cravenly是什么意思   cravenly怎么读

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adv. 胆小地; 懦弱地; 胆怯地





It is bad enough for a person to cravenly seek power while remaining in ignorance.


Man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of braving death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence.

志士仁人, 无求生以害仁, 有杀身以成仁。

We were played for fools by a craven killer.


If I had some craven way to get out, I would take it.

如果有什么办法能苟且偷生 我会接受的

Yes. In a selfserving, craven kind of way.

算啊 是种自私的 怯懦的可爱

He wanted my sister to look like some craven muckraker.


Craven, I need eyes inside that second truck.

克雷文 观察第二辆卡车

The apology that I owe is for my craven attempt to pilfer that which rightfully belongs to you.

我是要为觊觎您的财物 而向您道歉

Here I thought you were just cravenly profiting off of the idiocy of millennial culture.

我以为你只是 从千禧一代的 手中赚点小钱

That greedy, craven, little coward is gonna testify, and when she does, they're gonna lock me up.

那个贪婪 懦弱的胆小鬼要指认我 她作了证 我就会进监狱

Hawaii was nothing but a cheap, craven attempt to buy your forgiveness, and you were right to reject it.

夏威夷只不过是换取你们谅解的充满 铜臭味的礼物 你们理应拒绝