Noun1. emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries
2. a Russian member of the left-wing majority group that followed Lenin and eventually became the Russian communist party
Bolshevik[ 'bɔlʃivik ]n.emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries同义词:Marxistredbolshiebolshy
a Russian member of the left-wing majority group that followed Lenin and eventually became the Russian communist party同义词:Bolshevist
adj.of or relating to Bolshevism同义词:BolshevistBolshevistic
The Committee's report and hearings were instrumental in fostering anti - Bolshevik opinion.
委员会的报告和听证会都有助于推进 反 布尔什维主义主张.
Fanya Kaplan , an assassin , shoots and seriously injures Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
1918年的今天, 芬雅·卡普蓝向布尔什维克领导人弗拉基米尔·列宁连射三枪,令列宁身负重伤.
Bolshevik is not my name.
Here is seen the technical means for the expansion of the " anti - Bolshevik front. "
这被视作 “ 反 布尔什维克阵线 ” 扩大的(法律)技术手段.
...we will all become fodder for the Bolshevik tanks - myself Included.
The bolshevik forces went into action on 25 October. The key points in the city were occupied
The Bolshevik coup in October 1917 was the outcome of the transformation of Marxism into Leninism.
The Bolshevik revolution of 1917 represents one of the most drastic shifts toward gender equality in history.
Fanya Kaplan, an assassin, shoots and seriously injures Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
In 1947 the country's new Communist rulers deported 200,000 Ukrainian-speakers from south-eastern Poland.That could be seen as Bolshevik barbarity, or evidence of Polish ethnic nationalism.
It is my first task [he said] to save Germany from destruction by the advancing Bolshevik enemy.
The Great Purge seriously ran counter to party"s principles and ruined party"s reputation and made the image of Bolshevik"s plebification down much.
Little Bolshevik, will you go with me?
Every one of us must make this a law, a bolshevik law, an elementary rule
Every one of us must make this a law, a Bolshevik law, an elementary rule:
Early Bolshevik Activity in China:the Russian Journal Shanghai Life
The First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution doomed both attempts.
Not only can the Soviet state abandon the way of socialism, but the Bolshevik party can, under unfavourable historic conditions, lose its Bolshevism.
1931 The Chinese Soviet Republic is proclaimed on the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.
To undermine Bolshevik popularity, the government produced evidence that Vladimir Ilich Lenin had ties with the German government.
It speedily became evident that these Bolshevik socialists were men of a very different quality from the rhetorical constitutionalists and revolutionaries of the Kerensky phase.
Last czarina of Russia (1894-1917). The wife of Nicholas II, she was influenced by Rasputin and meddled in politics. After the Bolshevik revolution, she and her family were imprisoned and executed.
” This hardly fits his image as the rabid dog of Russian politics, who has been a punk, a scandalous novelist, an extreme leftist and founder of the now banned National Bolshevik Party.
Expeditions were launched at the exhausted country, insurgents and raiders were encouraged, armed and subsidized, and no method of attack was too mean or too monstrous for the frightened enemies of the Bolshevik regime.
他们对这个疲惫不堪的国家发动远征,怂恿叛乱者和袭击者为他们提供武器和资助。 对于布尔什维克时期那些惊恐不安的敌人来说,任何进攻方式都不会显得太卑鄙、太残酷。
They were sure the Western Allies would come running to them in their fear of the consequences of the bolshevik victories
He quotes Nobel prize-winning novelist Thomas Mann who wrote in 1919 that he equated the Bolshevik revolution in Russia with the Jews.
And he added, "It will be a great consolation to me if after my death there are carved on my gravestone the words 'Here lies a Chinese Bolshevik, Liu Bocheng'."
But if the Bolshevik government was successful in its struggle against foreign intervention and internal revolt, it was far less happy in its attempts to set up a new social order based upon communist ideas in Russia.
The Construction of Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) and the Development of Russian Socialism
Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)
1917 The Bolshevik Revolution , led by Lenin , overthrew Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky 's government.
Kerensky's provisional government struggled to maintain power until Lenin's Bolshevik followers stormed Petrograd and seized all government operations.
The name of the party at the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, followed by brackets marked "Bolshevik.
Lenin developed the party construction theory of the new style Bolshevik Party, and pointed out some important new principles for the construction of the ruling party.
In his later years Lenin had a careful thinking about how to construct the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet political power,and put forward a series of suggestions and concepts rich in content.
In 1918 to the eve of the Bolshevik Amur had a sustained struggle - Blagoveshchensk in the establishment of the Soviet regime.
In Russia before the October Revolution, feudalism was strong, and it was with the support of the peasant masses that the Bolshevik Party won victory in the revolution.
After the victory of the October Revolution, esepcially during the period of military communism, the policy of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) was wrong from theory to practice.
Turn over globalization Bolshevik to believe, economic integration enlarged difference of the rich and the poor.
Like other exposers of Bolshevik “immorality”, Thomas has simply not grown to the level of revolutionary morality.
The Guomindang and the China Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the Russian Communist Party(Bolshevik)
Britain also ruled the southern part of Georgia as a protectorate from 1918 to 1920 and sent a daring expedition to Baku to push back the Bolshevik presence there.
From 1931 to 1944 and from 1954 to 1990 its name was Ordzhonikidze () (after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, a Georgian Bolshevik), and from 1944 to 1954 it was called Dzaudzhikau ().
在1931年到1944年和1954年到1990年期间,城市取名为 奥尔忠尼启泽市 (),奥尔忠尼启泽是格鲁吉亚的一位早年布尔什维克领导者的名字。
Internationalism, illustrated by the Bolshevik and by the men to whom all countries are alike provided they can make money out of them, is to me repulsive.
6.In these circumstances it is very hard indeed to build a "militant Bolshevik Party".
If you do not want this, you must put an end to its backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop a genuine Bolshevik tempo in building up its socialist economy.
It cowed the revolutionary vanguard, trampled upon Marxism, prostituted the Bolshevik party.
Probing Again The Historic Position Of The Socialist Practice Of The Communist Pary (Bolshevik) Of Russia
a Bolshevik (a member of the Russian Communist Party)
Bolshevik Party
The Bolshevik party was able to carry on its magnificent “practical” work only because it illuminated all its steps with theory.
The Bolshevik party achieved in the civil war the correct combination of military art and Marxist politics.
The Bolshevik party has shown in action a combination of the highest revolutionary audacity and political realism.
Bolshevik become a new kind of a proletarian party.
The belief of Bolshevik is a way filled up with thorns.
The action of Bolshevik rested on its socialist theory and also on the needs of the people, which was considered to be more important than the constitutional conference under the war condition.
The Bolshevik leaders, Lenin and Trotsky, always explained it was impossible to build socialism in one country by itself, especially in the undeveloped and semi-feudal conditions of Russia.
Bolshevik Russia had no need for reflective thinkers like Bulgakov.
Bolshevik Revolution
the Bolshevik leaders were represented as incredible monsters glutted with blood and plunder and living lives of sensuality before which the realities of the Tzarist court during the Rasputin regime paled to a white purity.
布尔什维克领导人被描写成嗜血如命、大肆劫掠的可怕恶魔,是耽于酒色、荒淫无度的活生生的人。 和他们相比,拉斯普廷统治时期沙皇朝廷的真实情况变得黯然失色。
The Russians, who wanted to spread the Bolshevik Revolution to Western Europe, attacked Poland in the spring of 1919.
Hitler often spoke of Bolshevik (communist) Jewry.There is still a strong association in people's minds between Jews and leftists.
The Women's Death Battalion in Petrograd helped defend the siege on the Winter Palace and was among the last to surrender to the Bolshevik onslaught.
On behalf of the Soviet Government and our Bolshevik Party I greet you and congratulate you on the 24th anniversary of the great October Socialist Revolution.
Since some socialist/communist leaders were Jewish this was exploited as another reason for Germans to hate Jews.Hitler often spoke of Bolshevik (communist) Jewry.
Abstract After the October Revolution, Lenin paid more and more attention to the problems of economy management as the Bolshevik party transferred her work center to the economy construction.
摘 要 十月革命胜利后,随着布尔什维克党的工作重心向经济建设的转移,列宁对于社会主义的经济管理问题日益重视。
The constitutional conference which did not support the Bolshevik government was dismissed.
On the Background of Cognition in the CPSU(Bolshevik) about the Formation of Stalin Model
The patriarchate was reestablished in 1917, two months before the Bolshevik revolution, but under the soviets the church was deprived of its legal rights and practically suppressed.
Now that peace had finally been brought to the empire, people thought that they could begin their lives anew under the Bolshevik government.
Plekhanov made a elemental study on the religion problems and put forward the religions sense based on historical materialism , and Lenin made a study on the religions problems during the process of establishing Bolshevik party.
Political dissent is not what it used to be in the city that cradled the Bolshevik revolution.
A literary bolshevik.
The third part focuses on the Comintern, the Soviet Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) and the KMT the relationship between characteristics.
The Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik), Comintern and the Expedition of Chinese National Revolutionary Army to the North
CPSU (Bolshevik)
After the establishment of the soviet regime, Bolshevik with Lenin as a core had an effective attempt to make use of experience of capitalism to construct the socialist cause.
The Soviet cadre system came into being on the highly centralized system foundation, and the organizational structure and format of the Bolshevik party set the rudiment of the cadre system.
The end of the Soviet Union did not produce anything resembling the artistic energy created by the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 or the years that followed.
The "Favoring Kuomintang over CPC" Policy Implemented by the Communist Party of Russia (Bolshevik)
On Lenin's Idea and Practice to Consolidate the Ruling Status of Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik)
A disciple of Vladimir Ilich Lenin, he served in minor party posts and was appointed to the first Bolshevik Central Committee (1912).
Some of these detachments considered themselves Bolshevik, and were often led by workers.
The Formalists emerged in Russia in the years before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, and flourished throughout the 1920s.
用作名词(n.)Bolshevik Russia had no need for reflective thinkers like Bulgakov.
The belief of Bolshevik is a way filled up with thorns.
The belief of Bolshevik is a way filled up with thorns.
They were sure the Western Allies would come running to them in their fear of the consequences of the Bolshevik victories.