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1. (of an arrow) equipped with feathers

形容词 vaned:

(of an arrow) equipped with feathers


vanedadj.(of an arrow) equipped with feathers




These diffusers include vaneless diffuser, vaned diffuser, low solidity diffuser and half - guide - vanes diffuser.

采用的扩压器包括无叶扩压器 、 叶片扩压器 、 低稠度扩压器和半高导叶扩压器.



CLIO Bixi unique to the rich color and traditional Chinese style Bixi culture has become China's jewelry industry's popular vane.


Sir John Vane found that aspirin blocks the body from making natural substances called prostaglandins.


JZJX type Roots-Vane vacuum system consists of the major pump i.e ZJ type Roots vacumm pump and the backing pump i.e. vane vacuum pump.


VACUUBRAND GMBH offers Offers on Diaphragm pumps, rotary vane pumps and Evacuated systems. Additionally also on Vacuum gauges and Vacuum engineering.

VACUUBRAND GMBH是一家高效的工业型企业,企业生产旋转滑阀真空泵,隔膜泵,真空装置、真空系统,真空技术,真空检测仪表、真空计范围内高水平的产品。

Model YH0098 Vane Pump is a kind of pressure regulating &single-acting oil pump used to provide pressure oil to fueling machine.


The ZSJL Water Motor Alarm consists of a turbine shell, a vane wheel, a transmission shaft, a dabber, a rocker arm, a clapper, an alarm seat and a support shaft etc.


"Marrying Sibyl Vane!" cried Lord Henry, standing up and looking at him in perplexed amazement.


By discussing the influences of the ratio on forces,friction,wear and strength of the vanes,the suitable thickness ratio of the double decked vane compressor had been optimized.


Guide Vane two section close valveis normally installed in vane control circuit to prevent axialflow turbine from raising during shut-down period.


A development for Europe is this additional small barge board (right arrow) in front of the main one (left arrow), connected to the protruding horizontal turning vane in similar fashion to a solution used by BAR last year.


The comprehensive understanding of the flow mechanism in vaned diffuser is crucial for designing a high quality vaned diffuser.This thesis tries to carry out a deeper investigation in this field.


While he was sailing to the Carolinas , Vane captured a big warship.


Experimental study using hot wire anemometer is carried out for the vaned diffuser of a centrifugal compressor.The flowfield data are taken and reduced.

五. 建立了进行级环境下扩压器内部流场实验研究的数据采集和处理方法,并用热线风速仪进行了测量;

This paper briefs the status of timely eliminati ng condensate pump fault throngh fault diaguosis,earlier diaqnosing the low pres sure moving vane damage.


The technology of pulling forming method of helical vane is introduced. Accurate vane materiol drawing is made by middle layer method.


From the viewpoint of working condition as well as corrosion process, some main anti-corrosion measures for agitating vane made of stainless steel are discussed.


A complete methematicdl model of the exmponential curve type shearer drum hub and vane and a CAD method for expansing helical vare are descrided .


Based on the cylindrical guide vane axial flow three phase swirlers for the solid liquid mixed materials and the gas phase separation,a separating efficiency model was derived through theory analysis.


Price is the vane of policy, so we must have a hold on gas price to avoid the mistakes in making policies.


But the flow in vaned diffuser is complex because it is influenced by not only the rotating impeller upstream but also the block of its own blades.


As fashionable vane, the changes that lives in things art style is people all the time the one side bright mirror of aesthetic appeal and value incline to.


XD-series single stage rotatary vane vacuum pumps are mainly applied in vaccum packaging, drying, filtation, concentration, etc.


The numerical simulation of the whole stage including impeller and vaned diffuser in the experiment is carried out using NUMECA software to analyze the experiment result.


Every company in a mangrove products, provide customers a satisfactory purpose, hoping to become the outdoor recreation area of Hangzhou, a wind vane.


Its people have a deep understanding of the film industry, film authoritative voice, is the weather vane at the box office.


It features inversely set vane (9), i.e., coaxially upward with inlet of the pump housing.


Vane axial fan with optional fan pitch control .


Relationship between discharge and head, power, efficiency of axial waterjet pump with guide vane is analyzed.


The paper analyzes the lose efficacy form,wear and tear mechanism of vane wheel.


An Experimental investigation on the flow fi el d in vaned diffuser of a centrifugal fan has been conducted using Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV).


By going north, once again Vane evaded his pursuers.


Power steering system for Cherokee Jeep consists of a steering vane pump and power steering gear.

北京切诺基轻型越野汽车(Jeep cherokee)的动力转向装置由叶片式转向油泵和动力转向器组成。

Shanghai Huaxia 50ETF institutional investors as a wind vane, for a net redemption behind the phenomenon, is not it mean that the main direction of the investment funds changed?


Feathers can have a pennaceous vane and a plumulaceous base.


The prevalence of blogs has become the new weather vane of the internet age.


Crude oil prices up by the impact of base metals prices also rose. On the same day, the wind vane includes mining shares index rose Top 5.


Moreover, by changing the shape of the curved surface of a rear oil-exhausting area in a working cavity, the vane pump has the function of outputting multiple types of working pressure oils.


The fringe of the vane stirrer is attached with a squeegee.This squeegee can scrape the surface ever-produced by the disposing liquid on the wall of the container.


The stators inner suface of vane pump is very complicated.When machining the su rface,special profile grinding machine.


Kum lipos ay muxos seka, vane alvokante,
Revene mi suspiran apogante per kano.


Fig.15 Two sets of anemometer and wind vane at the northwest end of the runway form part of the Low-level Wind Shear Detection System for the old Kai Tak Airport.


In 1718, Jack Rackham was quartermaster on Charles Vane's ship.


Based on the above study, a S2 surface streamline curvature inverse problem through flow FORTRAN code is developed with an inner-united part of blading for the impeller blade and the nozzle vane.


In vane moder,it was found that the trailing edge is more dangerous than the leading edge as the overall stress level was comparatively higher.

在含涂层的导向器模型中, 尾缘要比前缘危险因为该处应力更大。

Far measuring-stations were set respectively on three concentric circles, i.e, the stay vans inlet cirele, the guide vane inlet and outlet circle.


There is a vane on top of the building.


First, we replaced the former system by HGB in - line vane pump.However, it failed to achieve good result.Later, we took QYB vane pump.This kind pump can meet all requirements.


The calculated results of "lift &normal force" source term model were compared under the same conditions with the calculated results and experimental data for a full gridded vane vortex generator.


Seasonal replace eternity is changeless, and the vane of tide always is metabolic multiterminal however.


Its identity also surmounted an average public house accordingly, become the vane of this market.


Floc concentration distribution in a dynamic flocculator with a flat vane wheel was measured experimentally.


Floc size distribution in a dynamic flocculator with a flat vane wheel was measured experimentally.


For VNT system, the effect of vane’s opening on EGR system was analyzed and engine performance with VNT and that with bypass turbocharger was compared at the optimal EGR rate.


The geometry of guide vane is the important factor affecting the separation performance of the axial flow type gas-liquid cyclone.


The helical vane is analyzed.The helical vanes are welded together and added the external force to be cold-drawing formation.


Two kinds of design solutions of stator vane's aerodynamic mistuned were considered, one: uneven stator mistuned, and the other: asymmetry stator mistuned.


The vane, manufactured with the inner core coated with sols formulated with the outside lay material, could completely meet the requirement of the big-wind-power and high-wind...


It was convenient to operate and decreased the operator's orientation transformation by the needle's handhold vane adopting rectangle instead of butterfly shape.


China construction machinery industry returned to fast vane?


Busch Stand C05 Busch has launched a new F model of its R 5 rotary vane vacuum pump, which the company says is designed for continuous use in a range of applications.

布施的立场c05 布施已推出了一项新的F模型的研发5旋片式真空泵,该公司说,是专为连续使用在各种应用。

Dry running rotary vane vacuumpump with integral suctionpaper filter.


Moreover,the use of O-shaped seal ring in guide vane bearing neck seal was(researched),and some experience in dealing with water leakage was got.


And also the sensitivity analysis was done to the several key factors influencing the fatigue life of the vane.


A new magnetic driving sliding vane pump, used for handling toxic, explosive, corrosive and costly liquids,is designed by using the technology of magnetic driving and whole sealing.


In 1718, just before Jennings took pardon from the new governor of New Providence , Woodes Rogers, Vane became a captain and continued sailing on his own.


Research indicated that parity of vane number have no direct relation with flow pulsation of vane pump and the flow pulsation frequency is independent from the odd or even number of pistons.


Method for Indicating the Wear Characteristics of Petroleum and Non-Petroleum Hydraulic Fluids in a Constant Vane Pump (05.


The blades/vanes mentioned include swept rotor blade,bowed stator vane,aspirated blade,splitter blade,hollow blade,and composite blade.


Rackham took over lead of the ship and Vane was left behind in a small captured sloop.


The thesis compares the vaneless diffuser with the vane diffuser, and indicates that the vane diffuser is propitious to improve the fan performance.


Oil-flooded rotary compressors -- vane, lobe, and screw -- that specify a polyalkyleneglycol lubricant.


According to the netizens, said the Hunan Satellite TV program on the adjustment, Hunan Satellite TV signals change in wind vane, "to replace the high-end entertainment.


Some critical measures for reducing friction losses and increasing efficiency in rotary sliding vane compressor,and analyses design principles and calcnlation method for radius of vane tip when relief ring is adopted.

探讨滑片式回转压缩机减少摩擦损失、提高效率的某些关键措施; 分析采用卸荷环时,滑片顶部圆角半径的确定原则和计算方法。

This paper introduced one method for calculating every part's parameter of helical vane based on 3DSMAX,and provided a shortcut for fast design and produce helical vane.


The upstream and downstream flowfields of a straight blade inlet guide vane (IGV) for a centrifugal fan were measured with a five-hole probe.


To reduce the resonance stress of rotor blade under wake aerodynamic force of front stator vane, and also extend the fatigue endurance, the aerodynamic mistuned of stator vane was analyzed.


The principle and two structure schemes of vane MRF damper designed base on conventional vane hydraulic damper are presented.


Numerical simulations on the unsteady inlet guide vane (IGV)-impeller interaction were performed under different prewhirl angles.


The performance of the centrifugal compressor at different diffuser stagger angles and different inlet guide vane (IGV) prewhirl angles are measured.


Sliding vane rotary pump is a kind of product with producing in enormous quantity and widely being used in such industries as metallurgy, medicine, chemical, electron and so on.
