colouration是什么意思   colouration怎么读

英式:[ˌkʌləˈreɪʃn]    美式:[ˌkʌləˈreɪʃn]



n. 着色, 特色, 色彩, 天然颜色

n the timbre of a musical sound
n appearance with regard to color
n choice and use of colors (as by an artist)






colouration feeder.


Colouration of Basic Dyes on the Cotton Paper


Mechanism of Irradiation Inducing Colouration and Colour Change of Topaz


Colouration and gemmological characters of natural and synthetic beryls


About Colour Temperature and Its Calculation and Colouration Nature of Light Source

谈谈色温, 色温计算和光源的显色性

It seemed that the product had a light coating, based on the colouration and the feel.


Methods The traditional separation method and cribration with Salmonella colouration flat plate.


Diacetate dyeing with cationic dyes Colouration of Basic Dyes on the Cotton Paper


Evolution And Colouration of Lattice Defects in Diamonds at High Pressure and High Temperature


Inquire on the colouration technique of nucleic acid application on the histologic section of grown silkworm and mumia

大蚕, 蛹组织切片核酸特异染色技术的探讨

But the colour that captivated him most was the colour of the sky.

但是最让他 着迷的颜色是天空的颜色

Today we see white as the colour of virtue, a colour of cleanliness, of innocence, a colour as pure as the driven snow.

今天 白色象征着美德 象征着纯洁与无邪 像风中飘落的白雪一样圣洁无暇

The purest colour had become the darkest colour of them all.


..from the colour of the meat and the darkish colour of the fat.

从肉的颜色 和微暗的肥肉来看

So, everything that's coloured rainbow colours is under water.


It no longer matters what colour you wear, or what colour your skin is.

你们衣服的颜色 你们皮肤的颜色不再重要

And I think this colour is one of the most alluring and beguiling colours of them all.

在我看来 它是所有颜色中最迷人的色彩

These ones are sort of an offwhite colour, but they can be sort of creamy, greeny colours.

有点灰白色 有的也可能呈现青绿色

It was the colour of the horizon, the colour of the thing that so many of us were aspiring to and hoping to escape to.

那是天空的颜色 那是一种所有人渴求的 梦想着 逃往的梦幻色彩

Giotto takes the colour blue and he turns it into the colour that is the most beautiful, the most powerful, the most sacred of them all.

乔托运用了这种蓝色 并将这种最美丽最具震撼力的颜色 变成最为神圣的颜色