adj.变化的,变化性的,变更的adj. 变化的, 变化性的, 因变化而产生的
Since 1990's, Manas flow rate has obvious increment in response to the variational precipitation and air temperature.
Quantitive variational extent of NOS positive neurons in the myenteric plexus of calf jejunum from 4-month-old to 6-month-old was bigger than that of duodenum and ileum.
By using the variational principle, we propose a novel narrowband interference (NBI) suppression scheme.
5.基于求解线性方程的变分原理,提出了一种新的窄带干扰(Narrowband Interference, NBI)抑制方案。
The existance and approximation of solutions for variational inclusions with accretive mappings in Banach spaces [J].Appl Math and Mechanics, 2001,22 (9): 898-904.
On the Mann and Ishikawa iterative approximation of solutions to variational inclusions with accretive type mappings in Banach spaces[J].Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,1999,20 (6):551-558.
QIAN Weichang.Involutory transformations and variational principles with multi-variables in thin plate bending problems[J].Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,1985,6(1):25-46.
The variational principle formulated above is the basis of the [[variational method]] used in [[quantum mechanics]] and [[quantum chemistry]] to find approximations to the [[ground state]].
Two computational results indicate that FVM-HGA algorithm can give a good precision inversion results for both the constant and variational coefficients water quality model.
Abstract: The paper studied the variational process of leaf area index (LAI), leaf chl orophyll density (CH.
中文摘要: 分析了北京大屯科技站水稻叶面积指数 (LAI)、叶绿素密度 (CH .
Variational trend of Margalef index was the same as Shannon-Wiener index, but the variational trend of Simpson index was opposite.
In order to restrain the influence of the variational intensity of the light, a threshold learning method was adopted.
The connection between a class of variational functional models and Bayesian method for image restoration is established from the viewpoint of maximum a posteriori(MAP) estimation.
Then we provide a rigorous and sound theoretical basis of variational finite element method and boundary element method for calculating the accurately fundamental equations.
It began with the method of energy analysis, constructed variational problemes and got the original model.
Gradient visual angle, segment scene, variational planar space and anamorphic figure made up of his painting language.
Variational Assimilation of Slant-Path Wet Delay Measurements from a Hypothetical Ground-Based GPS Network. Part I: Comparison with Precipitable Water Assimilation.
Keywords: semidefinite monotone variational inequality, the prediction-correction method, semidefinite complementarity problems.
And then the results of the FE analysis of the cell model are introduced into the three dimensional penalty equilibrating element based on the Hu-Washizu variational principle.
The global resolvent-type error bounds for generalized quasi variational inclusions are given under certain conditions.
In order to implement EFG method through computer program, the discrete equation from the variational principle (weak form) and the numerical implementation are described.
Compared with earlier unrestricted Hartree-Fock studies, it is shown that a three-parameter variational wave function is an excellent representation of true ground state.
The ignition temperature of methane in monolith and the variational trend of the gas temperature, the mass fractions of the main gas species, and surface species in single micro-channel are analyzed.
Motion equations of the shell are derived by equation and the variational principle.
In this paper, the generalized variational principle of ela stic and plastic problem with finite displacement is derived by means of semi-in verse method.
By using variational methods,the existence of positive solution is obtained for a class of asymptotically linear Neumann problem.
利用变分法获得了一类渐近线性N eum ann问题正解的存在性结果.
By using the generalized variational principles of thin plate bending problem, a numerical method is proposed for a mixed boundary value problem of circular plate.
The energy variational formulation of structural vibration systems is introduced and the design sensitivity equation is developed using the adjoint variable.
T-monotone mappings often occur in variational inequalities and nonlinear complementarity problems.
A Theory of Variational Assimilation with Kalman Filter - Type Constraints: Bias and Lagrange Multiplier.
The term ''variational'' is used of all extremal functional questions.
Variational inequalities problem, generalized variational inequality, continuous, monotone, stable solvability, perturbation.
Variational principles play an important role in the formulation of many problems of mathematical physics.
Meanwhile, JiYi and GE have been studying on the improvement of technology and construction on the base of original technology of GE to meet variational demand form market.
In the end, we built a model of the 4-D variational data assimilation for a barotropic primitive equation based on GA and compared with the adjoint assimilation model.
Accordingly, prevent list system actively to make sure the car has first-rate sensitivity below all sorts of speed, change gender and balance to load variational.
The variational rules of the activity of SOD and CAT of Egeria najas is coincident for all durations of exposure, at first the activity of SOD and CAT were increased, subsequently the activity of SOD and CAT were declined.
Variational method and TDA approximation was applied to construct the SD pairs in the SD-pair shell model (SDPSM).
In the face of variational times,it is main central words to find teacher,to understand teacher, to accelerate teachers' development in the teaching practice for the 21th century.
On the basis of the unconditional variational problem of higher order derivatives, this paper studies conditional variational problem.
A monotone linear variational inequality (LVI) is acquired from the smooth problem and it may be solved by a projection-contraction (PC) method.
In the case of strong nonlocality, the response function can be expanded in Taylor's series, so that the variational problem can be found in a closed form.
In this paper, we study fixed-point theorems for two maps, minimax inequalities and the existence results for generalized nonlinear variational inclusions in H-space.
At each iteration, the proposed subproblem consists of a strongly monotonic linear variational inequality and a well-conditioned system of nonlinear equations, which is easily to be solved.
In this paper the Spline Function Method,based on cublic B-spline and variational principle of the potetial energy,is presented to obtain proximate for the static problem of ribbed plates and shells.
With the anode voltage and the cathode current changing,the variational process of the electron velocity ratio and spread is simulated,and the results of the average velocity ratio 1.1 and spread 9.5% are obtained.
On the principle of non incremental algorithm, some basic ideas of process optimal control iterative algorithm, based on the optimal control variational principle in mechanics, is proposed in details.
Some basic concepts and the essential control equations of non incremental algorithm based on the optimal control variational principle in mechanics are presented in this paper.
Based on the principle of ststionary potential energy, a generalized variational principle for structure-bubbly layer-fluid interaction problems is prensented.
The variational trend of diversity index is county center> south >northeast> northwest.
The model based on the implicit variational level set methods can handle topological changes automatically.
Variational geometric constraints (VGC) are classified as self-referenced VGC, cross-referenced VGC and mating VGC.
In fact, tunnel fire is unsteady and variational because of throttling effect and buoyancy effect.
Through an calculation example,the variational trends of the suspension forces versus the parameters of the geometry and relative position of the sphere and the coil are predicted quantitative.
Variational expression of the eigen-dispersion method is also developed in the non-orthogonal coordinate to increase calculation accuracy, and numerical error is discussed.
In spite of the very close affinity between the variational theorems and the principle of virtual work, the study of the former is worth-while.
Some references indicated that the extremum in the Schrodinger variational principle is a minimum.
The distributio uniformity and stabilization of the distribution trough with variational distance hole is relatively good,through the analyses of energy differential equation.
Based on the variational principle of potential energy,displacement jump condition which depends only on material strength is derived.
The applications show that the springback variational principles present a new approach for solving the springback deformation of bar systems.
Variational Analysis of Buried Ion-Exchanged Optical Waveguide by Using Hermite-Gaussian Field Approximations[J].
引用该论文 张雅丽,张韬,祝宁华,刘克,潘裕斌.
Variational method for adaptive plane gridding image segmentation[J].
引用该论文 郑毅,刘上乾.
Study on Interaction of Photorefractive Spatial Solitons Using Perturbative Variational Approach[J].
引用该论文 陈守满,石顺祥,董洪舟.
The variational rules of projectile's flight velocity along ballistic trajectory and maximal range angle show new peculiarity.
Energy principle in Elasticity includes deformation energy principals, variational principle, virtual work and virtual residual work principle and reciprocal theorem.
When the number of elements increases, the derivatives within the variational statement will tend to have a constant, or in particular a zero, value.
We must set a new policy that consider the variational environment of market.
The results of Berger and Chen are extended. And the variational method is proved to be available to solve the existence and uniqueness of the almost periodic solutions of nonlinear Duffing equations with damping.
For the vector variational inequality related to radial epiderivative (VVIP)R we proposed, various kinds of concepts of efficient solution pairs and proper efficient solution pairs are given.
Abstract: Millimeter-wave orthomode transducer (OMT) is a key component of MMW variational polarization systems and it can perform orthomode signals transmission function in dual-direction.
摘 要: 毫米波正交模转换器是毫米波变极化系统的关键部件,可实现正交极化信号双工传输的功能。
Abstract: Based on the displacement variational principle, a new element is developed for buckling analysis of thin-walled members with shear lag effect in the present paper.
摘 要: 根据位移变分原理,本文提出一种纯压或纯弯薄壁杆件稳定分析的新单元。
A new projection algorithm is proposed for mixed variational inequalities.
By introducing the variational adjoint method to the inversion of initial boundary values and parameters of the one-dimensional shallow water model, the related adjoint equations and adjoint conditions are deduced.
An iterative algorithm for a class of set-valued mixed variational inequalities is presented by means of resolvent operators of set-valued mappings, and the convergence of the iterative algorithm is discussed.
It is well known that the variational inequality problem (VIP) can be reformulated as an unconstrained minization problem through the generalized D-gap function.
Variational function is frequently touched upon in mathematic researches, especially in researches relative to measure.
The ground state energy of weak-coupling polaron in a parabolic quantum dot considering the phonon dispersion is calculated using the squeezed-state variational approach.
Nonlinear electric field transient finite element equation is performed based on the backward Euler method and the Variational principle.
The partial differential equation of fluid transients in hydraulic transmission was analyzed using variational method.The quadratic function of wave equation was derived.
This paper mainly focuses on the fluctuation of velocity and torque of the electromotor because of the variational load in the pumping unit equipment.
The concepts of the global (local) resolvent-type error bounds for set-valued quasi variational inclusions are presented, which can be used to analyze the convergence rates of various methods.
用作形容词(adj.)In fact, tunnel fire is unsteady and variational because of throttling effect and buoyancy effect.
In order to restrain the influence of the variational intensity of the light, a threshold learning method was adopted.