composted是什么意思   composted怎么读

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v.混合肥料,堆肥( compost的过去式和过去分词 )
n.混合肥料, 堆肥 v.使成堆肥
v.混合肥料,堆肥( compost的过去式和过去分词 );



动词 compost:

convert to compost


compost[ 'kɔmpɔst ]n.a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure; used as a fertilizerv.convert to compost

"compost organic debris"




Mature compost of food waste was used as raw culture media, ryegrass as the test plant.Biological effects of the media in different proportions were examined in this part.


EM microbial compost could decrease soil bulk density, increasing soil water content and improving the environment of crop growth.


WC took advantage of the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to create the world's first carbon-trading scheme based on compost.


Cao X T,Huang W Y,Chang Z Z et al.Mechanism of nitrogen loss and reduction in nitrogen loss during the compost of chicken manure[J].Jiangsu.Agr.Sci.,2004,20(2):106-110.


Wei Z M,Wang S P,Xi B D et al.Effect of P-enriched municipal solid waste compost on nutrient accumulation[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2006,12(2):282-284.


"They are made from recovered materials and are easily recycled, re-used or composted by consumers.


An environmentally conscious institutional cafeteria is recycling customers' uneaten food into compost by means of microorganisms.


Around 2/3 area of the lower field already hoed and added with compost.


Do not add meat, fish bones or fatty food wastes to the compost mixture.


Do not add meat, fish bones or fatty food wastes to the compost mixture. Protein materials do not readily decompose and they will bring animals.


The content of mineral nitrogen, nitrogen mineralization rate and wheat yield in EM compost treatment were increased compared to traditional compost treatments.


New application methods for compost were carried out.


So, in the spring , we plunge shovels into the garden plot , turn under the dark compost , rake fine the crumbling clods , and press the inert seeds into orderly rows .


The better part of the man is soon plowed into the soil for compost.


Then,this paper introduces the principle and method of finite element analsis of spatial composite structure like miter gates which are composted by steel plates,beams,bars and so on.


Based on the analysis data of the components of town waste,the paper recommends compost method to treat town waste.


They eat table scraps, and their waste goes in the compost pile.


They collect vegetable waste and compost it.


He poured the water-logged compost into the wheat field in order to nourish the wheat.

他把窖肥洒向麦田, 让麦子得到更多的营养。

In future, the less they create, the more they recycle and compost, the less they will have to pay, he says.


Using cotton seed hull,saw-dust,corn cob to cultivate as substrate, the result shows that the optimal cultivation compost as substrate is cotton seed hull.


But remember not to leave meat and dairy products in the compost.


But there had the following trend in wheat growing anaphase: EM compost > traditional compost > chemical fertilizer > control.


But one thing is plain( and I may embroider it on a sampler) : the compost pile waits for no woman.


You can purchase an appropriate pre-mix soil at your local garden center or you can create your own mix using top soil, compost and organic material.


It is worth mentioning that I sow the seeds in a peat and grit based compost heavily laced with controlled release fertiliser - it is exactly the same mix as I use for all my adult plants.


Healthy soil-building practices, such as the use of compost, beneficial soil microorganisms, erosion control, and minimal use of mineral fertilizers.


RICHARD BILTON: Families like the Calverts make the system work, they divide up their rubbish into what can be recycled or composted.


The company is compost of HR and Training Department, Technique Supporting Department, Quality Control Department, Administration Department, Finance Department, etc.


The business scope of the Company is production and sales of compost, organic compound fertilizer, building block, color pavior brick, regenerated plastics and harmless vegetables.


A special formulation of biodegradable polymer was developed that produces a high quality finish but which also biodegrades easily in compost.


And the other waste food can go into the container for the composter. I use the compost from the composter to fertilize the flowers in my garden.


Others are dehulling rice,making compost,and, in the kitchen, cooking Saturdays-only kanom (sweet and savory snacks).


During the ten years of experiment, the effect of recycled nutrients on crop yields appeared an increasing trend, implying the existence of an accumulative effect from successive application of recycled compost on crop yields.

养分循环再利用的作物增产效益在试验的10 a中有着逐年增长的趋势,表明以堆肥形式循环回田养分的作物增产作用有着明显的残效叠加效应。

Any of various large - footed, ground - dwelling birds of the family Megapodiidae, found in Australia and many South Pacific islands, that build mounds or burrows of earth and compost in which to incubate their eggs.


Visitors ate from plates which made of sugar starch, used knives and forks made from cornstarch and disposed of the leftovers in compost bins.


Kathy: And the other waste food can go into the container for the composter. I use the compost from the composter to fertilize the flowers in my garden.


Water logged compost is the main method of fertilization in some rural areas in the southern part of China.


After peat or compost are added in copper contaminated soil, fractionation and availability of copper are obviously affected during the nine months' incubation.


We were assigned the work of digging in compost in the fields.


Making natural compost: Let's start from the basics of organic farming. We will change the gifts of nature into micro-organisms and nutrients which plants love most.


All it takes to make compost is organic garbage, soil, water, and air.


Combining sanitary landfill with hight temperature compost is an optimum disposal method that fits the conditions of China.


Through anaerobic digestion similar to the process by which you create compost manure can be turned into energy-rich biogas which standard microturbines can use to produce electricity.


The kitchen waste can be composted.


Dicephalus is common in reptiles and particularly in British grass snakes, who lay their eggs inside compost heaps where decomposing matter produces heat.


Any waste that is not composted is taken to the zero-waste centre.


Just make sure that you compost it properly, so it decomposes with sufficient oxygen, otherwise your compost will cause methane emissions and smell foul.


A landfill is not like a compost pile, where the purpose is to bury trash in such a way that it will decompose quickly.


The leaves are high in oils and slow to compost and may collect in mounds beneath trees.


Application of crude compost shown detrimental effect to the yield in Pingtung soil while Taipei soil was beneifited by it.


GPac pallet return to their source at the end of their lifecycle by disintegrating and returning to the earth as compost and fertiliser through natural ecological processes.


Recycled food organics are composted to produce a valuable soil conditioner product to improve the health and productivity of our soils.

回收食物中的有机物可以形成有效的土壤调节产物, 改善土壤的养分和生产力.

This paper puts forward an idea that considers the heat of combustion value as an indicator to judge compost maturity.


The gardener dug the compost in.


The solid parts of the waste water are processed and composted and finally turned into top soil, fertilizing the island.


Application of liquid composted peanut cake would inhibit Ca and Mg uptake by plant at some extent.


Cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost, and water.


After the waste is trucked in, it is spread out in open-air bins, monitored carefully, and becomes saleable compost in a little over a month.


The percolating water from compost returns to blowout one-time fermentation room and the percolating water from landfill returns to blowout the surface of landfill area.


Compost fertilizes the soil.


Could Compost Be a Desease Breaker?


Compost can act as a great fertilizer, enriching the soil with organic materials rather than making use of chemicals that can do more harm than good if used improperly.


Compost is not necessarily pathogen-free.


Tamara: Oh, don't you believe it. They collect it and compost it.


Can be disposed of into the drain system or composted together with food waste or grass cuttings and will produce a fertile humus.


She composted the flower-beds yesterday.


The main purposes to conduct aerobic compost are killing the pathogens and parasite ova, and degrading the high polymeric matters by microbes.


You can speed up your compost by cutting things smaller( like little pieces of orange peel!


You can make compost in three weeks if you have a large box which you stir around and add water to.


They have lived in this enclosure since 1988 and have passed through every winter (including the recent El Ni?o bruiser) burrowed down into compost.


Having created the clematis cutting, dip the base of the cutting into hormone rooting powder (to help the cutting produce roots), and insert it into a small pot filled with potting compost.


The result was appropriate and shows that the attribute recognition theoretical model can be used in the sludge compost maturity degree judgment.


The result shown that potassium permanganate, calcareousness lime and compost were plant protect material for control Plasmodiophora brassica, The result were affected by different applying period and applying method.


A new method is presented for the determination of copper, zinc and cadmium in compost andleachate by derivative atomic absorption spectrometry (DAAS), using closed-vessel microwave digestion.


The separated food products are composted, and the filtered oil begins its transformation.Treated with methanol and potassium hydroxide, also known as lye, the vegetable oil molecules break down.


This research probes into the feasibility of compost and reuse as construction materials of drain sludge.


Existing pollution condition of Nanping pig seed field is analyzed and compost technological route for treating pig muck to produce organic compound fertilizer is presented.


Turning horse waste into useful compost is an important contribution to the environmental commitment of the Olympic Equestrian Events.


The spot tests indicated, the present composted manure could remarkedly increase the yields of radish, redbean, corn and flower number of chrysanthemum as well as the height of oriental arborvitae.

小区试验表明 ,腐熟堆肥能够显著提高萝卜、红小豆、玉米的产量和金菊的花朵数以及侧柏的高度。


The compost is specially formulated for pot plants.

But remember not to leave meat and dairy products in the compost.

I spade compost into the flower beds.

We were assigned the work of digging in compost in the fields.


They collect vegetable waste and compost it.