n.术士,魔术师; 男巫n.术士, 男巫师
Noun1. a male witch or demon
名词 warlock:
a male witch or demonwarlock[ 'wɔ:lɔk ]n.a male witch or demon
warlock 男巫 来自古英语waerloga,撒谎者,背叛者,魔鬼,来自waer-,真实,协议,契约,词源同verify,-loga,撒谎,词源同lie。其字面意思即背叛契约者,引申义魔鬼,男巫,术士。warlock用法和例句:
Warlock is a formidable, but the early game is very annoying, bad practiced.
术士是厉害, 但游戏初期很烦人, 不好练的.
I served in the U.S. World of Warcraft, Warlock also practiced.
我在美服玩魔兽, 练的也是术士.
If you've been raiding with any reasonably knowledgeable warlock lately, you've probably already noticed this.
如果你近来被任何一个经验老道的术士偷袭得手, 你将更快的认识到这一点.
The Warlock spell Incinerate has had the performance of its graphical spell effect improved.
Warlock: Death Coil has no cooldown against Rogues, and has a range of 100 yards.
术士: 死亡缠绕在对盗贼的时侯将没有冷却时间, 范围扩大到100码.
Warlock warp throw recharge time increased to 45 seconds.
Warlock pet dismiss sounds will now play properly.
You may just have to deal with normal fears from your warlock or s priest.
Psychic Scream: This spell now uses the same resistance checks as the Warlock spell Fear.
心灵尖啸: 这个法术将和术士的恐惧术有相同的抵抗几率.
That said, a warlock has two jobs.
也就是说, 一个术士完全应该参加混双比赛.
Nightfall: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting.
夜幕: 现在术士坐着时可以触发.
Warlock: [ to Matt ] Why did you alter a pig to my bidding center?
“魔术师” ( 对马特说 ): 为什么你把一个警察带到我的指挥中心来?
As mentioned earlier, we have really good results against anything a warlock and a pally healer.
前面我们提到过, 我们在对付有术士的队和有治疗的队伍是很轻松的.
Warlock and Hunter pets will now be automatically dismissed when you untalent.
It's because a young and inexperienced Warlock can save himself using the secret Elemental Blast.
A dead warlock does no damage.
Nether Protection: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting.
虚空防护: 现在术士坐着时可以触发.
Warlock class renamed to Mushroom.
Meeting Stones now function similar to a Warlock Summon spell.
Cerberus human warlock to do the task in those books where to look!
However, warlock and priest of the fear of being weakened!
Yes, the pets scale as a percentage of key warlock stats ( like the ones you mention ).
答:对, 宠物是按一个百分比来受术士一些能力的影响 ( 就像你举的那些 ).
I have only seen one successful Destruction warlock in 5 v 5.
Howl of Terror: This spell now uses the same resistance checks as the Warlock spell Fear.
恐怖嚎叫: 这个法术现在和恐惧术一样有相同的抵抗几率.
Warlock warp throw power cost increased to 45.
That's the nature of the warlock class.
My warlock last push was AWESOME.
He never claimed to be a warlock, and therefore we all thought he was.
他从不声称要作一个术士,也正是因为如此, 我们都认为他是一个术士.
Orc Warlock: The Legion has sent the dead to test us! Victory to the Blackrock clan!
兽族术士: 军团将死亡降临到这里,来考验我们的心! 黑石氏族必胜!
The Warlock: [angrily] Who is this man?
The Warlock: [to Matt] Why did you bring a cop to my command center?
The Warlock: [to Matt] Why did you bring a cop to my command center? John McClane: [laughs] It's a basement!
Warlock T8 2P Bonus -- Increases the damage done by your Unstable Affliction and Immolate spells by 20%.
"A Necessary Distraction" (need to kill a Sunfury Warlock to get an item drop called Scroll of Demonic Unbanishing, then use that scroll to free Azaloth)
The first book in the "Shannara" series pits Shea Ohmsford against the evil Warlock Lord and his Skull Bearer minions.This book was pivotal in popularizing modern fantasy.
world of warcraft gold so Fel Stamina helps.Master Summoner is important because many opponents will smartly eliminate the Warlock's pet, negating Soul Link.
A dead warlock does no damage.
A rogue can do far more damage with a tea than a warlock can heal with health stone.
A warlock can use this invocation to dispel magic.
A warlock can't hurt you or control you if he is under your thumb.
Keep yourself up with shields and self dispels at all times, but still keep applying pressure on the warlock.
My warlock last push was AWESOME.
Next patch: Druid and shaman talents, level cap being raised to 60, big download, balance changes, warlock reevaluated.
Two new Warlock class quest series added for players in their mid 30s ending with two very nice items.
That said, a warlock has two jobs.
For a warlock who values his ability to control more than his damage output,17/33/11 is very solid.
For a warlock who values his ability to control more than his damage output, 17/33/11 is very solid.
You can't name your pet, but the Imp a first level Warlock gets was super kewl.
You may just have to deal with normal fears from your warlock or spriest).
Your druid and warlock should be able to get the second melee into a CC rotation fairly easily, unless it's an undead rogue.
When was the last time you heard of a decent bit of Warlock or Warrior lore?
The reason you don't see the Warlock anywhere is because he's been turned in to a sheep and is wandering around off camera.
For example, stick a warrior on a rogue trying to kill a warlock, and you can be sure that the rogue is going to quit worrying so much about the warlock.
The warlock district ,for example, has a very distinct, dark color scheme, while the hunter trainers are marked with an impressive gold statue of an elven huntress outside their building.
Fixed an issue where the Warlock spell "Shadowburn" was improperly consuming two Soul Shards.
Elemental Vision Allows Warlock to see elements associated with each creature to wilfully plan on building and blowing up elemental chains.
They released Gul’dan’s arms suddenly and the orc warlock was unable to stop himself from crumpling to the ground.
As mentioned earlier, we have really good results against anything with a warlock and pretty much anything with a pally healer.
Even the wisest shaman learned warlock magics and abandoned the teachings they had once revered.
Ritual of Doom: Now works correctly even when the Warlock already has a pet (dismissed the existing pet.
Summon Fel Guard - 0/1 - 198 mana, 10 sec cast, uses Soul Shard - Summons a Fel Guard under the command of the Warlock.
Ritual of Souls (Warlock) and Ritual of Refreshment (Mage) will no longer be placed on cooldown without having completed the summon.
Classes available: warrior, hunter, rogue, priest, death knight, mage, warlock, druid. Currently only male character models available.
Drain Life: The tooltip for this spell will now update correctly when a Warlock is affected by spell haste.
9088777 Ooo, dat Eldar's extra sparkly. A Warlock, right?
It's because a young and inexperienced Warlock can save himself using the secret Elemental Blast.
I have only seen one successful Destruction warlock in 5v5.
what comments do you guys have regarding the leak classes such as warlock elfstone posted in the forum?
The problem with getting on the paladin in this set up is that it leaves the warlock completely open to fear, silence, and DPS at will.
Inferno: This spell will now cause the Infernal's attacks to put the Warlock into combat with neutral town guards.
Added a secondary effect to the Warlock's Battlemind power that increases melee damage
Nightfall: This ability can now trigger while the Warlock is sitting.
Bonus Feats: The epic warlock gains a bonus feat at levels 23, 26, and 29 (every 3 levels).
Orgrimmar - Cleft of Shadows (Rogue and Warlock area)
No way can a mage use remove curse against a warlock!
If he is amatuer and does not reinvis his succubus. You can blind warlock, kill succubus, or blind succubus, kill warlock.
If you have a rogue and/ or a warrior on you, you are not casting anything. That's the nature of the warlock class.
If youre an applying warlock, you need to kick ass at doing dps and dealing with crowd control.Summoning people and making soul well's is your ultimate passion and goal in life.
If youre an applying warlock, you need to kick ass at doing dps and dealing with crowd control.
If you've been raiding with any reasonably knowledgeable warlock lately, you've probably already noticed this.
If we spec to be a DPS threat in PvP we die, a healer can't keep a warlock up with MS and threee dps on him, it's just too hard, not to mention Fel armor is dispelled.
An imp found elsewhere is likely a warlock's fel companion, or else it has come directly from the Twisting Nether.
If the warlock is able to gain distance, the rogue is never going to catch up again until the warrior stops.
That is, until you strip away the fluff and realize that he is fighting the Infernal minion of the Warlock from the previous scene, who's managed to stop cackling with glee long enough to attack the Mage.
For any Demonology or Destruction spec,75% of the warlock's potential damage comes from a casted nuke: Immolate+ Incinerate+ Conflagrate, Shadowbolt, or( because it bears mentioning) Seed of Corruption.
To a queen of suffering, there is no greater insult than to be dominated by a mortal, and she cruelly punishes any warlock she finds controlling a succubus fel companion.
G3: Mage, Warlock, Ele Shaman, Warlock, Shadow Priest
For instance, we were able to see the warlock class, which is a spellcasting profession that resembles the necromancer class of EverQuest.
warlock A sorcerer or wizard ; a man with magic, usually evil, powers.
It just seems to me that it would be a waste of talents and I doubt very many warlock use it.
When a Warlock is under the effects of "Backlash" and "Nightfall", only one of the effects will be consumed by a "Shadow Bolt" cast.
Once upon a time a weak Warlock who could not even hope to rely on the power of his spells sacrificed several creatures from his own army, beseeching the Daughters of Malassa to give him magical power.
Psychic Scream: This spell now uses the same resistance checks as the Warlock spell Fear.
Demonic Circle: Teleport: the button for this ability will now darken when the Warlock is out of range of the Demonic Circle and will light up when the Warlock is in range.
Does the scorching warlock who takes the risk of an island learn a technical ability several steps?
I'll talk a little about what a warlock brings to his team, why people assist train them, and what warlocks have been doing to compensate for that.
We don't want you to have to stack stats on your character just to benefit your pet.For example, we currently let warlock demons earn melee hit based on the caster's spell hit.
I say with some confidence that a warlock without a paladin is no where near as effective as a warlock with one.
I think the OPs original point about how close the mage and warlock are in the design space (down to using similar gear) was the most interesting.
WARLOCK: I use +agi equipment because mages need it for armor.
Warlock: Offensive hero.Starts off with a Destructor-like ability that shoots lightning at squads and knocks them off their feet.
It's very, very easy to set a focus to a mage or warlock no_ the other team, see them cast a fear or polymorph, keep an eye out on your party frames, and dispel it in less than a second.
Next, on our wild adventures, we come face to face with a gruesome Undead Warlock, who taints the very earth he stands on.
Changed the casting time of the Warlock's Dull the Mind and added a secondary mana recovery debuff effect
Changed the casting time of the Warlock's Dull the Body and added a secondary health recovery debuff effect
New Talent (Demonology): Master Demonologist - Grants both the Warlock and the summoned demon an effect as long as that demon is active.
Happy new year Warlock, this is what you deserve!
A new spell, Soul Burn, will be the only warlock ability to cost a soul shard, and will empower most of your other spells to behave differently.
Using friendly emotes will now significantly increase the Infernal and Doomguard's chance to remain loyal to the Warlock.
用作名词(n.)A warlock can use this invocation to dispel magic.
Happy new year Warlock, this is what you deserve!
With his pet the Warlock was killing the same Skeletons in half the time.
Even the wisest shaman learned warlock magics and abandoned the teachings they had once revered.
The reason you don't see the Warlock anywhere is because he's been turned in to a sheep and is wandering around off camera.