contractually是什么意思   contractually怎么读

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adv. 合约地;合同性地;契约规定地

r. by virtue of a contract





The tenant is contractually bound to pay for any damages to the apartment.


In addition, a substantial amount of the Merrill bonuses were contractually guaranteed.


My proposal was a contractual offer: all of me for all of you.

我的求婚是一场契约 用我的身心来换你的

No, she has contractual control after five years.

不 她在卵子售出五年后拥有 契约处置权

Professor, we are contractually within our rights.

教授 我们的作为符合合同中的条款

That's a contractual matter for us to decide.


And contractually, I may have no way to stop her.

事实上 我可能没有办法阻止她

Yes, for tortious interference with contractual relations.

是的 因为侵权干涉合约关系

In that spirit, we're offering to release her from all contractual obligations.

本着这样的精神 我们提议 与她解除全部合同义务

Well, contractually, I'm afraid, that's where the burden lies.

好吧 根据合同 恐怕责任会落在我们这

And as your platanchor, it's my... contractual obligation to keep it real with you.

作为你的精神支柱 我的合同义务就是 让你意识到这点

And in the community theater world, that is contractually binding.

在社区剧院圈里 这相当于是签了合同