asymptotic是什么意思   asymptotic怎么读

英式:[æsɪmp'tɒtɪk]    美式:[æsɪmp'tɒtɪk]


adj. 渐近线的




1. relating to or of the nature of an asymptote;

"an asymptotic function"

形容词 asymptotic:

relating to or of the nature of an asymptote

asymptotic[ ,æsimp'tɔtik,-kəl ]adj.relating to or of the nature of an asymptote

"an asymptotic function"



These he called asymptotic solutions.



The rotor system locates in an aircraft flying with an asymptotic acceleration.



A three - dimensional asymptotic theory for multilayered composite plates is presented.



Conclusion Some accurate asymptotic formula for it was proven.



We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality.



Then the asymptotic behavior of solution for the corresponding problem is studied.



Sufficient conditions to ensure local asymptotic convergence of the AFO are established.



Whereas, the asymptotic transfer function analysis has advantage in this respect.



Finally, the Bahadur asymptotic efficient est imator is constructed through extremal statistic.

最后, 利用极值统计量构造了相应的Bahadur渐近有效估计.


Results Two new asymptotic formulae on their mean value are given.



Under appropriate conditions the asymptotic solution and its existence conditions are obtained.



Asymptotic noon, buy flowers to people more.

渐近中午, 买花的人也多了.


Asymptotic Perturbation Theory. Higher - Order Effects.

16渐近扰动理论 - 高阶效应.


With the equivalent cylindrical approximation, we have obtained the asymptotic solution for the problem.

基于封头的精确控制方程, 采用样条配点法,求得问题的半解析半数值解.


Componentwise asymptotic stability of continuous - time interval systems. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2003, Vol.14, No.4.

离散区间系统的分支稳定性. 系统工程与电子技术, 2003年, 第14卷, 第1期.



Asymptotic Perturbation Theory. Higher-Order Effects.


After imposing a bounded assumption on the mean parameter, Ghosh andSen (1985) gave the first asymptotic distribution of the LRT.


The results of super convergence and asymptotic expansions of the solution of second-order quasilinear parabolic equations using GFEM are calculated.


In this paper,the global asymptotic stability of the zero solution for system(E): =y =-f(x,y)y-g(x) is studied by using qualitative method,and two conclusions are obtained.

=yy. =-f(x,y)y-g(x)(E)零解的全局渐近稳定性,得到了系统(E)的零解全局渐近稳定的两个结论。

Strasen[3], Siegmund[4] and James[5] got some rates of convergence throng studing the asymptotic equivalence ofBut these results need some assumptions such as i.i.


For the requirement of later derivation, the HRR singular fields and the high-order asymptotic fields are first listed.


Comparison between the numerical solution and the asymptotic solution by Goldman et alis also presented, which indicates the proposed numerical results are reasonable much better thanthat asymptotic solution.


Construction of such approaches solutions, people have developed many effective methods, such as asymptotic matching, averaging, multiple scales, stretched coordinate and WKB methods.


The book presents asymptotic expansions of Feynman integrals in various limits of momenta and masses, and their applications to problems of physical interest.


By combining this result and the result of Section 2 with ABLV theorem, we conclude that the time-dependent solution of the model is strongly asymptotic stable, namely, the time-dependent solution of the model converges to zero by the norm.


The research methods and main conclusions of FGMS fracture analysis are reviewed from the aspects of asymptotic fields near the crack tip and crack expansibility.


Smet, R.P. and Johnson, R.E.,"An Asymptotic Analysis of Cold Sheet Rolling", ASME J.Appl.


The Bahadur representations for this quantile estimator are established in order to derive asymptotic properties of the sequential fixed-width confidence intervals estimation for quantiles.

作为副产品,获得了分位数估计近邻点的Bahadur表示定理. 这个表示定理是推导分位数固定宽度序贯置信区间估计渐近性质的重要基础.

Uses a few heuristics to eliminate quite a bit of this gibberish, but an improved splitter class would probably bring indexing much closer to the desired asymptotic behavior.


As an example, narrowband Gaussian noise is considered. In this case, the LORD is found to be a modified form of the Savage test (MS), and its asymptotic performance is compared with that of the rank sum and rank quantization detectors.


Also given are a lower bound of the worst case asymptotic performance ratio of KC A and analysis of the asymptotic worst case, average case performance ratio of the KC A algorithm when A is NF, FF, BF or WF .

分析了当选用的算法 A是著名装箱算法 N F,FF,BF,WF时 K C- A算法的最坏情况渐近性能比和平均性能比 ;

We prove the asymptotic behavior of initial boundary problem for a class of quasilinear wave equation by energy method.


By using multiplier-enlargement,the asymptotic estimation of approximation of unbounded continous functions with positive linear operaters is discussed, with general asymptotic formulae given.


The IPP codes constructed by the method have good asymptotic behavior,which simultaneously ensure excellent anti-collusion size and length of code words under mass of users.


The IPP codes constructed by the method have good asymptotic behavior, which simultaneously ensure excellent anti-collusion size and length of code words under mass of users.


The estimators were obtained by MLE method, and the estimators have asymptotic normality.


Using the comparison principle, the existence, uniqueness and its asymptotic behavior of solution for the problem are studied.


This paper deduces an asymptotic property for the "median point" of Cauchy Mean value Theorem by adopting the Taylor Formula and the Law of L?Hospital.

利用泰勒公式和洛必塔法则 ,推得柯西中值定理“中间点”的一个渐近性质

A sufficient and necessary condition, based on the properties of matrices and inequality techniques, for determining the asymptotic stability is given.


By traditional method of large deviations, we obtain the logarithmic asymptotic for the probabilities and large deviation principle for the corresponding measures.


By using the so called renormalization group method, we give a uniformly valid asymptotic expansions of the boundary value problems under consideration.


Then with the help of the knowledge of inhomogeneous six-vertex model, we obtain the eigenstates, eigenvaiues and the Bethe ansatzaequations of the system. This is the asymptotic Bethe ansatz method.

利用量子反散射方法和非常巧妙的波函数连接条件,讨论了系统在开边界条件下的行为,给出了系统的本征态,本征值以及相应的Bethe ansatz方程。

Furthermore, according to the method of Liapunov functions in the stability theory, both the globally asymptotic stability and the attractive regions of the nonnegative equilibrium in the model are discussed.


In the development of the theory the main emphasis is on asymptotic behavior and the distribution of zeros.


This paper considers kinetic undercooling of the crystal growth on the liquid-solid interface,and makes the asymptotic expansion for the perturbed solution of the governing equations.


In this paper, the asymptotic distribution and the asymptotic probability of the selected model by using the information criteria AIC are obtained.


The relative permeating rate was introduced to describe the effects of the different physical processes.An asymptotic solution has been obtained by using the perturbation theory.


Based on the asymptotic homogenization, the periodic boundary conditions for the unit cell of composites are established using the ANSYS parametric design.


Under suitable conditions we obtained precise asymptotic behavior of linear empirical Bayes estimator and its conditional Bayes risk.


Under appropriate conditions, the asymptotic expansions of the solutions for the problems are obtained, and the higher precision is achieved for some problems.


Under appropriate assumptions, the existence of solution is proved by means of the theory of differential inequalities and the uniformly valid asymptotic expansion for arbitrary nthorder is obtained.


The existence and asymptotic behavior of solution for the initial boundary value problems are studied by using the theory of differential inequalities.


Under suitable conditions, using the theory of differential inequalities the asymptotic behavior of solution for the initial boundary value problems are studied, which reduced problems possess two intersecting solutions.


Under appropriate conditions the asymptotic solution and its existence conditions are obtained.


Under the appropriate conditions, the asymptotic solution and its existence conditions are obtained, the results for a class of quasi-circular membrane oscillation problem is extended.


To this end, some mild regularity conditions are imposed and an asymptotic distribution theory is established for modified statistic.


Another problem that mathematicians tackled from about 1880 on is essentially the converse of finding asymptotic series.


Days at the end of days is still cloud and an extension of the asymptotic and never have intercourse, so snuggling with each other into a conviction, distant or weak, or tomorrow.


The asymptotic property of the modified supremum-type statistic and the integral-type statistic under the composite null hypothesis are derived.


The defective renewal equation and the asymptotic formula of this joint distribution are also acquired for sufficiently large initial surplus.


In a medium of monoatomic heavy gas, using the parabolic cylindrical function expansion, an asymptotic energy distribution and its decay constamts were derived.


The results are analyzed an compared with those calculated by using the asymptotic analysis.


Asymptotic homogenization is applied to simulate and predict the properties of carbon/carbon composites by means of finite element method(FEM).


For the peg-top system of two dimensions a asymptotic solution with small and finite amplitudes can be obtained simply and conveniently.


A plane cubic curve having a single loop, a node, and two ends asymptotic to the same line.


And by a monotone integral operator, we give an asymptotic approximation way which is further improving the older ways.


Global asymptotic stability is established in the Lyapunov sense, with the tracking errors converging to a neighborhood of zero.


By applying formal asymptotic analysis and Laplace transformation, we obtain two-dimensional model system of linearly viscoelastic "flexural" shell from three-dimensional equations.


Abstract: The sufficient conditions of the weak exponential asymptotic stability of impulsive differential system are obtained.


Sufficient conditions for the uniform stability and uniformly asymptotic stability of the zero solution of the nonliear nonautonomous delay difference equations are obtained.


Stars at this stage of their lifespan are known as "Asymptotic Giant Branch" (AGB) stars, and they are highly volatile.


We are discussing whether OLS estimator satisfy asymptotic normality.


The proposed adaptive robust controller guarantees the closed-loop semi-globally asymptotically stable, and output asymptotic tracking expected trajectory.


Then for this class of Lur’ e chaotic systems, an asymptotic stable synchronizing rule is given, and it’s simpler and easier to get than that of He,, synchronization. 4.

接着对符合该形式的混饨Lur’e 系统,给出了一个简单的同步规律,和几同步控制方法相比,其线性输出控制 规律简单易于求取。

Second, the re-corrected setpoint design is proposed such that the effect of process deadtime can be reduced and asymptotic output regulation achieved.


The famous Simpson Formula in numerical integration is generalized, and the asymptotic properties of mean value is discussed.


Abstract: This paper studies local M-estimation of the nonparametric components of...The established asymptotic results also hold for...


This paper presents an asymptotic approximating solution for the internal forces of the board under loads by using the method of weighted residuals.


A two-stage method for system identification based on asymptotic theory was proposed.Firstly, an unbiased estimation and its frequency variance were obtained by the high-order ARX model.


Abstract: In this paper, a new kind of moment-type extreme value index estimator was proposed, and its weak and strong consistency, asymptotic normality were obtained.

摘 要: 本文在矩型估计量的基础上提出了一类新的矩型估计量,讨论了其强弱相合性,并在一定条件下证明了它的渐近正态性.

Abstract: This paper presents a generalization of mean value theorem for integrals and discusses the asymptotic properties of mean value of mean value theorem for integral.

摘 要: 给出了积分中值定理的一个推广,讨论了推广的积分中值定理中间值的渐近性.

The asymptotic analysis of he stress and strain field at a propagating crack tip is given by means of an elastic-viscoplastic model.

摘要 本文采用一种弹性/粘塑性模型,对扩展裂纹尖端应力应变场进行了渐近分析。文中假定,弹性阶段的粘性效应可以略去,仅在塑性应变中粘性才起作用。

Analysis of the relation of search method both inside a block and between blocks and its asymptotic time complexity gives a better block-divided method which makes the index search have the minimum asymptotic time complexity.


By using elementary method, a new arithmetic function is studied, and an interesting asymptotic formula is obtained.


Using the matching condition, a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed problems for two boundary layers are discussed. asymptotic expansion of solution for boundary value problem are obtain.


Using the matching asymptotic expanding method, the Solutions for a class of nonliear singularly perturbed problems are discussed. Zero order asymptotic expansions of solution for boundary value problem are obtain.


By using the asymptotic theory a class of nonlinear coupled system is considered.


A new asymptotic numerical method for nonlinear dynamic equations was proposed.In this method, the homotopy perturbation method was improved by using the precise integration technique.


The Weibull and Gumbel distributions are used to fit the asymptotic distribution of the yearly minimum surface temperature between 1951 and 1996 in Chongqing district.


With the uniformly continuous bound time-delay function, a suitable filter is designed to guarantee the asymptotic stability and disturbance attenuation for the filtering error system.


Under the condition that the error terms are i. i. d. the asymptotic behaviors of the conditional solution and unconditional solution of CARR model are investigated in this paper.


The definition of the maximum likelihood estimator with the prior information (PMLE) is given in this paper, and the consistency and asymptotic normality of PMLE are proved.


Focused on the asymptotic behaviour, of mediant for second order Cauchy's mean value theore. The main result is (The equation is abbreviated).


Focused on the asymptotic behaviour of mediant for fourth order Lagrange's mean value theorem and obtained the main results as followed (The equation is abbreviated).


This paper presents a sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability and geometry-velocity stability of the time-varying discrete dynamic system.
