arborized是什么意思   arborized怎么读

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v.使分叉( arborize的过去式和过去分词 )
vi. 使分叉, 使成树状
v.使分叉( arborize的过去式和过去分词 );



动词 arborize:

branch out like trees

同义词:arborize, arborise

arborize[ 'ɑ:bəraiz ]v.branch out like trees

"nerve fibers arborize"





Born in Goteborg, Sweden, April 2, 1964, Jake has lived in Winnipeg, Tel Aviv and Amsterdam before settling in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1991.


Example: Dryad Arbor's type line says "Land Creature -- Forest Dryad." Forest is a land type, and Dryad is a creature type.


March 12 is Arbor Day.A student of Hunan agriculture university tied a ribon on a small tree which she planted.


The above-ground biomass of arbor layer amounted to 54.826 t/ha, and mean annual production amounted to 10.229t/ha.


Flannery of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor to produce a model for the emergence of agriculture in Central American prehistory.


At the early,middle and arbor stages of succession,the H(X)value was 2.96,3.85 and 3.75,while H(Y|X)value was 1.27,1.66 and 1.37,respectively.


After a forenoon, four of us got at Pak Tam Au ahead of them, there is an arbor and water supply.


Wolpoff of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor wonders whether the Flores find might even represent an offshoot of Australopithecus.


Arbor Day is one day in the year that prevents deforestation, celebrates trees and promotes planting.


Once you have your arbor, you can use it as a backdrop for intimate weddings and for entertaining.


In the years following the first Arbor Day, his idea spread to Kansas, Tennessee, Minnesota and Ohio.


Soon half the neighborhood had joined me under the apple arbor.


Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistics, more than 50 countries have the world's Arbor Day, but a different name for.


Different plans for simple arbors exist, with variations on different themes and looks (using similar principles it is possible to build an arbor that has four posts).


Children all over the world celebrate Arbor Day in a number of ways. Here are some exciting suggestions.


Countries, pp.180-210. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


In addition,the government is determined to speed up the reclamation of the barren hills suitable for farming,readjust the forestry structure step by step and increase the production of arbor foodstuffs.


Moreover, mountainous areas occupy 70 percent of Chinese total territory, which will offer China widely prospects for increasing the demand of arbor stuffs.


One of the principal species is arbor, which includes arborvitae, East-liaoning oak, China Armand pine, birch, and fir.


Taper of hob arbor fitting Morse no.


Arbor and shrub layer comprised 94.8% and 1.2% of the biomass, herb and litter layer comprised 0.7% and 3.3% of the value,respec- tively.


The runoff amount of herbage vegetation was 1248m3/km2 per year, while shrub and arbor vegetation were 843 m3/km2 and 2079 m3/km2, respectively.

乔木、灌木、草本植被类型对水土流失的影响不同:草本的年均径流量为1248m3/km2,灌木为 843 m3/km2,乔木为 2079 m3/km2;

In arbor pollen grains, the dominant species are ?Pinus? and ?Betula?, with a small amount of ?Quercus, Juglans, Tilia? and ?Artemisia ?etc.


In this sporopollen group, arbor pollen grains are dominant, amounting to 94.5% of the total, shrub and herbage pollen grains amount to 3?2%, and pteridophyta spores to 2?3%.

乔木和木本花粉总数占94.5%,灌木和草本植物花粉总数占3 2%,蕨类植物孢子总数占2 3%。

Index value is in 20 years>in 10 years>in 5 years of artificial arbor communities and natural shrub communities.


The distribution of arbor biomass is in the following order:bole wood(101.4t/ha)>branch(56.6t/ha)>bark wood(20.4t/ha)>foliage (6.0t/ha)>dead-branch(3.8t/ha)>twig(2.2t/ha).


Arbor layer is principal part of community biomass; it is 91% in brush forest and 99% in sedge forest.


Arbor was the dominant species, with a maximum density of 1975/hm~2.Phanerophytes were the largest in all species and therophytes were in the middle.


Arbor Networks reports that it is monitoring nothing significant at the moment in terms of recent attacks directed at CNN, although there have been some.


An arbor can quickly become one of the focal points of a classy landscape.


Arbor has the largest emission factor of CO2, bush takes the second place, and herbage has the lowest emission factor.


It may difficult to believe, but building an arbor for your landscape can actually be quite inexpensive.


So Arbor Day was born on April 10th, 1872, and the first Arbor Day was celebrated.


Almost extinct evergreen small arbor found in coastal and swamp areas in Tainan and Kaohsiung. It is the striking feature in Sihcao mangrove forest.


T oday, March 12th, is the Arbor Day in China.


We applied the air seeding technology for this year's Arbor Day.


From the word arbor could we guess those who marked this festival in calendar wanna their offsprings have more shade of trees.


More and more, in Pittsburgh and Lansing, Madison and Ann Arbor, Boston and Miami and Spokane, I'd finish reading the story to the sound of ambulance sirens arriving outside.


According to living types,shrubbery and arbor are more,which separately account for 60.25% and 28.57% of the woody medicinal species.


They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea.


When they had advanced about twenty yards, Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop, pick up the crumpled paper, and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon.


He saw the lordly oaks before the house, the flower beds, the garden and the arbor, and farther off, the glint of rails.


Adopting the concept of space as a substitute for time, the communities were investigated and divided into 4 restoring types with the IV indexes of arbor layers.


You may have heard of Arbor Day at school.


Abies yuanbaoshanensis is a Guangxi endemic and endangered evergreen coniferous arbor,listed in the Red Data Book of plant in P.R.


MICHAEL F.CLARKE and MICHAEL W.BECKER worked together in Clarke's laboratory at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where breast tumor stem cells were first isolated in 2003.


The arbor provided a shady resting place in the park.


Totally 2,000 types of plants are growing in the Garden, including 60 thousand arbor species, 300 thousand shrub species, 66 thousand vine species, 850 thousand herbs, 400 thousand square meters greensward, one million potted flowers.


One Lisu in the performance of Arbor Day "on Daoshan, under the sea of fire" soul-stirring, eye-openers.


Rosita Smith and Teresa Sir-Petermann of the University of Chile in Santiago;and Vasantha Padmanabhan of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

其他研究人员的研究包括Pedro Rojas-Garcia, Monica Recabarren, and Victor Alfaro of the University of Concepcion in Chillan, Chile;

A ceiling of leaves over the arbor.


A shaded,leafy recess;an arbor.


A shaded, leafy recess; an arbor.


Park,A.(1996),“Risk,Storage,and Grain Storage in China.”Mimeo ,Department of Economics ,University of Michigan ,Ann Arbor,MI.


Last Arbor Day I planted two trees.


After a renovation last year, Ms.Burson felt guilty about not reusing all the old oak flooring from her 1970s Ann Arbor ranch home.


Steele extended the concept to stereotypes after joining the faculty of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1987.


The humidifying effect of each green land was in the order of arbor+herb>arbor+ shrub+herb>arbor>shrub>shrub+herb>lawn.


On Saturday afternoon, Judge Paul Borman of the U.S.District Court in Detroit charged Mr.Abdulmutallab at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Mich.


Let us have a rest under the arbor.


Rein Laak.Wastewater Engineering Design for Unsewered Areas.1980 by Ann Arbor Science Publishers,Inc.


In the arid sauna and sauna of desertification habits with dense arbor and bare herbage and shrub, the species and quantity of free ticks of ground were both scarce.


It is very important that determine arbor size when planning process of boring on lathe.


Obi-Wan, with the help of Tahl, Adi Gallia, and Siri Tachi, infiltrates Zan Arbor's labs and frees Qui-Gon.


In Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Freedom from Religion Foundation complained about a Nativity scene on a highway median that has been displayed for 63 years.


Arbor Day programs urged children to plant a tree as a patriotic act, as a good investment for the future, and as a way to beautify the community.


Looking on the Internet for plans and instructions is very simple, and can help you find an arbor that would complement your landscape design.


The proportion of summer green broad-leaf trees to needle-trees is about 8:2, the proportion of the arbor to the shrub is about7:3.

夏绿阔叶树、常绿针叶树比例在8:2 左右,乔灌比例在7:3 左右为宜。

If you keep the arbor small, to a two-post size, you can have a very attractive landscape feature for a small cost.


If one of the cards is Dryad Arbor (a creature land card), you may reveal Dryad Arbor and another land card or Dryad Arbor and another creature card.


It is produced archipelago is pulled in Portuguese Ma De, belong to rosaceous arbor.


Ann Arbor is a city of southeast Michigan west of Detroit. A research and educational center,it is the seat of the University of Michigan (founded in 1817) with a population of 109,592.


Ph.D. In Chinese Studies, Dept. Of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.


To the horizontal large main arbor, it is key to solve the inconvenience of fit, adjust and maintain evocable by the weight of shaft.


C. gigantea is a uni-predominant species in the arbor layer, microphyll and simple leaf hemicryptophytes are dominated in the shrub and grass layers.


Featured regularly at all Borders Bookstores in the Detroit area as well as Ann Arbor and Flint.


Evergreen bush or small arbor distributed in subtropics.


Six kinds of characteristics for 16 species of arbor and shrub were analysed by the methods of factor analysis and expert evaluation.


Fernand wiped away the perspiration steaming from his brow, and slowly entered the arbor, whose shade seemed to restore somewhat of calmness to his senses, and whose coolness somewhat of refreshment to his exhausted body.


Jong D. E., “Analysis of the behavior of a class of a genetic adaptive system, ” Ph. D. Dissertation, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor(1975).
