adv. 故意地
There is a calculatedly abundant use of fertilizer and irrigation.
I calculated you wouldn't do it, and you did.
我算出你不会那么做 但你还是做了
These colossal calculations would take a classical computer more than the age of the universe to arrive at the correct answer, but a quantum computer could, in theory, tap into the multiverse, doing all the calculations in different universes at the same time.
对于传统计算机 处理如此庞大的计算量 要得出正确结果 所花费时间比宇宙年龄都长 但理论上 量子计算机可以 利用多重宇宙 在不同的宇宙空间中 同时进行计算
Actually, I calculated one day, that if you look at the total number of bits there could possibly be in the universe, so let's ask how many quantum coins could have been tossed since the universe began 13.8 billion years ago, a simple calculation tells you that the maximum number is ten to the 120.
其实我曾计算过 如果单看宇宙里可能存在的 位元总数 试问从138亿年前宇宙诞生起 曾投过 多少次量子硬币 简单的计算表明 这个数字最多不过10的120次方
But I can't calculate my way out of this.
By my calculations he could be dangerous.
根据我的计算 他可能很危险
By my calculations, he could be dangerous.
根据我的计算 他可能很危险
Everything he does is calculated. It has a purpose.
他做的每一件事都经过计算 有明确目标
He's calculating, but with an unknown motivation.
他进行了策划 可动机不明
It's aggressive. It is a calculated risk.
这太危险了 精心策划的冒险而已
I did some preliminary calculations on the drive over.