Noun1. a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea
dnieper[ 'dnjepər ]n.a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea同义词:dnieper River
Desna:a river rising east of Smolensk in western European U.S.S.R. and flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally south to the Dnieper River above Kiev.
The Wiking, Das Reich and Totenkopf Divisions were now operating under the command of the Eighth Army (formerly Army Detachment Kempf) during the withdrawal back to the Dnieper at Kremenchug.
The Totenkopf Division remained on station in the Dnieper bend for the remainder of 1943.
The risk of Ukraine splitting down the River Dnieper was always overdone.After this election it looks smaller still.
Dneproges Dam, an extensive power station on the Dnieper R.In Ukraine
A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River near the Black Sea east-northeast of Odessa .
A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River near the Black Sea east-northeast of Odessa. It was founded in 1778 as a naval base. Population,346,000.
A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River near the Black Sea east-northeast of Odessa. It was founded in1778 as a naval base. Population, 346, 000.
The SS men avoided the Soviet troops, leaving them for follow-on forces, and aimed for a crossing point over the River Dnieper at Shklov.
A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southeast of Kiev. It was an important Cossack outpost before passing to Russia in the 1790's. Population, 273,000.
A river of west-central European U.S.S.R. rising in northwest Belorussia and flowing about ' km (380 mi) generally southward to the Dnieper River.
After crossing the River Dnieper, the Red Army rolled over the weak LVII Corps with another huge tank armada and headed westwards towards Krivoi Rog.
Alpatitch's and his hostess's vehicles moved slowly along in the rows of soldiers and of other conveyances, and on the slope down to the Dnieper they had to halt altogether.
A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River southwest of Moscow.
Russian aircraft bombed the bridges over the Dnieper that the SS men were trying to capture, and again engineers had to repair them before the advance could continue towards Gorki.
A river rising east of Smolensk in western European U.S.S.R. and flowing about 885 km (550 mi) generally south to the Dnieper River above Kiev.
By the time he died Genghiz Khan ruled from the Yellow River in the east to the banks of the Dnieper in southern Russia.
A city of west-central European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River west-southwest of Moscow.
A city of west-central European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River west-southwest of Moscow. First mentioned in the ninth century, it was burned by Napoleon's troops in 1812. Population, 331,000.
A city of west-central European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River west-southwest of Moscow. First mentioned in the ninth century it was burned by Napoleon's troops in 1812. Population 331000.
With no reserves available to plug the gap, Hitler reluctantly agreed on 15 September to allow Manstein to pull his troops back behind the Dnieper.
In suitable localities, the keeping of herds led to a pastoral life: the Semites lived upon the grassy plains of the Euphrates and Tigris, and the Aryans upon those of India and of the Oxus and Jaxartes, of the Don and the Dnieper.
Dnieper River
A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. Founded in 1787 on the site of a Cossack village,it has a huge iron and steel industry. Population,1,153,000.
A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov.
A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. It is a port and major industrial center. Population,271, 000.
A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. It is a port and major industrial center. Population, 27,000.
The Mius was the last natural obstacle before the great River Dnieper, and Hitler believed it was the key to protecting the Ukraine's natural resources and industrial potential from the Red Army.
The Red Army pushed across the Dnieper and threatened to open a breach between the Wehrmacht's Army Group South and its neighbour to the north, Army Group Centre.
Dnieper threatens to flood factory; Brezhnev made head of Emergency Flood-Control Commission.
Ancient trade route along the Gulf of Finland and the Dnieper
The offensive was to break along an axis from Belgorod to Kharkov, and then fan out westwards to drive the German Army Group South back to the River Dnieper.