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teach me how to dougie 教我怎么做dougie


DOUGIE was being great and very helpful.

道格表现非常好 也很配合

DOUGIE, I'm sorry, I forgot, your car.

道吉 对不起 我忘了你没车

DOUGIE, you might want to call your wife.

道吉 你可能该给你太太打电话了

DOUGIE, last time I saw you, you were quite overweight.

道吉 上次我见你时 你还是挺超重的

DOUGIE had a car accident, as I recall, not long before he came to work for me.

据我所知 道吉出了一场车祸 那是在他来我这上班不久前

DOUGIE in the motor pool, who helped put a siren on my car.

车辆调配处的道格 给我的车装了警笛

DOUGIE, your heart and lungs sound fantastic, so let's check your blood pressure.

道吉 你的心肺功能看上去非常棒 那我们来量量血压

DOUGIE, now that I've had time to think about this, it's clear that your investigative work has exposed a ring of organized crime and possible police corruption flowing through this office.

道吉 我好好想了想这件事 你的调查结果显然已经 揭露出了一系列的犯罪集团 也有可能牵扯到这一届内部的 警察 问题