clarifies是什么意思   clarifies怎么读

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v.使清楚,澄清( clarify的第三人称单数 ); (尤指通过加热使黄油)纯净; 说明; 使(头脑、神智等)清醒
vt.澄清, 阐明, 净化
v.使清楚,澄清( clarify的第三人称单数 );(尤指通过加热使黄油)纯净;说明;使(头脑、神智等)清醒



动词 clarify:

make clear and (more) comprehensible

同义词:clarify, clear up, elucidate

make clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating


clarifyv.make clear and (more) comprehensible

"clarify the mystery surrounding her death"

同义词:clear upelucidate

make clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating

"clarify the butter"; "clarify beer"




Prof.Joseph Alpert: The new universal definition clarifies and organizes our ability to diagnose myocardial infarction.


This TLU has a geometric interpretation that clarifies what is happening.


The UML 2.0 Specification clarifies some of the critical semantic gaps in the original version.

UML 2.0规范澄清了一些在老版本中的严重语义缺陷。

“So we will be able to build up our future...for our.” So there, I hope that clarifies it.


The Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service further clarifies and standardizes the exchange of officers


A codification of law which clarifies and regulates the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers engaging in commercial transactions. It has been adopted by all states except Louisiana.


The following illustration clarifies the differences.


East Asia management on 25th about 3:00 pm convenes the press conference, clarifies the rumor.


" To dispel any remaining doubts, Mr.Sachs clarifies that anyone who disagrees with him "is clouded by vested interests and by ideology.


It accurately defines the meaning of each entry, clarifies the various minute differences between each pair and uses a large amount of exemplary sentences both in Chinese and English.


very few cases of diphtheria.An illustration is an example that clarifies or explains


very few cases of diphtheria.An illustration is an example that clarifies or explains:


Subordinating helps to emphasize the major idea in a sentence. In other words, it clarifies the relationship between ideas and makes your sentence easier to read.


By using the theory of Shared Ownership of Buildings, the author clarifies the connotation and denotation of Proprietor.


This article clarifies the principle of the Vacuum Freezy-desiccation Technology,the technology process and some applications.


This article clarifies the principle and characteristic of vacuum freeze-drying.


This article introduces the princile and the clinical application of the radio frequency machine, clarifies its advantage and prospect of the?future application.


This article clarifies difference of screen dot and pixel from three aspect:formation of optical screen dot,electronic dot and relation of digital image screen dot and pixel.

从光学网点、电子网点的形成 ,以及数字图像网点与像素的关系三个方面来阐明网点与像素点之间的差异

On the basis of the elastic theory of space, this paper analyzes the stress of safety barrier of highway bridges impacted by vehicle and clarifies the damage modal of the wall type of safety barrier.


Thereby the article clarifies the basic meaning for the subject development to standardize the city planning language.


He even went so far as to say that fellowship does not solve everything, but just clarifies where someone stands.


Based on ECC contract conditions this paper clarifies the cooperation principle and points out both parties should get the profit by the way of cooperating and managing the risk.


The above clarifies our view on this matter.


This article clarifies the differences between ellipsis and substitution through five principles of ellipsis,explains the recoverability of ellipsis.


Ethical theory clarifies complicated cases by approaching them from the descriptive, normative, and metaethic levels. (See Rule 2. )


But differentiation, like candor, clarifies business and makes it run better in every way.


As a new influencial borderline subject ,economics of law clarifies the logic and effect of statute with a new point of view .


Phil: Well, that clarifies the term "experiential," and you seemed to be talking at the Gestalt writer's conference about that, but what would you say is Gestalt?


Open source software clarifies complex call structure


The first of this artical mainly clarifies the defmition of Jiangnan and the The EastJin South Dynasty the range of research include by Jiangnan culture.


Secondly, it clarifies the inherent problems which need to be solved in regional marketing, and proposes a marketing framework for conducting regional image marketing.


The method of geometric reduction simplifies the loop to a reducibility tree and clarifies the structure of the loop.


Persuasive speaking urges us to choose from among options: informative speaking reveals and clarifies options.


An additional requirement has been added that clarifies the expectations in the context of a request message with a


Simultaneously, the paper clarifies that it is not reliable and even is not feasible singly to use the distance estimated inluitively as the base of adjusting vv or void in mineral aggregate.


A friendly blend of bentonite and kaolin clays, oat flour, and provitamin B5 cleanses, clarifies and calms your skin and rinses clean to reveal a soft, "neighborly" fresh complexion.


The oil absorption value test clarifies that the surface oleophilic character of MnCO3 received on the condition that butanol, CTAB bulk ratio of 1:4 have been well improved.


As a result, you will find discussing with roommates over those “privacies” actually clarifies your confusion and brightens your spirits.


So the thesis,at first,bases on full hitorical datu and finds out a historical clue of the puzzle as text and,further,clarifies different language expressions of text in different periods.


Then it clarifies the high-tech enterprise growth mechanism based on knowledge alliance and puts forward a case of TCL as an example.


It clarifies the structure of the product.


Human is the questioner and expositor of Existence meaning, he clarifies his own existence by carrying out Ren.


It clarifies the various stages of translation criticism, and identifies what factors the critic should take into consideration at each stage.


It clarifies, closes pores, and acts as an exfoliator.


Defines the relationship between servers and copies of data and clarifies the logic that determines how data flows between servers.


The labor contract system clarifies the rights and obligations of the employers and employees, and safeguards the employees' right to select jobs and the employers' right to select employees.


Since practical puzzles come from blank incomprehension of theory, this section clarifies the basic framework of the system of conciliation of enforcement through arrangement of practical problems.


It also clarifies how to choose AC or DC in network.Finally it relates problems in network interconnecling.The author presents much comparison dur ing analyzing.


It clarifies the advantage and disadvantage of each method in order to give reference while selecting analysis method of dynamic reaction of slope.


This article clarifies several problems and preventing measures about steel engineering, form engineering and concrete engineering in the high-rise shear wall structure construction.


Introduction presents the background, significance and purpose of this thesis.The first section clarifies and defines the meanings and features of ICPA and its student assessment.


The article introduces Sarbanes-Oxley Act that clarifies the merits and conception of the internal control evaluation over financial statements.


And the experimental research clarifies the application of AHP in quantitative evaluating of customer value perception.


Clarifies what is expected. Is positive and enthusiastic about the job. Does not give up at the first obstacle.


I hope this clarifies my position.


This paper clarifies some practice and experience of propelling open purchasing of Instruments and equipment by exploring new mechanism of management supervision and education.


This article clarifies the principle of the vacuum freezy-desiccation technology, the technology process and some applications.


This thesis clarifies how to secure the quality of analytical determination from such aspects as chemical reagent, implement, vessel, pure water, high purity acid, lab's condition.


School physical education is a subject that explains the basic law in the school PE teaching activities, and clarifies the PE teaching methods and theories.


In this paper, the author clarifies establishing brand service of library by polite service in the newest book-room, from two aspects: knowing reader's requirements and promoting service quality.


The articls analyzes new cost control factors, and clarifies that modern cost control gets up on the basis of new manufacturing environment and management idea.


This paper clarifies the function of institutional investors in corporate governance through correlation of institutions and accounting information.


This article clarifies the principle of the technology of enzymatic hydrolysis, and its applications in the field of herb extraction and purification, food and drink, brewing, weave and so on.


Defines the factional order calculus and clarifies its basic characteristics because the fractional order systems have been used much wider than before in application.


Abstract: This essay clarifies the subtle, neglectful function of thinking capabilities in high-level volleyball dual meet through analyzing the athletes thinking characteristics in the match.


ABSTRACT: The thesis clarifies practical significance of researching of ICCB(Internal Control of Commercial bank).


ABSTRACT: The thesis clarifies the point about relation of the excess liquidity and the deep-seated contradiction of national economy.


Abstract :This paper presents the superiority 、supporting and dominant functions of NO.7 signaling, and clarifies its application orientation.


Abstract: This article clarifies the advantages of the concrete linkage block, and cuts open the pavement structure of it as well as analyses and compares its function and construction method with other material pavements.


This article clarifies the advance in the research of construction and its immune responses of 4 types of recombinant Mycobacterium smegmatis vaccines of MTB.


This article clarifies advance in the research of construction and immune responses of 7 types of recomhinant BCG vaccines against MTB.


The author analyzes and clarifies the positive and negative aspects of the development of regional tourist cooperation in the regions of Shanghai,Anhui and Jiangsu from a macroscopical view,and pu...


The third part clarifies the author"s standpoint: guide the religion and the socialism society adapts mutually, and push the construction of socialism harmonious society.


Firstly, this paper clarifies the concept, connotation, development process of international jus cogens.


In the starting part, the thesis disserts on the general theories of recalling the defected car products and clarifies the concept of recalling defected car products.


Then clarifies the character of the buyer in the ownership-reserved trade: the materialized or more effective debt right.


Sometimes the best advice comes from those who are indifferent to the problem. Nevertheless, solitude clarifies ideas. Be prudent and you will avoid failure.


This nationwide study clarifies the frequency and associations of inpatient complications encountered when treating cervical spine disease.


This Statement clarifies that a fair value measurement for a liability reflects its nonperformance risk (the risk that the obligation will not be fulfilled).


The paper clarifies the social culture influences of Rus sian and Chinese animal vocabularies by showing a lot of living examples.



These brief remarks may serve to clarify the fact.

The teacher's explanation clarified the puzzling problem.

Would you please clarify your question?

She asked him to clarify what he meant.

You can clarify the water by adding a little alum.