n.<日> (神道教的)神n.纸,日本用于书画的纸,神;
Noun1. one the Shinto deities (including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, forces of nature)
kami[ 'kɑ:mi ]n.one the Shinto deities (including mythological beings, spirits of distinguished men, forces of nature)Kami中文词源:
kami 神 来自日语kami,神,上帝,可能来自日本化汉语神。Kami用法和例句:
All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami.
Creak , Kami puts down a black.
咯, 镜子放下黑棋.
Shinto gods, or kami, are worshipped at shrines.
道教神, 或叫纸神, 在神祠被敬拜.
Good morning, I'm Kami.
早上好, 我是卡米.
Hi, Kami. How old are you?
嗨, 卡米. 你几岁了?
Kami tidak bisa kasih harga murah lagi, 1500 Yuan adalah harga paling rendah.
B: 我们不能再便宜了。1500元是最低价格。
Kami is a furry yellow Muppet, who likes nature, telling stories and collecting stuff.
XR, Sacrifice Pain Kami: Pain Kami deals X damage totarget creature.
"Hard-nosed little runt, that Kami," Jack said admiringly.
"Send a message," Kami told him.
"I'm a Gerudan," Kami said tiredly. "Don't they teach you whelps anything in school?"
"We hit them now; take them by surprise, and the whole of Karbarra is ours!" Kami, the foxlike Gerudan, said from behind his breathing mask.
A joyride disguised as a scouting mission had brought Jack and Karen to a series of caves two hours out from the GMU.Lron and Kami had ridden with them.
Dan bukan itu saja! Ia juga telah ditunjuk oleh jemaat-jemaat untuk menemani kami dalam pelayanan kasih ini, yang kami lakukan untuk kemuliaan Tuhan dan sebagai bukti kerelaan kami.
Kami went off into a small cul-de-sac so as not to disturb anyone and tried another commo call to Rem and Gnea, without success.
kami tidak berlaku licik dan tidak memalsukan firman Allah. Sebaliknya kami menyatakan kebenaran dan dengan demikian kami menyerahkan diri kami untuk dipertimbangkan oleh semua orang di hadapan Allah.
Who also has made known to us your love in the Spirit. Dialah juga yang telah menyatakan kepada kami kasihmu dalam Roh.
dan tidak makan roti orang dengan percuma, tetapi kami berusaha dan berjerih payah siang malam, supaya jangan menjadi beban bagi siapapun di antara kamu.
God is witness. Karena kami tidak pernah bermulut manis--hal itu kamu ketahui--dan tidak pernah mempunyai maksud loba yang tersembunyi--Allah adalah saksi--
From the gouges here and there around the compound, Kami could see that they had done it quite often to pass the time.
Some of them, like Burak and Kami, were more than willing to learn, while others-the Karbarran ursinoids and the Praxian amazons in particular-seemed unwilling to trust any small arms but their own.
And they said to Him, We do not have anything here except five loaves and two fish. Jawab mereka: ""Yang ada pada kami di sini hanya lima roti dan dua ikan.""
But as God is faithful, our word toward you is not yes and no. Demi Allah yang setia, janji kami kepada kamu bukanlah serentak ""ya"" dan ""tidak"".
You are our letter, inscribed in our hearts, known and read by all men, Kamu adalah surat pujian kami yang tertulis dalam hati kami dan yang dikenal dan yang dapat dibaca oleh semua orang.
Thou hast made us [as] the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people. Kami Kaujadikan kotor dan keji di antara bangsa-bangsa.
How long [will it be ere] ye make an end of words? mark, and afterwards we will speak. ""Bilakah engkau habis bicara? Sadarilah, baru kami akan bicara.
Engkau melihat sengsara nenek moyang kami di Mesir dan mendengar teriakan mereka di tepi Laut Teberau.
And the apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Lalu kata rasul-rasul itu kepada Tuhan: ""Tambahkanlah iman kami!""
The strips of glory, under ur blessing Jalur gemilang. Kami semua bersatu
Crysta and Lron aren't behaving as they did when we formed our alliance," Kami said.
Mention Kami's capture, too.
Karen whirled around, hoping to catch Kami in the act, but he was way off to her left inspecting a chunk of rock near the cave wall.
And having landed at Syracuse, we remained three days. Kami singgah di Sirakusa dan tinggal di situ tiga hari lamanya.
Lron seemed set on bringing his pneumatic musket, too, and his huge, cleaverlike knife, but Kami was apparently more than happy to carry Human weapons with their greater firepower.
Hoping for the best, Kami rolled and rolled in what he thought was the right direction.
Kami picked up a clot of the stuff, too, made a ball of it, and heaved it disgustedly at the wall.
Kami fairly howled through his breather.
Kami saw that he had been in time;the rest of the Inorganics were outside their own wall, cut off from the hostages.
Kami shouted, training his light on something further along the corridor.
Kami and Learna had reported the emergence of yet more spheres from the cavern's internal chimney.
Whimpering sounds found their way out from under Kami and Learna's breathing tubes. Rick took Teal by the shoulders. "What did he tell you?"
Kami and Learna had yet to emerge from the orb cavern deep inside the region's now-floodlit central cave.
Kami squinted a bit in the early light of Yirrbisst, glancing around to orient himself to the landmarks he had seen on the map and get his bearings.
Kami packed the thick mud onto himself.It was gratifyingly adhesive.
Kami, exhausted and still half caked with mud, could feel it singeing the fur on his tail.
Kami hadn't had to shoot up the pylons of the energy wall because he had discovered a power-system junction, over by the blockhouse where he had found his Owens gun and power pack.
Kami had to do something fast, or the slaughter would begin in seconds.
Kami turned to run, but they were everywhere, as big as any Battloid, reaching for him with their multiple appendages-metallic claws and segmented tentacles and waldolike Robotech hands.
Kami took the opportunity to duck past it and around the building, headed for the blockhouse.
Kami knew that it meant a searing burn and unconsciousness to get too close to one, and Immolation to try to pass through.
Kami looked off the way the cub had pointed, feeling waves of defeat flow over him.
Kami realized blearily that he was being borne along to the clanking of mecha.
Kami yanked its cable free of the backpack, threw the backpack aside, and held the gun as a club.
Kami was slapping mud onto himself frantically, trying to be thorough, because any missed spot would probably get him fried, but trying to be quick, too, because time had just about run out.
Kami saw a vision and didn't hesitate. Noiselessly gathering his equipment, he scampered down the narrow ledge leading from the cave mouth to the foot of the cliff.
Kami watched as the Hellcat rolled to the upper position, determined to bite the Alpha's throat out or rip its head off with those enormous fangs.
Kami listened to the dull thrumming.
Kami rolled over with a sharp yip of alarm, to find himself looking up at a ring of furry faces.
It took Kami a moment to realize that it was a Veritech, an armored Alpha in Battloid mode-white with red markings.
Kami made an exasperated sound that somehow penetrated the mask.
" Kami asked, voice muffled by his mask.
The only problem is that the only way to get to the mysterious Kami is by using his Power Pole, and it's gone missing!
Dengan 600 orang warga Pesisir Selatan yang ada di Pulau Dewata itu, kami basidoncek mengumpulkan uang untuk diserahkan kekampung halaman.
听听听听听听听听听听听 Ditambahkannya, kami di Bali cukup prihatin dengan musibah yang terjadi di Ranah Minang.
Creak, Kami puts down a black.
For we account that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. Karena kami yakin, bahwa manusia dibenarkan karena iman, dan bukan karena ia melakukan hukum Taurat.
Because now we live if you stand firm in the Lord. Sekarang kami hidup kembali, asal saja kamu teguh berdiri di dalam Tuhan.
KAMI is an International company, using Japanese Nano technology and Japanese design for health products with manufacturing in Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong.
he whooped, as Kami helped him to his feet.
After Goku mistakes Kami for the villainous Piccolo it is time for the young warrior to begin his grueling three year training for the next World Martial Arts Tournament.
She twisted around in time to see Kami and Learna picking themselves up off the floor.
Its hindquarters began dragging, crippled, and Kami was increasing his lead on it.
Kami, ahli CRSM Pahang sebagai tuan rumah di sini telah secara mesra membawa wakil dari Taiwan bagi mengunjungi Sungai Lembing yang penuh bersejarah.
Sehinggalah sepucuk surat dari pemancing tempatan dihantar kepada kami, terbongkarlah sebuah padang pancing muara terunggul yang tersembunyi di pedalamannya.
Even the mighty Kami believes that there is no way for Goku to survive in this winner-take-all massacre!
And we are ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. dan kami siap sedia juga untuk menghukum setiap kedurhakaan, bila ketaatan kamu telah menjadi sempurna.
And Peter, gazing at him with John, said, Look at us! Mereka menatap dia dan Petrus berkata: ""Lihatlah kepada kami.""
Goku is eager to fight Junior, but Kami fears his inexperience will be his downfall.
With that, Kami raised the club wearily and began to totter straight at the 'Cat confronting him, preferring a quick death from claws to a slow one from flame...
Kiranya Dia, Allah dan Bapa kita, dan Yesus, Tuhan kita, membukakan kami jalan kepadamu.
Kami tak faham bahasa yang anda guna tu.
慧仪竟立刻会意,她对中国客人说:“Minta maaf.
Game_Section Di site ini kami menyediakan segala hal yang anda perlukan mengenai PlayStation dan berbagai gamenya yang beredar di Indonesia.
Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, [that] might lay his hand upon us both. Tidak ada wasit di antara kami, yang dapat memegang kami berdua!
and we burned Ziklag with fire. Kami telah menyerbu Tanah Negeb orang Kreti dan daerah Yehuda dan Tanah Negeb Kaleb, dan Ziklag telah kami bakar habis.""
and I hope that you will know unto the end, Sebab kami hanya menuliskan kepada kamu apa yang dapat kamu baca dan pahamkan. Dan aku harap, mudah-mudahan kamu akan memahaminya sepenuhnya,
And we came to Jerusalem, and abode there three days. Maka tibalah kami di Yerusalem. Sesudah kami tinggal di sana selama tiga hari,
用作名词(n.)All natural objects and phenomena used to be considered as having kami.
Kiranya Dia, Allah dan Bapa kita, dan Yesus, Tuhan kita, membukakan kami jalan kepadamu.