alfalfa是什么意思   alfalfa怎么读

英式:[æl'fælfə]    美式:[æl'fælfə]


n.苜蓿; 紫苜蓿




1. important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop

2. leguminous plant grown for hay or forage

名词 alfalfa:

important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop

同义词:lucerne, Medicago sativa

leguminous plant grown for hay or foragealfalfa[ æl'fælfə ]n.important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop

同义词:lucerneMedicago sativa

leguminous plant grown for hay or forage



The effect of inoculating nodule and biomass yields of different alfalfa cultivars was investigated.


Forage collapses crops like clover and our alfalfa could be planted.


Alfalfa will fail to grow well on soils which lack sufficient amounts of available caleium.



The plants tested were sesame, tobacco, wheat, alfalfa and cayenne pepper.

供试植物为芝麻 、 烟草 、 小麦 、 紫花苜蓿和辣椒五种.

Result indicate, use alfalfa grass block substitute some extract feed supplement is feasible.

结果表明, 使用苜蓿草块替代部分精料补充料饲喂奶牛是切实可行的.

There are alfalfa grass cultivation, and so on.


Speaking of salad ingredients, alfalfa sprouts also help cleanse your system and sweeten your breath.


Effects of 14 herbicides were studied in alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) pasture.

选用14种除草剂对沧州地区苜蓿 ( Medicagosativa ) 地苗期的杂草进行了防除试验.

Never ever offer awful Arthur alfalfa.


So, next time you're in the mood for a salad, don't forget alfalfa sprouts.

所以下次你想吃色拉时, 不要忘记加入苜蓿芽.

Mixed pasture of alfalfa type is suited to grazing at a medium intensity.


Effect of alfalfa meal on egg quality was better than that of fat ( P >0.05 ).

但油脂对蛋黄颜色无显著影响 ( P>0.05 ).

Addition of alfalfa meal and fat had no significant difference of P 4、 E 2 ( P >0.05 ).

苜蓿源和油脂源及其二者互作对P4和E2无显著影响 ( P>0.05 ).

Alfalfa is a member of the legume ( leguminosae ).

苜蓿为 豆科 植物.

Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.


ForeignForage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.


The result shows that the three alfalfa varieties boast coldcapacity than the control.


In this enlargement, barley, alfalfa, and sugar beets can be differentiated.

在这张放大的照片上, 大麦, 苜蓿和甜菜都能被区分开.


Alfalfa is the best type of hay for a cavy.


The relationship between the peroxidase ( POD ) activity and cultivars resistance to crown and root rot alfalfa.

过氧化物 酶 活性与种质的根和根颈腐烂病抗病性的关系研究.

Alfalfa can be used as animal food.


The dodder is one kind of annual autoecious weed of alfalfa, cosmopolitan weed quarantine object.

菟丝子是苜蓿田中最常见的一年生寄生性恶性杂草, 是世界性的杂草检疫对象.

So we know that plant Alfalfa for seed water once is enough.


Basil, oregano, cherry tomatoes, alfalfa sprouts and mint are easily grown in your kitchen window.

罗勒, 牛至, 小番茄, 苜蓿种子还有薄荷都能在你家厨房窗户那里种植.

Rhizobia inoculation also had better effect on growth and forage quality of alfalfa.


Alfalfa, apples, cabbages, and onions are widely grown.

苜蓿 、 苹果 、 洋白菜和洋葱都广泛种植.


The seed of virulent weed Cuscuta chineneie Lam in the alfalfa was investigated.


Known as the hometown of the manufacturing sector, jujube village, alfalfa town.

被誉为制造业之乡 、 冬枣之乡 、 苜蓿之乡.

The alfalfa plant is widely used as animal fodder.




The ability of alfalfa seeds to convert various concentration of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and ethephon (ETH) to ethylene was found much lower under saline (c(NaCl)=0.25 mol/L) than under no-saline condition.

0 .2 5mol/L的NaCl胁迫下的苜蓿种子转变 1 氨基环丙烷 1 羧酸 (ACC)和乙烯利为乙烯的能力明显降低 .

Nutrilite has engineered a unique piece of harvesting equipment that cuts only the top few inches of alfalfa where an abundance of phytonutrients are present.


Physiological and ecological responses of alfalfa and milk vetch seed to PEG priming[J].ACTA Ecological Sinca,2004,24(3):402-408.


Sanditi, Derby, Prime, Sitel and LI73. Relationships between the 10 alfalfa revealed by RAPD markers and isoenzyme marker are similar, and there are also some exceptions.


Wang Shujie,Yan Shuzhen,Li Shifang.Callus induction and plant regeneration derived from hypocotyls of alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.)[J].Plant Protection,2005,31 (3):50-52.


Lu Deyang,Fan Yunliu,Yu Meimin,Tang Shunxue,Hou Ning,WANG Qing.Regeneration of HNP transgenic alfalfa plants by Agrobacterium mediated gene transrer[J].Acta Genetica Sinic,2000,27(4):331-337.


Guo Xiao.Studies on growth dynamics of mixed grassland of bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) and alfalfa (Medicagosativa L.)[J].Ecology of Domestic Animal,2004,25 (2):29-31.


Kang J M,Yang Q C,Fan F C.Effects of drought stress on induced protein in the different drought resistance Alfalfa leaf[J].Acta Agrestia Sin.,2005,13(3):199-202.


A quarter-mile-long (0.4-kilometer-long) wheel line spritzes an Oregon alfalfa field.


One way is to give the animals high protein plants like a alfalfa、 Groundnut grasses and vegetable leaves to eat .


Three groups of nine sheep each weighing about 36 kg were fed pellet diets containing 70% milkvetch ( Astragalus adsurgens ) or crown-vetch < Coronilla varia ) or alfalfa hays and 30% concentrates.

三组2岁去势杂交细毛羊,第组9只,平均体重36千克,日粮由70%干草加30%混合精料组成,制成颗粒饲料,平均日喂1.3千克。 对比测定三组干草的饲养效果和安全性;

The dynamic of AGR and RGR shows a monopeak curve in whole developing stage of different alfalfa varieties.


The differences of contents of amino acids between different varieties and different parts of Alfalfa were large.


Main nutritional concentrations changed with developing stage of 23 alfalfa varieties in different cuttings, the concentrations of CP, EE, NFE, CASH, Ca, P and digestibility decreased, while CF, NDF, ADF content increased.


Do not eat raw alfalfa, radish sprouts or green bean sprouts, the dishes included in the bud bacteria, pregnant women and may adversely affect the fetus.


The effect of alfalfa hay meal partially substituted for complete diets on performance and economic profit in feeding Duroc swine was investigated in order to study a proper feeding amount of alfalfa hay meal for pure breed Duroc swine.


The influence factors and ranges of water requirements(WR),water consumptions(WC),water requirement rates(WRR),water consumption rates(WCR) and water use efficiencies(WUE) of alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.) were studied.

为明确紫花苜蓿Medicago sativa的需水量、耗水量、需水强度、耗水强度和水分利用效率的影响因子和范围,对其进行了较为详尽地探讨。

To solve weed problems for seedling alfalfa in South Jiangsu Hilly Area,companion crops were tried with five varies of four species of crops(perennial ryegrass,annual ryegrass,rye,and triticale).


There is also GMO zucchini, crookneck squash, papaya, and alfalfa.


I was not on some kind of scrivener's version of an agricultural subsidy, in which I would be rewarded for not growing alfalfa.


The fresh forage yield of alfalfa in the salinized land showed an increasing trend year by year from planting to the 5th year.


Group 4 (EG4), Exp. Group 5 (EG5) and Control Group (CG). The alfalfa content of EG1 to EG3 supplementary feed was 52.5%, 35%, 17.5% respectively, and apple pomace content was 17.5%, 35%, 52.5%.


And he grows alfalfa, soybean and other crops.


Therefore, your future female frriend will never never receive one of those handbags as alfalfa shown from you, bugbug?


The impact of different densities of diesel oil polluted in soil on germination and growth of Alfalfa was analyzed in indoor pot-planting experiment.


This study was conducted to assess the levels of genetic diversity of 55 kinds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) with different origin including the cultivar from the domestic and some line from South Australia, North America and Europe.

以来自北美、欧洲、澳洲等地区和我国地方品种和育成品种等55个苜蓿(Medicago sativa)种质为材料,对苜蓿遗传多样性、适应性和生产性能相关性状进行评价。

The effects of White clover (Trifolium repens),Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on vineyard Microclimate and wine quality in Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard were studied.


This paper also proposed the amino acids of leave protein of alfalfa was abundant and coordinate,then were concluded it was a nice proteinaceous plant.


Located in Lakeview in southern California, there are 630 acres (255 hectares) of farmland where Nutrilite grows alfalfa, parsley, carrots and broccoli.


The activity of soil microorganism is inhibited at low dose. At high dose, the crop yield is decreased by 10%, and on acid soil,by 50%. Alfalfa and tree are also yield decreased.

低剂量时 ,即可使土壤微生物活性受到抑制 ,高剂量时可使农作物减产 1 0% ,在酸性土壤上减产达 50%以上 ,对苜蓿及树木也同样引起减产 .

Serve with raw vegetables or tortilla chips as a dip;on crackers as a spread;or stuff into warmed pita bread halves with grated carrots, shredded lettuce or fresh alfalfa sprouts on top.


Authors of the paper consider it feasible to intercrop maize and alfalfa in farming-pastoral areas.


The plants tested were sesame, tobacco, wheat, alfalfa and cayenne pepper.


Ingredients: alfalfa sprout 30g, Anoectochilus 30g, fresh mulberry 50g (or juice 30g), 1 apple, 1 orange, yogurt drink 200c.c.


Title: Effect of Cutting on Reproductive Growth Stage,the Seed Yield and Seed Quality of Alfalfa(Medicago Sativa L.


Title: Quantification of Saponins in 45 Different Cultivars of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.


One way is to give the animals high-protein plants like alfalfa, groundnut grasses and vegetable leaves to eat.


Molecular Marking Technique and Its Application to Alfalfa Genetics and Breeding.


Cutting alfalfa belt could affect the population dynamics of ladybirds, spiders and lacewings.


We utilizes the method of direct heating to extract the alfalfa leaf protein concentrate(LPC) of different breeding period separately,then the nutritional value is appraised.


Never ever offer awful Arthur alfalfa.


In addition, Anstar alfalfa and Kitawakaba et al. were lodging resistant and had good orthotropism, which were suitable for mechanized harvesting.


Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.


Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted. These members of the legume family provide high protein food for grazing animals. They also improve the quality of the soil.


This is typically accomplished by diluting the diet with a high fibre source such as beet pulp, wheat bran, alfalfa or oat hulls.


Also yield construction of the varieties was analyzed and the result was recognized as the base of alfalfa management.


Double X is enriched with botanical extracts including alfalfa, parsley, celery, spinach, acerola cherry and beta-carotene to help in the prevention of chronic diseases.


Pest control and harvest management were the two factors having the greatest effect on production of alfalfa.


Therefore, the enduring capability to water stress of alfalfa was weaker than sorghum, and the water requirment at seedling establishment stage was also different between two tested alfalfa cultivars.


Soil is kastanozems and chernozem which are the neutral soil and alkalescence.The soil organic content is relatively high and suitable for the alfalfa that has a good quality and high output.


The same tendency could be found in the different diet: basal diet >15% alfalfa diet >15% spartina.


The comparison experiments were conducted with 11 domestic and overseas alfalfa varieties in the Hebei Lowland Plain Area.


On the condition of natural raining, the effects of White Clover(Trifolium), Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) on soil water content in Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard were studied.


And the sulfurified amino acid content is the second restrictive amino acid in alfalfa bud,nor in the product.


And the sulfurified amino acid content is the second restrictive amino acid in alfalfa bud, nor in the product.


Temperature, humidity and the moisture of alfalfa showed an obvious correlation with the drying velocity and the moisture of alfalfa was the most important factor.


In this enlargement, barley, alfalfa, and sugar beets can be differentiated.


Endemic variety Cangzhou alfalfa was oppressed at hay yield, regeneration and orthotropism.


The Effect of Replenishing Soil on Frost Resistance, Drought Resistance and Yield Production of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).

培土对紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)抗寒性、抗旱性及产草量的影响

To develop alfalfa forage-based industry for the development of the aquaculture industry has provided more adequate sources of feed, a better solution to the conflict Lin.


Inoculating rhizobial strain were significantly increased biomass yield and crude protein of alfalfa,but crude protein contents in whole plants was not increased obviously.


Inoculating rhizobial strain were significantly increased biomass yield and crude protein of alfalfa, but crude protein contents in whole plants was not increased obviously.


The content of fatty acid of 12 forage samples including alfalfa, tall fescue, orchard grass and smooth brome were analyzed.


The paper analyzes the soil water dynamics and water requirement law of alfalfa,feed maize and ensile maize under 3 kinds of water-saving irrigation conditions through experimental study on the crops.


The effects of alfalfa on the rheologic and baking properties of the flour composed of alfalfa was investigated by means of a fariograph and an extensograph.


Remove oodle to erving late,to with drained alfalfa routs,shredded ca age a well a hredded carrot.Drizzle with auce and mix well.Serve.


When combined N was appropriately applied to soil, on which alfalfa and meadow fescue had been planted, it could promote increasing nitrogen fertility in soil.


Grass or other plants, such as clover or alfalfa, cut and dried for fodder.


Grass or other plants,such as clover or alfalfa,cut and dried for fodder.


Reducing the year mowing frequency could increase the competition of bromus inermis, but restrain the competition of alfalfa.


The technique system of integration dodder management on alfalfa including plant quarantine, agricultural and biological prevention and chemical and biological control are put forward.


The water potential productivity of alfalfa on rain fed highland in south of loess plateau was simulated for long term(30 years) using EPIC model.


Using four dynamic fumigation cabinets in phytotron, effects of SO_2 on ethylene production by wheat, rice, cayenne pepper, tomato and alfalfa plants were investigated.


Experiment was conducted to determine dose-response relationship of pinto bean and alfalfa plants to SO2 with CSTR system.


The AIA content in groups with alfalfa, paddy and corn-soybean-alfalfa was high, and the recovery was 98.20%, 102.36% and 91.65% respectively, and therefore, the AIA method can be used.


Derby and Alize were potential alfalfa varieties in southern region because they had some advantages in yield and quality.


The analyzing result of EAAI shows the protein of both alfalfa bud and its product belongs to the best protein.


Because of the harm of thrips' to alfalfa, both production and quality decrease substantially.


Alfalfa leaf extract effeced the fresh weight of showy chloris,stolon-bearing bent grass,bahia grass,redroot amaranth and crown vetch,they were lighter than control(P<0.05).


Alfalfa leaf extract effeced the fresh weight of showy chloris, stolon-bearing bent grass, bahia grass, redroot amaranth and crown vetch, they were lighter than control (P<0.05).



Alfalfa can be used as animal food.

Alfalfa is the best type of hay for a cavy.