adv. 混乱地
r. in a wild and confused manner
r. in a manner suggestive of chaos
The room was chaotically disorganized.
Power is chaotically distributed.
An anarchic weapon is chaotically aligned and infused with the power of chaos.
混沌混沌武器属于混乱阵营, 且拥有强大的混沌之力。
His thoughts churned chaotically in his brain like snowflakes whirling about in the north wind.
Coins are dropped into the top and bounce chaotically off clear spacers on the way down.
硬币从储钱罐的顶部投入, 乱弹乱跳地到达透明间隔的底部。
It's just chaotic. I can do chaotic.
乱七八糟的 我能受得了
It's so chaotic. It's so all in here.
好混乱啊 这里空间太小了
When I was a kid, things were so chaotic.
我还小的时候 其实很乱的
I am so sorry. It's been a very chaotic day.
真抱歉 今天实在是太混乱了
Or one is orderly and the other chaotic.
或者一个人喜欢整理 另一个人乱糟糟的
It's totally not what I expected. It's chaotic.
这不是我想要的 很混乱
There was a second death on the floor. It was chaotic.
这层楼第二个病危的了 当时一团糟
Mom was screaming it was just all very chaotic.
我妈在尖叫 场面非常混乱
Well, he came from a very chaotic family.
Yeah, I'm not surprised. It was a chaotic day.
是的 并不意外 那天很混乱