Noun1. an ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks; site of modern Istanbul; in 330 Constantine I rebuilt the city and called it Constantinople and made it his capital
2. a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395
byzantium[ bi'zæntiəm ] ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks; site of modern Istanbul; in 330 Constantine I rebuilt the city and called it Constantinople and made it his capitala continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395同义词:Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire
Arguably, the greatest threat to Byzantium lies in its independence from Rome.
可以说, 拜占庭最大的威胁来自于和罗马教廷的分裂.
The reasons that Rose introduced Christianity Byzantium as the state religion mainly have three respects.
Scholars were drawn to Byzantium civilisation by its art at the very beginning.
In 330, the Emperor Constantine had transferred the Empire's capital from Rome to the ancient Black Sea city of Byzantium , renamed Constantinople.
5 Playable factions ? Kingdom of Jerusalem, Principality of Antioch, Egypt, Turks, Byzantium.
"'Because no one has hired us (Arabs were so despised that even Byzantium or Persia did not want to conquer and convert them),' they answered."He said to them, 'You also go and work in my vineyard.
[A] the civilisation of Byzantium is worth of studying and admiring.
[A] 拜占庭文明值得研究和崇拜。
[B] The success of this conference proves the study on Byzantium is in vogue.
[B] 这次会议的成功证明了拜占庭研究是热点。
[D] Scholars showed less interest in the literature of Byzantium.
[D] 学者们对拜占庭文学兴趣不大。
A millennium ago, Ani rivalled Byzantium as one of the great cities ofthe Christian world.At its height, the Armenian capital had over 100,000 inhabitants.
The round head heel of individual character is full of the temptation of Byzantium type, adorn the spicule on bootlace, integral feeling is shown slightly nifty.
Founded c. 660 b.c. as Byzantium, it was renamed Constantinople in a.d. 330 by Constantine the Great, who made it the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire.
Arrive from Byzantium style, gothic style renaissance style, leaf of Lang Chinese trumpet creeper is the commonnest adornment theme in art of all West style almost.
Russian novels, Chinese classic literature, Histories of China, Europe and Byzantium.
There's been hundreds of deities like Apamea throughout the Empire of Byzantium.
Just in from the collection of an anonymous Swiss gentleman is a rare, 4th-century AD portrait of Helena, the mother of Constantine, the founder of Byzantium.
Snobbish Western classicists who called Byzantium a poor substitute for ancient Greece may have missed the point.
The second two groups organized great though short-lived medival kingdoms, which borrowed their culture from Byzantium.
AD Constantine the Great becomes Emperor of Rome, and moves the capital to Byzantium (Constantinople). He also makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman world.
Constantine the Great becomes Emperor of Rome, and moves the capital to Byzantium (Constantinople). He also makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman world.
Constantine the Great becomes Emperor of Rome, and moves the capital to Byzantium( Constantinople). He also makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman world.
the largest city and former capital of Turkey; built on the site of ancient Byzantium; seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church
the largest city and former capital of Turkey; built on the site of ancient Byzantium; seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
The prestige of the holy man , who renounced the world and all its works and sought direct communion with God, was immense in Byzantium.
The icon painting originated from Byzantium, and developed at Byzantium.988 A.
Iconoclasm, the cataclysm of the paintings.This movement that started in the palace of Byzantium to destroy all holy images.
Hagia Sophia stands on the site of an earlier basilican church erected by Constantius II in 360, some 30 years after Byzantium had become the capital of the Roman Empire.
In the Eastern part of his empire, he created a “new Rome” when he moved the capital to Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople (city of Constantine).
In the Balkans the Ottomans had become the dominant power, and Byzantium was practically reduced to dependent status.
in many ways its provincial culture outshone that of the capital and provided an important bridge between Byzantium and the Italian Renaissance.
After Kievan Rus broke up, in Rus each prince pursued own independent diplomacy policy, so relation of Byzantium and Rus became very complicated.
Byzantium: The Lost Empire-Forever And Ever
Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks
She presents Byzantium as a vibrant, dynamic, cosmopolitan reality which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology.
To historians brought up on the conflicts between Papacy and Empire in the medieval West, it has often seemed that the Church was a mere department of state in Byzantium.
of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or ancient Byzantium.
"Haven from brigands and the siren world, the monasteries of Meteora in central Greece still uphold the Orthodox tradition of monasticism, once the chaste soul of a gilded Byzantium.
Byzantium: the lost empire - Envy of the world
Not all modern observers of Byzantium have been so willing to associate the city on the Bosphorus with universalism or cultural breadth.
This hotel is a fine example of both Ottoman and Byzantium history and offers a warm, family atmosphere with professional service and high-quality facilities.
The Holy Pictures of Byzantium: A Window into Heaven
Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome
A native or inhabitant of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire.
Images Of Children In Byzantium
The eastern part of the later Roman Empire, dating from a.d. 330 when Constantine I rebuilt Byzantium and made it his capital.
"Byzantine architecture:Building style of Constantinople (now Istanbul, formerly ancient byzantium) after AD 330."
拜占庭建筑: 公元330年以后的君士坦丁堡(今伊斯坦堡,原为古代的拜占庭)建筑风格。
"Byzantine architecture: Building style of Constantinople (now Istanbul, formerly ancient Byzantium) after AD 330."
f or relating to the ancient city of Byzantium
the image of Byzantium
All of the cities of Byzantium hold holy images within them, 4)sacred pictures, it was said, that came from Heaven.
byzantium civilization
Social and Economic Life in Byzantium
Manuel, Emperor of Byzantium and his retinue.
Born of the Bible and the pagan Roman Empire, Byzantium still stands at the heart of the modern world, its ideas of heroes and of villains and of government both good and bad and the right of law.
The way of association between Byzantium and Kievan Rus was trade and warfare, warfare was the commonest means defending trade, but plunder and slaughter followed each war.
The Study of Relationship between Byzantium and Rus
That Byzantium holding out Moscow is one of outside impetus of rise of Moscow.
Support of Byzantium can divide two phase: firstly, from 1309 to 1370, unconditional support phase;
拜占廷对莫斯科的支持分为两个阶段:第一个阶段,从1309 年到1370 年,拜占廷几乎是完全支持莫斯科(当然,也存在着反复)。
Main cause of Byzantium holding out Moscow was not only Byzantium declined and threaten of outward increased but also Moscow pledged loyalty Byzantium and inherited Orthodox from Byzantium.
Support of Byzantium promoted objectively union of Russia, lead to rise of Moscow, impelled alliance of Lithuania and Poland.
After Pulcharia, the emperors of Byzantium ruled by divine right and by right of birth and all later Western kings's imitated them.
Originally a Thracian settlement, it passed over the centuries to Rome, Byzantium, two Bulgarian kingdoms, Ottoman Turkey, and Russia.
Leontius of Byzantium
Comparative Study on Translation of "Sailing to Byzantium" by Zha Liangzheng and Gu Zixin
查译与顾译“Sailing to Byzantium”评析
In August 2006, for example, more than 1,000 academic specialists on Byzantium (with contingents from such unlikely places as Tajikistan and Japan) converged on London for a week-long conference.
Born of the Bible and the 2)pagan Roman Empire, Byzantium still stands at the heart of the modern world; its ideas of heroes and 3)villains, of government both good and bad, and the right of law.
"an island of Greece in the Ionian Islands off the northwest coast of the mainland. Settled c. 700 b.c., the island was controlled by Rome, Byzantium, Sicily, Venice, and Great Britain before being ceded to Greece in 1864."
Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea and plying their trade in the service of Byzantium, these men are recruited from the peasantry but well trained in the use of the composite bow.
Thanks to Pulcharia the family of the emperor of Byzantium had become a mirror image of the holy family in the court of heaven.
Byzantine adj. Byzantium
In the city of Istanbul, historically Byzantium and later Constantinople, the photographer has captured the imposing St.
3.the secondly, from 1370 to 1453, Byzantium carried out neutrality policy, began to coordinate contradiction between Moscow and hostile dukedoms.
第二个阶段,从1370 年到1453 年,拜占廷采取中立政策,协调莫斯科与敌对公国间的矛盾。
The second phase, from rise of Moscow angle, reveals relationship between Byzantium and Moscow Rus.
At the heart of Michael's diplomacy was a policy designed to encircle the enemies of Byzantium.
Through investigating the situation of the Byzantine law ,we can draw a conclusion that the time from 6th to 8th century is the early stage of the medival Byzantium.
结语部分是对全文的总结概括。 通过对6世纪末到8世纪拜占廷帝国法律发展状况的分析、阐述以及归纳,不难发现:6世纪末到8世纪是“中世纪”拜占廷的早期阶段。
Probing into the Reasons of Rose introducing Christianity of Byzantium
The reasons that Rose introduced Christianity of Byzantium as the state religion mainly have three respects.
As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323).
Fall of Rome and Birth of Byzantium
To expect Byzantium to underestimate Turkish forces after the slaughter of Manzikert would be folly, and it can be taken as given that they will attempt to regain control of Anatolia.
Studing Giotto style carefully,we can eassyly find that it connectd with non-Rom style, Byzantium style and Goth style.
Commentaries on the Studies of Relations between Byzantium and Ancient Rus in Russia since the Disintegration of the Soviet Union
And therefore I have sailed the seas and come To the holy city of Byzantium.