DIOMED semiconductor laser can be effectively applied to treat vocal cords leukoplakia.
Clmical observation the effect of DIOMED semiconductor laser treatment on vocal cords beniqn diseases
Preliminary report on DIOMED laser treatment of superficial varicosities in lower limbs
A Preliminary Report on DIOMED Laser Treatment of Superficial Varicosities of the Lower limbs.
DIOMED laser treatment is a safe and effective minimally-invasive method According to different caliber veins, 12-W intermittent pulses or 14-W continuous pulses could be chosen during treatment.
DIOMED激光治疗是安全、有效的微创手段。 根据治疗静脉的不同,可选择发射功率12 W间断脉冲或14 W连续脉冲。
"There may be another reason for his thrift," said Diomed, raising his brows.
"There may be another reason for that thrift," said Diomed, raising his brows.
Meanwhile Sallust and Glaucus were slowly strolling towards the house of Diomed.
Diode laser machine made in United Kingdom (DIOMED Ltd ) was used.
It has clinical value to use Diomed 25 laser in treatment of early vocal cord carcinoma,and its advantages include lower complication rate and laryngeal function well retained.
半导体激光手术治疗早期声门癌 ,疗效确切 ,喉功能保留好 ,并发症发生率低 ,有临床应用价值。
The nasal function recovered to normal. Compaired with Nd: YAG laser, Diomed 15 diode laser has more superiorities in clinical application.
Conclusions:DIOMED semiconductor laser with various parameters might be effectively applied to treat a series of vocal cords benign diseases.
声带白斑 1 0 0%。 结论 :DIOMED半导体激光多种工作参数的选择可针对不同病变及其范围的声带良性病变进行有效治疗。
Too late, good Diomed: call my guard, I prithee.
The nasal mucosa of ten rabbits were irradiated by Diomed 15 diode laser and Nd:YAG laser. The epithelium repair of nasal mucosas were observed under light microscope and scanning electron microscope.
应用半导体激光和Nd:YAG激光照射10 只家兔的鼻腔粘膜,用光镜和扫描电镜观察粘膜上皮修复情况。
Method: After giving photofrin imported from Canada or photos Scan-3 from German, (2mg/kg,id. ) for 48 hours, to radiate the focus with DIOMED 630 PDT laser 300J/cm manufactured in Britain.
方法 :应用加拿大产光敏剂photofrin或德国产 photosan - 32mg/kg静注后 4 8h用英国产DIOMED 6 30PDTLaser 30 0 j/cm照射病变部位。
Method:DIOMED semiconductor laser is used to treat 39 patients with vocal cords leukoplakia. ,selected laser output parameters included contact or no contact,continuous mode,5W power.
方法 :采用DIOMED半导体激光接触式和非接触式工作模式及连续、5W输出方式 ,对 3 9例声带粘膜白斑患者进行治疗。
Methods Seventy,eight lower limbs in 61 patients with superficial varicosities were treated with 810nm DIOMED laser combined with high ligation of great saphenous vein under epidural anesthesia.
Method:DIOMED semiconductor laser is used to treat 39 patients with vocal cords leukoplakia.,selected laser output parameters included contact or no contact,continuous mode,5W power.
Methods 122 patients with VVLE (146 legs) were treated with EVLT or EVLT combination with operation by laser machine of England DIOMED Company.
Methods 810 nm DIOMED laser treatment was performed on saphenous veins of goat post-limbs.
方法应用810 nm DIOMED激光治疗山羊后肢隐静脉,A组24只,右侧8 W间断脉冲,左侧10 W间断脉冲;
Methods From 2001 to 2004, 24 cases with pulmonary metastases were treated by Diomed Laser.
Methods 32 patients with confirmed liver tumor were treated with a Diomed semiconductive laser device.
Materials and Methods: 12 patients with confirmed liver tumor (4 hepatocytic carcinoma, 8 hepatic metastases) were treated with a Diomed semiconductive laser device.
材料和方法:经病理证实肝肿瘤12例(原发肝癌4例,肝转移癌 8例),用达美德半导体激光治疗仪行激光治疗。
A Report of DIOMED Laser Treatment of Superficial Varicosities in the Lower Limbs
May you, Diomed, combine the viands as well as the architecture!
Diomed was not a little puzzled as to his election.
1. May you, Diomed, combine the viands as well as the architecture !
Objective: To explore the heat injury level of vocal cord by different power of the Diomed 25 semi conductor laser so as to provide scientific evidence for clinical laser therapy of larynx diseases.
目的 :探讨 Diom ed- 2 5半导体激光不同功率对声带热损伤的程度 ,为临床应用激光治疗声带病变提供实验依据。
Objective: To evaluate the clinical results of endogenous treatment with DIOMED laser of superficial varicosities of the lower extremities.
目的 :探讨DIOMED激光联合手术治疗下肢静脉曲张的临床效果。
Objective:To observe the effect of Diomed 25 laser in treatment of early vocal cord carcinoma.
目的 :观察激光治疗早期声门癌的临床效果。
Objective:To evaluate the value of endovenous treatment of superficial varicosities in lower extremities with DIOMED laser.
目的 :评价传统手术联合应用 DIOMED81 0 nm激光治疗下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的疗效。
Objective To evaluate the clinical application of endovenous treatment of superficial varicosities in lower extremities with DIOMED laser.
目的 评价DIOMED激光治疗下肢静脉曲张的应用。
Objective To evaluate the results of endovenous treatment of superficial varicosities in lower extremities with DIOMED laser.
Conclusions:DIOMED semiconductor laser can be effectively applied to treat vocal cords leukoplakia.
Study on DIOMED laser treatment with or without concomitant surgical operation of superficial varicosities in the lower limbs
48 h before PDT by 630 nm light (DIOMED) delivered through cylinder diffusing tip quartz fibers thatpassed through the biopsy channel of a flexible endoscope.
静脉滴注。 48 h后经内镜导入光导纤维,给以630 nm(DIOMED半导体激光治疗机)的激光照射。
Experimental study on endovenous DIOMED laser treatment
Diomed laser for UPPP can enlarge the horizontal air passage of soft palate.