abbr.communism 共产主义; communist 共产主义,共产党员commi变化用词:
customs commi sioner
[经] 税务司
The recent agreement clinched by the ECB to finalize the deadline for lowering the charges and commi ion rates for tra -border tra actio and capital tra fer can serve as a case in point.
As a rule we don't allow any commi ion. But if the order is a su tantial one, we'll co ider it.
The a eals court ruled that because Hamdan was a member of al Qaeda, the Geneva Conventio did not a ly to him and he could not a ert the unlawfulne of the military commi io on that basis.
The above price excludes your commi ion.
The di ute began when in 2002 at the International Maritime Law Commi ion in the Hague, Australia i isted on upholding the border drawn up with Indonesia in 1970.
Public i titutio may establish mediation commi io for the settlement of perso el di utes.
Rights advocate A a Wu Hung-yuk vowed yesterday to make the Equal O ortunities Commi ion a more active player in the fight agai t discrimination.
came to China to hold a talk about the commi ion for his new busine .
The arbitration commi ion may a oint officials of relevant government departments, experts, scholars and lawyers as full-time or part-time arbitrators.
When handling perso el di utes, the arbitration commi ion shall adopt the arbitration tribunal system.
The arbitration commi ion shall make a decision on acceptance or rejection within 7 workdays from the date of receipt of the arbitration a lication.
The arbitration commi ion shall be composed of an odd number of members, with the representative of the competent perso el administrative department serving as the chairman.
When handling important or difficult perso el di ute cases, the arbitration tribunal may refer them to the arbitration commi ion for discu ion and decision.
You can grant us an extra commi ion of 2% to cover the additional risk.
Do you also agree to the condition that all di utes, if u ettled, shall be referred to the For eign Trade Arbitration Commi ion for the Pro mo tion of In ter na tion al Trade?
What about the commi ion? From European su liers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commi ion for my imports. It's the general practice.
What about the commi ion?
On his suggestion, we take the liverty of offering our services for any commi ion which you wish to have executed here.
The alary I require would e $60,000 a year, lu one ercent commi io o all ales.
4 A: Other su liers are offering a much higher rate of commi ion.
When district/county arbitration commi io differ in their opinio on the jurisdiction over a case, the municipal arbitration commi ion shall designate its jurisdiction.
The National Development and Reform Commi ion shall make ot check irregularly on bidding projects according to the report on project bid invitation.
The king commi ioned a new piece of music.
the International Electrotechnical Commi
OCOG Marks Any of all of the trademarked symbols and designations of an Organising Commi...
奥组委标志 系指奥组委经商标注册过的所有标志和称谓中的任何一种。
If your prices are agreeable and if I can get the commi ion I want, I can place the order right away.
A higher commi ion mea a higher price.
The committee admits it committed an omi ion in commi ioning the mi ion.
The publication picked Woods ahead of the commi ioners of the NFL, A and Major League Baseball, media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Nike CEO Philip Knight.
Party A shall pay Party B a commi ion of 5% on the net invoiced selling price on all orders directly obtained by Party B and accepted by party A.
We offer 1% commi ion on all your sales.
From other su liers, we get a higher commi ion rate for the busine in this line.
Perso el di ute arbitration commi io (hereinafter referred to as arbitration commi ion(s)) shall be established at the municipal and district/county levels.
Parties shall, within 60 days from the date of occurrence of a perso el di ute, a ly in writing to the arbitration commi ion that has jurisdiction for arbitration.
Infomania is mainly a problem for adult workers, e ecially men, the study commi ioned by Hewlett Packard, the technology company, has concluded.
For more information, co ult your local office of the Equal Employment O ortunity Commi ion, or EEOC, and with an attorney knowledgeable in civil rights.
W will b commi o srv you, our philosophy is : o o sk h bs, a jus wa o o br.Your saisfacio is our biggs wish!!!
A 4% commi ion is the maximum.
And then I hope we can see eye to eye about our commi ion and the terms of the agency.
Well, I don't usually trust most of asian history as most are distorted, specially Chinese history as commi party destroyed most of good chinese records.
The enterprises that meet the requirements may establish pla ing policy commi ion of development strategy and plan.
Wh w provi cusomrs wih qualiy proucs , w ar commi o cusomrs :h prouc qualiy accp ,h prouc livry is i im,h fr-sals srvic is saisfacory,so cusomrs rur us a majoriy of h rus a suppor.
EU Tra ort Commi ioner Jacques Barrot said the rules a ounced today (Wednesday) would allow pa engers to bring on planes a limited amount of shampoo, perfume and other liquids.
The European Commi ion (EC) on Friday launched an investigation into nine categories of textile and a arel products imported from China.
For every additional 10 pieces of pianos sold, we'll give you 0.2% more commi ion.
Thailand's election commi ion already had scheduled new electio , because Sunday's poll did not produce conclusive results in doze of co tituencies.
Any change of the name, addre , fax and telex number and postal code given in the preamble of this Agreement shall be immediately communicated to the Commi ion and the other party.
in a simple case of perso el di ute, the arbitration commi ion may a oint a single arbitrator as the sole arbitrator.
We'll get 0.5% more in commi ion for our effort.
But party A shall send to Party B a copy of Sales Confirmation and give Party B...% commi ion on the basis of the net invoice value of the tra action(s)concluded.
The decision made by this Commi ion shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties.
Please quote us lowest price C.I.F. Los Angeles inclusive of our 5% commi ion, stating the earliest date of shipment.
commi ssioning
Election commi ion officials said Monday that Sunday's referendum was su orted by 99 percent of voters in South O etia.
Election commi ion officials said Monday that Sunday's referendum was su orted by99 percent of voters in South O etia.
We usually get a 10% commi ion of the amount on every deal.
What about the commi ion? From European su liers I ususally get a 3 to 5 percent commi ion for my imports. It's the general practice.
That should be part of your overheads and be taken from your commi ion.
An employee can also file a claim with the Equal Employment O ortunity Commi ion, or EEOC.This proce is the same as with other types of discrimination.