n.无效; 废弃; 取消; 使无价值n. <正式>取消, 无效, 否决原则
名词: nullificationist |
Noun1. the states'-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress
2. the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something
名词 nullification:
the states'-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress
the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something
nullification[ ,nʌlifi'keiʃən ]n.the states'-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congressthe act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something
The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases.
Article 16 A partnership enterprise is terminated upon nullification of registration by an enterprise registration organ.
With the development of GATT and WTO,Nullification or Impairment has been endowed with new meaning now.
(i) the trade in the sector or under the agreement under which the panel or Appellate Body has found a violation or other nullification or impairment, and the importance of such trade to that party;
(ii) the broader economic elements related to the nullification or impairment and the broader economic consequences of the suspension of concessions or other obligations;
(1) An application letter for the nullification of registration signed by all partners;
(一) 全体合伙人签署的注销登记申请书;
nullification and impairment
{0>3.Between settlor and trustee, due to the unsuccessful creation, nullification, revocation, or cancellation of a trust act, or the termination of trust relations.
"How can a western president, like the French president, ask for nullification of Iranian election results?
Between settlor and trustee, due to the unsuccessful creation, nullification, revocation, or cancellation of a trust act, or the termination of trust relations.
One who believes in nullification as a means by which U.S. states may resist federal laws.
one who believes in nullification as a means by which U.S. states may resist federal laws
Between the settlor and the trustee due to unsuccessful creation of, or invalidation, cancellation or nullification of the trust deed.
We protested, signed petitions, held rallies but to no avail;the process of nullification had already begun.
Nullification assay was used to examine whether EGCG nullify the rescue effect of deoxycytidine (dCdR) to AraC.
以对消实验研究EGCG能否逆转脱氧胞苷 (dCdR)的补救作用 ;
But this nullification does not affect the validity of the entire air transport contract.
The originals of supporting documents will be required at the time of registration for verification. Failure to do so may lead to nullification of your offer.
nullification or impairment of benefits,to other Members;
However, it should be noticed that when the mortgage has been totally implemented, the parties shall go to the real estate registration department to do the nullification procedures.
Some Personal Opinions on the Application of the Legal System of Nullification of Corporate Personality in China
Procedures for formulation, amendment and nullification of military statutes and regulations shall be stipulated by the CMC in accordance with the principles specified in the provisions of the said Law.
For the processing of nullification of registration, an application for the nullification of registration, examination documentof the competent business unit and the settlement report shall be presented.
For the processing of nullification of registration, an application for the nullification of registration, examination document of the competent business unit and the settlement report shall be presented.
North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency declared Friday "the nullification of all incumbent regulations and contracts regarding the Kaesong industrial complex.
The process by which nullification, defeat, or prevention is achieved.
A partnership enterprise shall hand in the business license when going through the formalities of nullification of registration.
The validity of arbitration clauses of a contract or an arbitration agreement shall not be affected by the alteration, dissolution, termination, nullification or invalidity of the contract.
nullification by the destruction of the legal force;rendering null.
nullification by the destruction of the legal force;
nullification by the destruction of the legal force; rendering null
nullification by the destruction of the legal force; rendering null.
He split with his vice president, John C.Calhoun, over the nullification movement.
In determining nullification or impairment of benefits to other Members, benefits are actually refer to the relation of trade competence held in GATT, and are reasonably anticipated by victims.
Greater Nullification III: Grants a 40% increase to the damage of your 3rd level and lower negative spells.
In cases where there is an infringement of the obligations assumed under a covered agreement, the action is considered prima facie to constitute a case of nullification or impairment.
Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.
It was the frontal clash of two ideas, a collision between the possibility of human freedom and its nullification.
The process by which nullification,defeat,or prevention is achieved.
As far as its academic connotation is concerned, the novel is enlightening for today's people to reflect on disenchantment and nullification.
with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of “interposition” and “nullification”
whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification,
Pyongyang has on several occasions restricted access across the North-South border by suppliers of raw materials, and last month announced the nullification of wage and rent contracts there.
Where were their voices when the lips of Governor Barnett dripped with words of interposition and nullification?Where were they when Governor Wallace gave the clarion call for defiance and hatred?...
I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification;
I understand that many misrepresentation of fact will comstitute cause for nullification of my application prior to admission or dismissal following admission.
After the nullification of the guarantee contract, mistakes, if any, of the debtor, guarantor or creditor, shall be affixed with due civil responsibilities.
12. Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.
the nullification of a treaty
Jackson's two terms were full of political crises, the first of which was the Nullification Crisis over the Tariff of 1 8 2 8 .
杰克逊的两个词充满了政治危机,其中第一项是无效危机关税的1 8 2 8 。关税,这已经通过了即将结束的亚当斯总统的过程中,重税所有外国商品。
Notice of nullification of technical standards of water resources
87.Anyone who fails to perform the obligations without proper reasons may, upon request by a relevant organization or individual, entail nullification of his right to inheritance by a people's court.
The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases.
mutual nullification
相互抵销 相互取消
The author analyzes the result of the nullification of agricultural tax and investigate its reasons ,according to different situations between Lianshan Village and Faxin Village after the reform.
Article 2 The implementation of the procedures for the nullification of production licenses for industrial products shall be governed by the present Provisions.
Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to the enactment, revision and nullification of laws, administrative regulations, local regulations, autonomous regulations and separate regulations.
Article 18 The registration administration organ shall make an announcement with respect to the establishment, nullification as well as change in name, site, legal representative or person(s)-in-charge of a people run non-enterprise unit.
The nullification, defeat, or prevention of a claim or action.
The nullification,defeat,or prevention of a claim or action.
Even where a case is established, our company is still entitled to apply for an official nullification of the clause in question.
I/We understand that failure to do so is grounds for nullification of a student's enrolment at Windsor.
On the Nullification of Insurance Contract and Its Legal Consequence
6) Nullification of the Offer: If under any circumstances a booking is cancelled we considered the package used.
Rune of Nullification: The effect of this ability has been reduced to 50%.
It shall be responsible for the examination prior to the registration of establishment, change and nullification of people-run non-enterprise units;
It shall be responsible for the registration of the establishment, change and nullification of people-run non-enterprise units;
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification;
it's a technique which goes into the category of FuRyoku Nullification,
(b) nullification or impairment of benefits accruing directly or indirectly to other Members under GATT 1994 in particular the benefits of concessions bound under Article II of GATT 1994 ;
(b)使其他成员在gatt 1994项下直接或间接获得的利益丧失或减损,特别是在gatt 1994第2条下约束减让的利益12;
(iii) exempt from actions based on non-violation nullification or impairment of the benefits of tariff concessions accruing to another Member under Article II of GATT 1994, in the sense of paragraph 1(b) of Article XXIII of GATT 1994;
(iii)免于GATT 1994第23条第1款(b)项意义上的、根据另一成员在GATT 1994第2条下产生的关税减让利益造成的非违反性丧失或减损所采取的行动;
(1) It shall be responsible for the examination prior to the registration of establishment, change and nullification of people-run non-enterprise units;
用作名词(n.)But this nullification does not affect the validity of the entire air transport contract.
Even where a case is established, our company is still entitled to apply for an official nullification of the clause in question.