adj.(河流、洪水)冲积的,淤积的adj.冲积的, 淤积的 n.冲积土, 淤积土
Adjective1. of or relating to alluvium
形容词 alluvial:
of or relating to alluviumalluvial[ ə'lju:viəl ]adj.of or relating to alluvium
Geology: an alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta, from rivers, lakes, shallow sediment composition.
地质: 属长江三角洲冲积平原, 由河 、 湖 、 浅海沉积构成.
The water cuts the alluvial banks of the " lower " river into deep horseshoe curves.
河水把下游那些 冲积 的河岸冲成很深的马蹄形曲线.
City is located in the deep basin Heilonggang Hutuo OXBOW for the alluvial plain.
Sedimentary facies include river bed , alluvial flat, neritic , river mouth and limnetic, littoral, weathered continental drift bed and flood deposit facies.
沉积相主要有河床相 、 河漫滩相、浅海相 、 河口湾相、湖沼相 、 滨海相和陆相坡积洪积风化红土等7种类型,它们的分布与古河谷的形成演化和海平面的变化密切相关.
Tianjin is actually a port area located on the alluvial soil shaped by the Hai River.
The parent material for the two locations is river alluvial soil.
He Yong in the staggered, a small number of platform for Hilly, mostly alluvial plain.
境内河涌交错, 小部分为低丘台地, 大部分为冲积平原.
Soil is mostly alluvial flood formation, mainly cinnamon, tidal soil two broad categories.
土质多为洪水冲积形成, 主要有褐土 、 潮土两大类.
Terraces by the fourth grade alluvial, alluvial material , thick loess soil better.
阶地多由第四级冲积 、 洪积物组成,黄土层厚,土质较好.
The main sedimentary system includes fluvial, delta, alluvial fan and lake facies.
主要沉积体系为河流 、 三角洲 、 冲积扇及滨浅湖相.
Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong,.
曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕, 有纵横交错的运河网.
Mineral products has oil, natural gas, bittern, alluvial gold to wait.
矿产有石油 、 天然气 、 盐卤 、 沙金等.
These channels are most common near the apex of the alluvial fan body.
Shenzhen City is tidal belt of land for flood alluvial loess.
The soil tested was derived from river alluvial material , selected soil characteristics are given in Table 1.
Forestry Minxian Ma alluvial gold along the tree farm in the village.
Thrawing frozen ground is the key to alluvial gold mining in Permafrost horizon.
Many minerals are found in alluvial deposits of sand, clay, or gravel.
许多矿物都是在砂土 、 泥土或砾石冲积矿床中发现的.
Thus, alluvial channel flows are simultaneously sculptor and sculpture.
这样, 冲积河槽水流既是塑造者,同时又是被塑造者.
Small alluvial fans at mouths of wet weather drainage ways also are commonly intermixed indistinguishably.
Meeting the high mountains, hills, valleys both alluvial plain.
次高山 、 丘陵 、 河谷冲积平原兼而有之.
This is an alluvial flat where no villager dares to plant crops.
LIANG Jian-wen, YAN Lin-jun, Lee V W.Diffraction of plane SV waves by a circular-arc layered alluvial valley: analytical solution[J].Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2003, 24(2): 235-243.
[3]梁建文, 严林隽, Lee V W. 圆弧形层状沉积谷地对入射平面SV波的散射解析解[J]. 固体力学学报, 2003, 24(2): 235-243.
The first member was formed in the beginning of downfaulting period during which alluvial fan, fluvial and delta facies were mainly developed.
A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river.
Shanghai in Yangtze Delta alluvial plain, low-lying, the network of waterways covered with vast shoals resources.
Some seventy million years ago, what we today call Shanghai, now situated on the alluvial plains at the mouth of the Yangtse River, were extensive stretches of wasteland with some hillocks and ridges.
Shanghai belongs to the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta. To the west of the Yangtze River estuary is Shanghai.
The characteristic of the different structure -geomorphic unitdeposition filling have the difference.The main of the north actic region is alluvial fansystem、fan delta-slump turbidite fan system.
The north is the alluvial plain of Huanghe, the Quaternary deposition is diluvian sand and soil .
Comparison analysis for antiplane surface motion features between the circular-arc cross-section alluvial valley and the single overburden layer is investigated in details in this paper.
The main ore deposit and the east ore deposit underwent strong weathering and denudation, and alluvial enrichment occured since Cenozoic era.
主、东矿床新生代以来经受了强烈风化剥蚀 ,并有冲积富集现象 .
Mainly by the Juma River, Yasumizu, Caohe, Longquan River, Tanghe, elimination River alluvial materials piled up after a pass made, hydraulic cutting, gully development.
Luanhe xian shu Laoting alluvial plain, flat open, North Gaonan low, 1-15 m above sea level.
Yet the soft alluvial sediment of Tokyo's low-lying areas, it is now understood, is vulnerable to liquefaction, in which violent movement turns the soil to quicksand.
From Paleocene to Miocene, the sedimentary facies evolved from the extensive alluvial fan to the braided fluvial river environment.
Some of them undoubtedly made use of the fertile alluvial soil left by rivers after the flood season, but this simple method of agriculture is not thought to be productive enough to support cities.
But as you swing down into the alluvial plains, a different landscape emerges, of fields thick with corn, and ripe, in the eyes of a growing band of foreign investors, for a host of new cash crops.
The hydrocarbon reservoirs in the transgressive systems tract consist mainly of braided channel sandstone bodies in the alluvial fan facies,distribut...
Results of potential field modelling indicate that isolated, small volume, highly magnetic bodies embedded within the alluvial deposits of both areas produce the anomalies.
Low-lying alluvial land adjacent to a river.
Kennedy, J. F., 1961, Stationary waves and anti-dunes in alluvial channels, Rep. KH-R-2, Keck Lab. Hyd. And Water Resources, Calif. Inst. Tech., p146.
The soil tested was derived from river alluvial material, selected soil characteristics are given in Table 1(Table 1.Selected Soil Characteristics ).
Protected areas built in 1981, and its role is to protect, restore and develop the region's water-lam, the prevention and relief alluvial silt reservoirs.
Yuen Long, situates in the northwest of the New Territories of Hong Kong, is a large alluvial plain with three sides surrounded by hills.
This alluvial fan is characterized by thin, narrow and straight sand bodies as well as developed gully microfacies (hydrocarbon-bearing facies).Also, this paper presents...
The remaining surfaces of arid lands are composed of exposed bedrock outcrops, desert soils, and fluvial deposits including alluvial fans, playas, desert lakes, and oases.
The weakest layer which causes horizontal movement distress can be the soft clay layer beneath incrustation or some deeper layer under alluvial flat soft clay ground. 5.
Jizhou ancient Yellow River, water, etc.Hutuo from low-lying alluvial plain.
The farmers found the alluvial deposits at the mouth of the river very fertile.
There are alluvial systems tract, transgressive systems tract, regressive systems tract, and fluvial systems tract in every tectonic sequence.
Alluvial soil was found to be more likely to show a greater deficiency of magnesium than glacial till soils.
An increase of land along the shores of a body of water, as by alluvial deposit.
Regulation water level and regulation width of channel regulation engineering are two importants technical parameters in alluvial river, and the key to success of shoal regulation.
Alluvial fan and fan delta distribute on the western slope of the depression, and turbidite fan distributes in lake-basin center.
The development of alluvial depositional system indicates that the reservoirs of the Cretaceous may he extensively distributed in the Tarim Basin.
Climatic Resources at the Edge Belt of Alluvial Fan in the Southern Part of Zhungar Basin.
The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan.
Tectonic movements took important roll for the evolution of alluvial landforms of the Kuitun River in the northern front of the Tisnshan Mountains.
The landform on which ancient human activity relic located was interfluvial floodplain on Yongding River Alluvial Fan.
The sedimentary systems were alluvial fan-braided fluvial river-lacustrine depositional systems during the Paleocene-Eocene, and braided fluvial river-lacustrine depositional systems during the Oligocene-Miocene.
Mainly developed are fan - delta, deep lake turbidite and calcirudite deposit, and also alluvial fan deposit in early period.
It is proved that the Bottom Aquifer was composed of diluvial alluvial deposition and beds bearing gravel were mainly formed by rapid mud rock flow in fault basins during Miocene epoch when the paleoclimate was warm and dry.
各矿区的底含皆形成于气候干暖的新第三纪中新世 ,是一套在中、新生代断陷盆地内的山前洪积扇上由快速水流形成的洪积 -冲积物 ,含砾石地层多为泥石流沉积物
So the DCD was applied at various concentrations in different soils. The concentration of DCD mixed with AB was 0.5% in Purple soil, and it was 0.3% in Grey alluvial and Yellow soil.
Alluvial fan, fluvial, lake, fan delta, braid river delta and meandering river delta facies sediments are widely developed in Jurassic in Turpan-Hami basin.
Upward-fining channels may occur in a wide range of environments, from submarine canyon to alluvial fan.
Department ofgu an xian Haihe River alluvial plain of the Yongding River.
According to the result, the process of an alluvial fan which was formed by debris flow can divide into two parts: first, sediments diffusions, and second, sediments deposition and pushing expansion.
Soil is mostly alluvial flood formation, mainly cinnamon, tidal soil two broad categories.
Soil: Altitude 260 meters, southeast orientation. Limestone grounds, argilo-limestones, alluvial and cryoclastic.
In Filling moment,basins of predominating fluvial facies consists of alluvial fan sets,flood plain sets and lakeshore plain-delta sets.
In its middle and east is the Huang-Huai-Hai alluvial plain, and in its southwest is the Nanyang Basin.
On multi-frequency amplitude overlay chart, the shape amid boundary of alluvial fan and delta submarine distributary channel deposited geologic bodies were clearly displayed.
Deep burial clastic reservoirs were formed in fandeltas, alluvial finger bar, beachy bar and deep water channel of gravity current.
In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United States, both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable.
Sequence boundary could be recognized with stratigraphyic contact relationship, the patterns of superimposed channel sandbodies, the alluvial incision and paleosoil.
The types of landform is mainly composed by alluvial plain, alluvial fan plain and alluvial deltaic plain.
The alluvial fans combined with the line of seismic onlap in southeastern part compose the complex stratigraphy lithologic and struc ture trap.Results from seismic and geo...
地震、地质综合研究结果表明 :该冲积扇地层岩性圈闭具有较好的生储盖组合条件 ,可形成地层岩性与构造复合圈闭的油气藏 ,是该区较有利的钻探目标。
Geologically, the base is an integrated region comprising hill, river (lake) and plain, and is composed of the fourth epoch (Holocene) alluvial layers, diluvial layer(gravel and breccia) and stagnant thin-layer sandstone.
A type of fan-delta that an alluvial fan progrades into a lake is found in the pliocene Atushi Formation in the Southwest Depression,Tarim Basin.
Abstract:Lacustrine basins of Neogene age in Serbia which were formed in intramountain valleys, graben-like structures (mostly half graben) are characterized by the occurrences of alluvial,swamp and lacustrine factes and subfacies.
Thrawing frozen ground is the key to alluvial gold mining in Permafrost horizon.
The Gran Chaco is an alluvial plain covered with grass and hardwood forest in northeastern Argentina, northwestern Paraguay and southeastern Bolivia.
At first light, I started my trek up an alluvial fan into an unnamed canyon in the Cottonwood Mountains.
Planar intercalations are divided into three types, such as continuous laminar intercalation, unstable sheet intercalation, and irregular alluvial fill intercalation.
There are four alluvial fans arranged as a string of beads from the south to the north.
Seven kinds of clastic sedimentary systems are developed in Es 3 and Es 4 of Gubei subsag, which are dominated by alluvial fan, fan delta and sublacustrine fan.
Research of alluvial fans at Houma basin reveals how alluvial fans are affected by faulted basins.
A study of rational development and protection of the groundwater in alluvial plain is revealed in this paper.
Characteristics of alluvial fans at margins of faulted basin are researched.
That put it in deeper water (around 20 meters) and above a seabed that consisted of 20 meters of soft alluvial silt and mud deposits.
The case of the Yellow River alluvial plain, temperate continental monsoon climate, flat, fertile land, natural conditions for agricultural production, rich in peanuts, wheat, corn and other crops.
L-324 of America black pop-lar and L-35, W-141, I-69 of Euro-American poplar are fit to the farm-shelter forest network of alluvial sandy area of old yellow river in Shandong province.
Piedmont alluvial plain on the vast grassland, is a major producing areas in Ningxia Tan sheep, produced by the fur Gu Chen Tan sheep "of gold Qiu," color Xirun, curly like clouds.
The present strata in the basin nearby the Altyn tagh are coarse elastic rocks deposited under alluvial fan and floodplains environment, where few source rocks are deposited.
The population in the oases in hill pediment alluvial fan are the most.
The Sumerians settled on the fiat, fertile plain built up over thousands of years by alluvial deposits from the Euphrates and Tigris flowing southwards into the Persian Gulf.
Kumtag desert is one of wild Bactrian camel distribution area in the world,the main topography unit there is piedmont alluvial floodplain gobi,desert and salt desert wetlands.
The city built on this alluvial land is never daunted by drastic changes and renovations, enduring all difficulties to build a prosperous future.
Diplog patterns of the subaqueous alluvial fan are worked out and the whole analysis process are described.
They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
There exists universally reflow in the entrance of excavated dock, which is similar to approach channel of low head hydro-junction located in alluvial river.
用作形容词(adj.)Some alluvial deposits are a rich source of diamonds.
Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong.
Alluvial soils usually grow the best crops.
The farmers found the alluvial deposits at the mouth of the river very fertile.