke, reaching his momentous decision to nationalise the canal.


Fiery formations swirl around a sunspot on the sun's turbulent surface.


A physical model and a mathematical model for cold state aerodynamic field at the exit of swirl burner are established and calculated on the basis of FDM in this paper.


The predeterminate target is achieved satisfactorily on swirl combustion system.


This kind of swirl can be made of ejection of several spouts leaned up.


The test results also showed that DSCS can enlarge the economical operation zone of diesel engine with variable intake swirl system.


A high temperature swirl melting furnace for innocuous disposal of incineration fly ash has been developed after having studied both its chemical and physical properties.


The fluid flows with periodic self-sustaining swirl flow in a converging-diverging tube inserted with regularly spaced twisted-tape elements.


The air itself seemed to crackle and sputter as a vortex of energy began to swirl.


Multi-level swirl atomizer is a combination of multi-level and multi-atomizing spray form, with a small atomization gas and good effects.


The Sun was laid with a clockwise swirl, contrary to its actual rotation direction.


With hundreds of questions, my memory falled into the swirl of remembering.


It beckons me forward with its colorful swirl.


She reveled in it, bathed in it, let it swirl over her and into the pores of her skin like soft oil from the hands of some deity somewhere who had deserted her years ago and had now returned.


She danced with a swirl of her skirt.


If you are unsure as to whether or not the swirl in your finish can be safely removed, take your car to a professional painter or detailer and ask them for their opinion.


If you salt the slurry with buck shot and swirl the pan around, the dark pellets will track the elusive flecks of gold.


The branches and enchanting stretches as the float soft wind in the earth, the sweet dream stealing stay, The faint tears makes sings crystal-like dews, swirl, a shining.


In pregnancy, women are bounded not to blow eyelash tweezers by using electric breeze.Using electric breeze too frequently will cause headache, swirl and dispiritedness.


Carried low when quiet but with slight upward swirl at tip.


The experimental study on characteristics of a swirl pressure nozzle was carried out with the water as the working fluid of atomization.


The hottest thing in household energy savings is the compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL), a funny-looking swirl that fits into standard sockets.


Boil 1g Agarose in 100ml Gel running buffer (microwave: 45sec, swirl, 20sec, swirl, 20sec). Let cool for 10min.


Boil1 g Agarose in100 ml Gel running buffer( microwave:45 sec, swirl,20 sec, swirl,20 sec). Let cool for10 min.


Pour mixture into prepared pan. Drop small spoonfuls of peanut butter into the chocolate mixture and swirl through the chocolate with a knife.


Over painted garden walls, some low, some high, springtime longings swirl and fly.


Although the firms condemn the rumour-mongering, stories that Morgan Stanley was looking for a partner continued to swirl.


The tail is moderately long, set on low, well furnished with an upward swirl towards the end, completing the graceful contour and balance of the dog.


Policemen cleared the way only for motorized vehicles, just so that they could go fast and swirl up dust. Xiangzi, not being a policeman, wouldn't let them careen about.


Buck had sprung in on the instant; and at the end of three hundred yards, amid a mad swirl of water, he over-hauled Thornton.


Reddish leaves swirl in the wind like lost souls in search of rest.


Malvern laser particle size analyzer was used to study atomized particle size spatial distribution of the swirl nozzle.
