n.埃利奥特(Elias的异体,亦作Elliott,Elliot); 艾略特(姓氏)n.埃利奥特(Elias的异体,亦作Elliott,Elliot)(m.);
Noun1. British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965)
2. British writer of novels characterized by realistic analysis of provincial Victorian society (1819-1880)
Eliot[ 'eljət; 'eliət ]n.British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965)同义词:T. S. EliotThomas Stearns Eliot
British writer of novels characterized by realistic analysis of provincial Victorian society (1819-1880)同义词:George EliotMary Ann Evans
George Eliot was a pen - name; her real name was Mary Ann Evans.
乔治·艾略特是笔名, 她的真名是玛丽·安·埃文斯.
He wrote to Eliot about a "big book" that was germinating in his mind.
Today, however -- a century after her death -- George Eliot is popular again.
然而在她去世 100年 后的今天, 乔治-艾略特再次大受欢迎.
I rate Zola and George Eliot more highly than he does.
His sense of the past is less continuous than Eliot's.
How much do you know about the works of George Eliot?
George Eliot's family was by no means intellectual. Rather , they were politely conventional.
乔治-艾略特的家庭完全算不上知识阶层, 还不如说是地道的守旧派.
After Lewes'death in 1878 , Eliot wrote nothing further , dying just two years later, in i 880.
1878年路易斯死后, 艾略特再没写什么东西.两年后, 即1880年,艾略特也去世了.
Communications answered that T. S. Eliot was not a new code or the colours of the day.
通讯联络部门答复说:T? S艾略特不是新的密码,也不是这一天用的旗号.
Dr Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.
Freud's theory provides a formal and theoretical reference for Eliot's poems.
Eliot's unconventional approach to life did not stop there.
George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.
乔治.艾略特是玛丽.安. 埃文斯的笔名.
Eliot Deacon: I requirement to undergo your height. For your coffin.
艾略特主管: 我要知道你的身高, 因为我要给你做个棺材.
We could look at some modern poets, like Eliot and Hughes.
我们可以考虑一下现代诗人, 例如艾略特和休斯.
After Lewes' death in 1878, Eliot wrote nothing further, dying just two years later, in i880.
1878年路易斯死后,艾略特再没写什么东西。 两年后,即1880年,艾略特也去世了。
At the time of her death, in 1880, George Eliot was one of England's most popular novelists. Shortly afterwards, however, she fell out of favour.
The international Symbolist movement emerged between 1886 and 1914 radiated originally from France but producing great writers and great poetry elsewhere: Yeats in Ireland, Eliot in England and Wallace Stevens in America.
T. S. Eliot wins the Nobel Prize in Literature.
In 1965, poet T.S. Eliot died in London at age 76.
"We see job seekers apply for every job posted -- a real red flag that they do not know what it is they are good at," says Eliot Burdett of Peak Sales Recruiting.
Peak Sales Recruiting的EliotBurdett说:"我们见过求职者申请所有公布的职位--赫然表明这些人不知道自己擅长什么“虽然你不必具备岗位要求的每项技能,但是至少需要具备一定资格;
T. S. Eliot's Influence on Jiuye Poets
"As soon as it was practicable, he would wind up his business" (George Eliot).
“一旦可行,他也将结束他的生意” (乔治·艾略特)。
"The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentry" (George Eliot).
“乡下人,极为敏感的心灵使他们看到文雅的人便感到一种窃窃的敬畏” (乔·艾略特)。
"Their one purpose of speed over the great ocean routes was achieved by perfect balance of spars and sails to the curving lines of the smooth black hull" (Samuel Eliot Morison).
“他们靠把桅和帆完美地平衡到黑色平滑船壳的曲线上实现了快速驶过大洋的目的” (塞缪尔·艾略特·莫里森)。
"expressing emotion in the form of art" (T.S. Eliot).
“以艺术的形式表达情感” (T.S. 艾略特)。
"And how found you that godly man, the Apostle Eliot?
"The results of confession were not contingent, they were certain" (George Eliot).
“忏悔的结果不是可能,而是确定的” (乔治·艾略特)。
"We hand folks over to God's mercy, and show none ourselves" (George Eliot).
“我们让上帝来保佑人们,我们自己却不显示任何怜悯之心” (乔治·艾略特)。
"I concurred with our incumbent in getting up a petition against the Reform Bill" (George Eliot).
“我同意我们义不容辞地要组织请愿以反对修正法律” (乔治·爱略特)。
"A patronizing disposition always has its meaner side" (George Eliot).
“捐助的意向有它更为自私的一面” (乔治·艾略)。
"Welcome home, reverend sir," said the physician "And how found you that godly man, the Apostle Eliot?
“欢迎你回到家中,可敬的牧师先生,”医生说。 “你看那位圣洁的艾略特使徒可好啊?
"And the dead tree gives no shelter" (T.S. Eliot).
“死树不能提供保护” (T·S·爱略特)。
"No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power" (Samuel Eliot Morison).
"Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion" (T.S. Eliot).
“诗不是情感的转向松弛,而是情感的出口” (T·S·艾略特)。
"The man was no more than the boy writ large" (George Eliot)
"this pink-faced rotund specimen of prosperity" (George Eliot).
“这位粉脸圆胖的成功人士” (乔治·艾略特)。
"And the weak spirit quickens" (T.S. Eliot)
"debasing the moral currency" (George Eliot).
“降低普遍的道德规范” (乔治·爱略特)。
"slipshod talk" (George Eliot).
“随便的谈话” (乔治·艾略特)
The Mill on the Floss is one of the early works of the famous English writer George Eliot.
Drama from Ibsen to Brecht (titled as Drama from Ibsen to Eliot in 1954, changed to this title with revision in 1968) expounds the relationship between the dramatic form and structure of feeling.
That a lengthy and complicated novel such as Middlemarch should allow its characters to pursue their own paths, despite such pleading from the public, is a testament to George Eliot's storytelling ability and to her artistic vision.
Unlike our precursors who labeled Eliot"s poetical theory "impersonal", we are here trying to epitomize his theory into "empirical", so as to integrate all the three phases of his poetical thinking.
Conductor: John Eliot Gardiner Performer: Bernarda Fink, Elinor Carter, et al.
专辑介绍: 声乐作品占到海顿所有创作的一半...
Comments on Chinese Researches on George Eliot
George Eliot's family was by no means intellectual. Rather, they were politely conventional.
乔治 - 艾略特的家庭完全算不上知识阶层,还不如说是地道的守旧派。
GEORGE ELIOT, Mature 19th-Century English Novelist
乔治 - 艾略特,19世纪英国成熟的小说家
Nature: The Contrast between George Eliot and Thomas Hardy
Major Sources of George Eliot's Thought
George Eliot and Willa Cather were two stellar novelists heralding a new era for woman writing in Anglo-American literature history.
Selected Novels of George Eliot
George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.
George Eliot was a pen-name; her real name was Mary Ann Evans.
乔治·艾略特是笔名, 她的真名是玛丽·安·埃文斯。
How much do you know about the works of Georage Eliot?
How much do you know about the works of George Eliot?
George Eliot's View of Women and the Factors of this View
The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentry(George Eliot.
乡下人,极为敏感的心灵使他们看到文雅的人便感到一种窃窃的敬畏(乔 艾略特)。
While emphasize Eliot and Auden’s modernism impact on him, ignore his romantic essence While acknowledging his early romanticism, think of Mu-dan as developing for modernism by romanticism.
A two-minute standing ovation marked the end for Eliot Spitzer and the beginning for David Paterson as New York's governor.
Eliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, is making good on a campaign promise from last year.
Their set of George Eliot was foxed and buckled by the rain.
Their one purpose of speed over the great ocean routes was achieved by perfect balance of spars and sails to the curving lines of the smooth black hull (Samuel Eliot Morison).
他们靠把桅和帆完美地平衡到黑色平滑船壳的曲线上实现了快速驶过大洋的目的(塞缪尔 艾略特 莫里森)。
He's called Carl Eliot, yes.
He 's call Carl Eliot, yes ?
他叫卡尔。 艾略特,对吗?
"He 's called Carl Eliot , yes ? "
His sense of the past is less continuous than Eliot's.
He is the type of person who says to himself: " I must read Shakespeare, and I must read Sophocles, and I must read the entire Five Foot Shelf of Dr. Eliot, so I can become an educated man.
His father, a squillionaire property developer, once reduced young Eliot to tears during a game of Monopoly.
expressing emotion in the form of art (T.S. Eliot).
Eliot Smith and Rivers have used the term "Heliolithic culture" for the culture of these first agricultural peoples.
伊略特 - 史密斯和勒弗兹用“立巨碑拜太阳时代的文化”这一术语来称呼这些早期农业民族的文化。
George Eliot described her first reading of Rousseau as an electric shock.
Former treasury secretary Lawrence Summers says the committee was too centered on the issue of competitiveness. And New York Governor-elect Eliot Spitzer says he will fight the proposals.
However, George Eliot has attainted brilliant achievements in literature and endowed her country with splendid artistic treasures.
Have the courage to risk failure, for as T.S. Eliot once said only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
Have you read George Eliot's"The Mill on the Floss"?
I should be most happy, on the understanding that Mr. Eliot will be present, too.
Search for the sacred in the ordinary.Do a cartwheel when nobody's looking.Take George Eliot's declaration to heart: “It is never too late to be what you might have been.
Its substance is similar to that of Waste Land of Eliot.
Among them George Eliot is listed by the contemporary English critic F. R. Leavis as one of the four "great English novelists", for her serious discussion of morality, and her broad mind towards human experience.
In fact, the lauric acid monoglyceride is a very common ingredients, "Over the years, people take it as an emulsion in a variety of foods," said Eliot斯什.
Summary: Eliot's China research has been made in spite of considerable achievements, but Elliott's "non-individualized" theory is not good at all.
On Eliot's Sense of Tradition and the Theory of Impersonality
In the poetry creation, Bei Dao has the aware innovative ideology while writing, we may see the silhouettes of Chinese and foreign master such as Lu Xun, Byron, Eliot, Baudelaire, but comparing with masters, Bei Dao is slightly childish.
George Eliot, the nineteenth century famous English novelist, abandoned Christianity and refused to go to church when she was young because of the influence of Feuerbach and those with progressive ideas.
Paterson took over for Eliot Spitzer who is caught in a call-girl ring.
The latter two were conferred by Sir Charles Eliot, the then Vice-Chancellor, in Kuala Lumpur and Java respectively within a month after the Congregation.
After Rentai Fu puisne, books Shi Yu Shi, Jizhou Town House Eliot, Luyang Prefecture, east of Jingzhou Prefecture, Henan Yin, censor lieutenant.
In the following two decades Eliot's output included the very popular novels Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Middlemarch and Daniel Deronda.
后来的20年中艾略特发表的著名作品有《亚当 - 比德》,《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》,《织工马南》,《米德尔马奇》和《但尼尔 - 狄隆达》等。
Hello? Victor Eliot speaking.
hello. Victor eliot speaking .
In early April, a square jawed reformer named Eliot Spitzer shook with Poseidon-like force at Merrill Lynch's rickety reputation for research and left it in shambles.
Washington University in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in1853.
Washington University in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in 1853. Later the name was changed to honor the first American president, George Washington.
Greenberg was forced out of AIG, which he had built into the largest insurer in the world, after New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer investigated accounting irregularities at the firm.
用作名词(n.)Dr Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.