collapses是什么意思   collapses怎么读

英式:[kə'læpsɪz]    美式:[kə'læpsɪz]


v.折叠( collapse的第三人称单数 ); 倒塌; 崩溃; (尤指工作劳累后)坐下

v.折叠( collapse的第三人称单数 );倒塌;崩溃;(尤指工作劳累后)坐下



名词 collapse:

an abrupt failure of function or health


a mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in


the act of throwing yourself down

同义词:flop, collapse

a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)

同义词:crash, collapse

动词 collapse:

break down, literally or metaphorically

同义词:collapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break, founder

collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack

同义词:break down, collapse

fold or close up


fall apart

同义词:crumble, crumple, tumble, break down, collapse

cause to burst

同义词:collapse, burst

suffer a nervous breakdown

同义词:crack up, crack, crock up, break up, collapse

lose significance, effectiveness, or value

同义词:collapse abrupt failure of function or healtha mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving inthe act of throwing yourself down


a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)


v.break down, literally or metaphorically

"The wall collapsed"; "The business collapsed"; "The roof collapsed"

同义词:fall incave ingivegive waybreakfounder

collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack

同义词:break down

fold or close up

"collapse the music stand"

fall apart

同义词:crumblecrumpletumblebreak down

cause to burst


suffer a nervous breakdown

同义词:crack upcrackcrock upbreak up

lose significance, effectiveness, or value

"The stock market collapsed"




More than 20000 were out of reach in Anxian County due to largescale mountain landslides and house collapses.


The Soviet Republic of China collapses when Chiang Kai-shek s National Revolutionary Army successfully encircle Ruijin, forcing the fleeing Communists to begin the Long March.


In 2001, there were altogether 5793 geological disaster cases, such as landslides, collapses and pitfalls, 240 of which are medium and serious ones, resulted in 788 people dead and 3.5 billion yuan of direct economic loss.


In ordinary storms, the updraft turns into a downdraft, and the storm collapses.

Discovery Channel带您前往美国中西部、以夺命龙卷风闻名的“龙卷风带”实地考察,本片还收入了曾遭受龙卷风强烈袭击、并造成德州等地多人死亡的灾难实录。

Rolling Stones employee explains why the ageing band will be bringing a defibrillator on their US tour, in case one of them collapses on stage.


A star is formed when a cloud of gas collapses from the interstellar medium toward high density .


A day, the housetop of old temple collapses, fortunately, two spiders did not get hurt, they still braid a cobweb busily on their domain.


Once Russia collapses, the last chance to stop Hitler will be gone.


It collapses every time it is hit.


To be listed achievement variation, US dollar rises sharply, the oil price collapses, the economic recession is engulfing the entire world.


The following code example collapses all rows in the System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid control.


You must stop! (Chandler hits what he is working on with a hammer and it collapses.


Earthquake of Sichuan of China, the school collapses, stu...


For example under fixed exchange rates, if an export market collapses, the adverse impact is transmitted fully to the domestic economy.


The two halt and glower at each other before one, always the miscreant, collapses to the ground dead.


Ukraine and Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia face the threat which similarly the State bank system collapses.


All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.


Herefrom, the knight novel collapses after one setback in Spain and Europe.


Concerning the power system collapses happened in resent years,the necessity and urgency for the research on power systems collapse prevention system are pointed out.


Their health collapses, as does the health-care system that Mr Godwin's mother, a doctor, laboured to create.


In and out of the dingy rooms he wanders, and when he sits down the chair collapses, when he opens his valise there is only a toothbrush inside.


Do executives really jump out of windows during financial collapses?


An apartment building collapses in Istanbul with rescuers pulling two people out of the rubble alive.


But that is several months' pay for many Zimbabweans as their country collapses under the weight of hyperinflation.


Unless the oil price unexpectedly collapses, no such leverage will be available in the near future.


You buy something, it goes up, bad news hits the market, and your stock collapses.


You are a banker. If the money system collapses, you and your bank are out of business.


Payne's design must last longer, the challenge is so great, the project nearly collapses.


By using this rule you will be automatically diversified and won't be as likely to take a huge hit if one sector of the market collapses.


The mechanisms have caused the majority of levee failures worldwide; one way or another, water weakens the barrier's base until the barrier topples or collapses.


On the hunt for gold, artifacts and gems take care to avoid collapses, cave bats and other dangers.


Second, a number of critics argue that central banks ought to target asset prices because of the huge damage subsequent collapses cause.


North Korea's cruel but cunning despot, Kim Jong Il, exploits China's fear that, if his vile regime collapses, China might have a strong, American-allied democratic Korea on its border.


Click a category to confirm that it collapses and expands to show a list of products for each category.


This cot collapses so that it can be stored easily.


Further,all guarantees are valid only under the premise that no processing machine collapses during the run-time of real-time processes.


As it is only in the ascension of the dark or space between that it collapses back to size and holds the proper structure and function of carving the pathways of light.


However, if you look at the history of some other caldera collapses, there is precedent for large dome-building events that preceded the caldera-forming event.


And in 1998, after briefly panicking in the face of Russian debt defaults and hedge-fund collapses, the markets surged on the back of the Fed's actions.


As with the school collapses, the milk scandal involves a web of complicity linking company executives to government officials.


The Sichuan government repeated its official verdict, saying the collapses were caused solely by the force of the quake, which measured 7.9 on the Richter scale.


Sichuan Dujiang Weir hospital collapses, the medical pers...


India is beaten in school enrolment, parity between the sexes and child mortality indicators by Bangladesh, which has suffered repeated collapses of democracy.


After we perform the measurement, obtaining some result x, the wavefunction collapses into a position eigenstate centered at x.


The types of catastrophic collapses seen in the first news reels from China this week are reminiscent of similar scenes most recently from Bam in Iran in 2003 and Turkey in 1999.


During a measurement, the probability that a system collapses from a given initial state to a particular eigenstate is given by the square of the absolute value of the probability amplitudes between the initial and final states.


In the extreme case the boxwork collapses, forming a breccia.


In the longer term when the parabolic trend line collapses, it allows for a faster decline in prices because support levels are not strong.


In obstructie sleep apnea, the upper airway narrows, or collapses, during sleep.


ECONOMIC MELTDOWN: The bad news kept coming - collapses of Wall Street giants;huge stock market losses;plummeting home prices and a surge of foreclosures;desperate times for U.


BC The Seleucid Empire - one of the successor states of Alexander's empire collapses under pressure from the Romans.


The core of a massive star collapses by a factor of 105 from its birth through neutron star formation, so its magnetic field should become 1010 times stronger.


God is the apex, without Whom the base collapses.


She wants to be in at the kill when his business finally collapses.

她想在他的公司最终倒台时亲 临现场。

She want to is in at the kill when his business finally collapses.


If the universe is dense enough, gravitation can overcome the expansion and pull it back until it ultimately collapses.


If the Doha round collapses, regionalism, despite its unarguable economic inferiority, will replace multilateralism as the organising principle of global trade.


As baby boomers save for retirement, colleges for the kids or a rainy day (say, when the U.S. Social Security system collapses), their investment rates will soar.


Fuchs argues that it is just our uncertainty about the system that collapses.


Causes the deep level reason which the market present confidence collapses possibly to lie in the following two aspects.


Collapses a Bookmark control to the starting or ending position.


In the corner, a pile of board games includes chess, backgammon, and Jenga, the game in which a steady hand pulls out bricks from a tower of blocks until the whole pile collapses.


Expand Expands, or collapses, the child items of the specified tree view item.


Collapses in Mengshan area are caused by the weightless rock mass falling down rapidly due to the interaction of gravity and weathering factor of freeze-and-thaw action and raining action in the locate of the developing joints.


In the hilly land of red soil in south of China, collaps ed hills are most commonly distributed with extremely vigorous development and t hus have been regarded as the most harmful erosion type.


The markets collapse.When the markets collapse, production stops.The economy collapses.


A Ponzi scheme does not generate any wealth whatsoever;that is why it ultimately collapses.


With a sigh in the strings, and a second in the horns, the whole ensemble collapses into a first forte apparition of a combat of two equally yearning themes.


When Pluto is near the sun, it has a thin atmosphere, but when Pluto travels to the outer regions of its orbit, the atmosphere freezes and collapses to the planet's surface.


When ice thaws, its molecular structure collapses.


As manufacturing collapses,governments should not fiddle with sectoral plans.


As the land above the magma chamber collapses, immense gray clouds called pyroclastic flows burst out horizontally all around the caldera.


After enough iron in the core is accumulated, within one hundredth second, the inner core collapses and heats up dramatically.


The flaw is, of course, that if at any point one of the steps is not reached, or one of the toy blocks is incorrectly placed, then the whole structure collapses.


Certainly a part is also, finally he who the American weak system creates first collapses.


The flaw is,of course, that if at any point one of the steps is not reached,or one of the toy blocks is incorrectly placed,then the whole structure collapses.


And when a plan collapses, most people-except perhaps those at the very top of the pyramid-end up empty-handed.


Inertial cavitation is the process where a void or bubble in a liquid rapidly collapses, producing a shock wave.


Many non-governmentally operated enterprise of our country is that such collapses.


And then of course if monetary policy tightens, the boom collapses.



When ice thaws, its molecular structure collapses.

She wants to be in at the kill when his business finally collapses.